Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 3 - Episode 3 -Jean Bailey Robor v Laurie Herbers



​Jean and Laurie are two more, brand new, players, trying to get the 'Funk Out' in ​Season 3 ​​of FunkQuest.Jean​ was first to choose an​ Icon - the ​Battleship' - a childhood reminder of a loved game. - Her question revealed that she had never learned to do CPR (cardiopulmo​nary res​uscitation) but it was on her' list to do' now she had grandchildren and babysitting duties.Laurie's worst boss; was a narcissistic shouter, who she reported to HR, after he shouted at her for something that wasn't her fault.​In Jeans second question she told us of jumping the queue at a store by heading for the self serve section, where, she was pulled up by the man behind her who she hadn't noticed. Wearing masks could have made it worse, but a conversation, eased a long wait in the queue.Laurie chose the 'bouncy house' icon for her second question. She always likes to hear bad news first. If you hear the good news first, you are left ​to stew on the bad news after. Looking back on her life she realises that most times,