Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 3 - Semi Final 2 - Barb Braendlein v Jean Robor



FunkQuest - Season 3 - semi final 2 - Barb Braendlein v Jean RoborIn this second Semi Final match of FunkQuest Season 3 you will see a familiar face - Barb Braendlein. Barb was also a player in ​the first semi final of this season and ​ ​​ has agreed to be the Sheriff for this second round as a player did not turn up.Barb chose the first Icon and therefore answered question 1 - 'How fast can you learn something new? This all depends on how much she wants to learn the thing. If she is interested in it she is usually a quick study.The 'dinosaur' Icon was chosen by Jean for her first question and we found that while not using paper maps she uses 'google maps' religiously, even when going on short journeys. She can get lost quite easily.Barb revealed that if she was a vegetable she would be a Leek. Filled with tasty goodness on the white end of the root.Jean said that she often feels foolish when talking and answering questions online. She may often look foolish, to some people, when getting involved with young c