Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Nobility - Ann Smith v Teri Ritter



Ann and Teri are the first two friends to play in our new funkquest series of 'one off' challenges.Ann took the first question by choosing the 'Highland Cattle icon. Delicately proceeding without introducing politics and naming no names, she related that she now boycotts the clothing stores of a certain famous ​american CEO because of his behaviour.Teri chose the 'fish' icon and her overrated piece of technology is the mobile/cell phone. This technology along with tablets and laptops, ha​s stopped ​people ​connecting properly. Unfortunately, they may be overrated but are essential at this time.Question 2 and Ann would go for brains rather than looks. Someone ​with a sense of humour or even 'sexy ugly' like tommy Lee Jones. A young Sam Elliot - wow!Teri, related how she used to hate what she was doing but ​ is very satisfied with what she does now. She has a job she loves, a healthy family and feels that it is good to be alive now, despite the scariness of covid 19.Ann loves fairground rides. She doesn't like