Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Tag Team Challenge - Semi Final 2 - Barb and Phil v Lisa and Ginger



FunkQuest - Tag Team Challenge - Semi Final 2 - Barb and Phil v Lisa and Ginger​Lisa and Ginger ​(​Orange team)were the first to go in this Semi-Final 2 Episode of FunkQuest Tag Team Challenge.Lisa, as head funkster of her team chose the 'Lion' icon. The question; ​ 'Who comes when you call?' was answered by Ginger​ and we found that she can make a variety of noises to call her dog. ​As Head funkster of the pink team, Barb chose the strawberry cake' icon and answered the question; 'If you died tomorrow who would come to your Funeral?' She ​had already thought about, and the usual 'close family' subjects were mentioned, as well as someone a bit more contenscious.Second ​question- and Lisa revealed her love of her first car. With it she became a real party animal.Phil answered the Pinks team question 2 - Living in Liverpool (England) he was already too close ​to the North Pole. He can't deal with being cold and travels to hot countries to stay warm. He has been known to wear 'Long​johns' beneath his suit at wor