Medical Health Coach Podcast



Managing your health is easy if you have the right information. Most of it is out there but can be hard to decipher. This podcast explains health from all angles of medicine.


  • How Produce is Processed in the US

    15/07/2019 Duración: 11min

    The organic versus conventional produce comes up from time to time. I won't focus on the organic/non-organic argument during this episode. Instead, I want to highlight how produce is treated in the US; how it's coated in order to help preserve it.  This is maybe a better discussion to help frame the organic/non-organic dilemma for my patients.  Read more at   

  • The Right Doctor for the Right Disease

    09/07/2019 Duración: 15min

    It's important for us to be savvy consumers of healthcare. Many argue that US healthcare is broken. But that doesn't mean that there isn't good healthcare to be had.  As a consumer it's important that we go to the right person for the right condition. An ER doctor is not the right person to go to for high blood pressure and I wouldn't go to a trauma surgeon for acne.  Let's talk about a few examples and how we can decrease the headaches when it comes to navigating the US healthcare system. Read more at  

  • Biologically Addictive Substances

    09/07/2019 Duración: 08min

    Our bodies are amazing but not perfect. Certain things we consume or are exposed to can be quite addictive. I'll list a few such items and discuss why they are culprits even when consumed occasionally.  sugar salt oil/fat charred foods colors lights Read more at  Dr. Mo

  • The Omnivorous Diet, Can We Recommend It?

    21/06/2019 Duración: 10min

    Some will say that there is nothing wrong with eating plants and meat and fat. I agree. In a perfect world my patients can eat the things their body has evolved to digest.  The problems is that the animal products of 2019 are not the animal products of a few decades ago. Sure, even plant based foods aren't all that great but there are specific issues with animal products.  Read more at   

  • Misconceptions About Sleep

    10/06/2019 Duración: 13min

    I will list a few common misconceptions about sleep. It's easy to underestimate the power of sleep. And while medications can sometimes help us fall asleep, the quality of sleep matters as well.  Sleep is like exercise, it takes a while to master it. And there are all sorts of ways of mastering sleep. One method might work for you but not the next person.  Read more at Email me with any questions at  

  • Preventing the Common Cold

    08/06/2019 Duración: 08min

    Nothing ruins your week like a cold. Even worse, a summer cold. There are a lot of factors which need to align in order for us to catch a cold.  Let's talk about how to prevent a cold and how we get attacked by the virus in the first place. I'll discuss the difference between allergies and a cold as well.  Read more at  Email me with questions at 

  • Binging and Restricting in a Diet Plan

    20/05/2019 Duración: 13min

    Binging and the restricting is a common yo-yo diet that some of us find ourselves in. It stems from often being too restrictive with our diets and then losing inhibitions and resorting to binging.  It's not a tough cycle to break but it often requires us to loosen the reins and not be as hard on ourselves.  Read more at Email me at with any questions. 

  • 36 | Gaining Healthy Weight

    12/05/2019 Duración: 08min

    Some of my patients are trying to gain weight, maybe after recovering from a major illness or because of a genetic predisposition to a leaner figure.  There are healthy ways to gain weight and less healthy options. Let's discuss how to put on weight in a way that won't have an adverse effect on your health.  I'll discuss putting on healthy adipose tissue and of course putting on lean muscle.  Read more at Email at 

  • 35 | Taking Advantage of the Placebo Effect

    24/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    There is no denying the placebo effect. For some reason it is dismissed as a hoax in the practice of medicine. But we are all positively affected by it. So why not take advantage of it? The placebo effect pertains to medications, interventions, surgeries, studies, chemotherapy, and other medical treatments. Let's discuss how we can use the placebo effect to decrease the chance of a bad outcome while helping our bodies heal faster.  Read more at Dr. Mo

  • 34 | Are Daily Supplements Necessary?

    16/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    Many friends and many of my patients take daily supplements. Vitamin D, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids are among the most popular. It used to be zinc, vitamin C, and iron but I guess these things change from time to time.  However, studies show that a daily multivitamin or even individual vitamin or mineral supplements aren't effective. This, of course, is in regards to the average person.  Some individuals who have certain health conditions or life changes may need a specific supplement for a set period of time. Here, I'm talking about taking a daily supplement in order to have better health.  Not only are daily supplements ineffective for the average person but they can also be harmful.  Read more at Email me with questions. 

  • 33 | Snacking Between Meals

    10/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    I am a snacker while my buddy Tim isn't. There is something special about holding out until your next meal and it turns out that there are some health benefits to this as well.  Let's talk about snacking and who can get away with it and who might have some undesirable health consequences because of it.  Read more Email me at Dr. Mo

  • 32 | Sleep Anxiety

    09/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    It's a circular problem; you can't fall asleep and you get anxious about it. Then the anxiety keeps you from falling asleep. This can go on for years and has in many of my patients.  Hypnotics aren't the best solution but I'll discuss some good techniques which have helped myself and my patients.  My name is Dr. Mo. I attended a Family Medicine residency at UCLA. Read more at Email me with questions at Dr. Mo.

  • 31 | Boosting Immunity and Metabolism in the Mornings

    07/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    It's easy to start our days without engaging the full potential of our immune system, circulation, and metabolism. I'll share with you guys what I do to help me feel more energetic and to increase my metabolism for the rest of the day.  Any morning routine is better than none. But some can be more effective than others when it comes to the immune system (lymphatic circulation) and metabolism (muscle engagement).  Read more at Email me with questions. 

  • 30 | Quitting Caffeine

    05/04/2019 Duración: 13min

    Whatever your reason for wanting to quit caffeine, there are 2 methods for doing it. The cold-turkey method can be easy for some but really tough on others.  The tapering down method is effective and you can do it over a weekend. I'll talk you through it and give you some tricks to help your body reset its own energy reserves.  Read more at  Email me, Dr. Mo, with any questions. 

  • 29 | Treating Jet Lag with Caffeine and Alcohol Restriction

    05/04/2019 Duración: 09min

    Sudden time-zone changes can disrupt our circadian rhythm. This can lead to irritability, insomnia, fatigue, and increased stress levels in the body. Those who travel for work or travel frequently for pleasure may want to decrease their jet lag symptoms.  One effective method is to cut out caffeine and alcohol and reintroduce caffeine on the second day. Alcohol can come in on the 3rd day, often without any issues.  Because you'll have a disrupted circadian rhythm your body won't feel the effects of caffeine withdrawal as severely as you might otherwise.  Read more at Email me with any questions. 

  • 28 | Health Troubleshooting: TMD

    29/03/2019 Duración: 08min

    TMD or jaw pain from temporomandibular joint disorders can be a real downer. It can be tough to treat and treatments can get very expensive. Understanding why we get TMD and focusing on less known but more effective therapies is a better option.  Dental guards and steroid injections and surgeries can cause all sorts of other problems. TMD is slightly more complex because our stress levels and lifestyle habits play a major factor.  Read more at Dr. Mo

  • 27 | Ibuprofen for Over the Counter Use

    28/03/2019 Duración: 10min

    When we reach for medications, whether over the counter or prescribed, we are intervening in our health. We are introducing a foreign substance to treat a potential ailment. Side effects are often mild but when they happen they can have devastating effects.  I'll share a recent bad outcome with using over the counter ibuprofen. I'll discuss that medication in particular but also discuss the logic behind reaching for medications in general.  Read more at Email me at Dr. Mo 

  • 26 | Curing an Ankle Sprain

    26/03/2019 Duración: 13min

    Ankle sprains can take a long time to heal because we're constantly on our feet. In this episode I'll discuss ways to expedite the healing process of an ankle sprain.  I'll discuss some signs of a possible broken ankle as well. It's always best to be evaluated when in doubt. Though most ankle injuries are sprains rather than fractures.  Read more at Email me at Dr. Mo

  • 25 | Snacking When Working From Home

    26/03/2019 Duración: 13min

    Guilty as charged! Nothing like raiding the fridge when working from home. I've learned a few techniques so that I don't constantly check the contents of my fridge - as if the Maytag fairy somehow filled it up when I wasn't looking.  Snacking can have some negative effects on our metabolism, insulin balance, and our oral health. Though not everyone will be affected by this, those with risk factors for diabetes, obesity, or heart disease will benefit from better snacking techniques.  Read more at Dr. Mo

  • 24 | When You Have to Eat Out

    21/03/2019 Duración: 12min

    When you have to eat out on the go it's helpful to have a few healthy options. I was blown away by the quality of food which passes for restaurant food in some parts of the country.  I can't imagine how people can have a chance at being healthy when eating out. In my home area of Portland at least I know some good spots. But when I'm out and about traveling it's a whole different battle.  Dr. Mo

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