Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland



Welcome to Playing Full Out with Rita Hyland, where youll discover tips to break through the personal and professional barriers in a hectic world that are preventing you from leading your optimal vision of life at work and home. This is the podcast for passionate life travelers and leaders who want to live a deliberate, confident and fulfilling life, and change the world while they do. In each episode, well expose you to something new in the areas of passion, performance and psychology that you can immediately apply to grow your life, love and leadership.As a Business and Life Coach, Rita Hyland works with highly motivated professionals who, despite their level of success and achievements, are not happy or satisfied. Often, theyre successful by traditional standards, yet unfulfilled based on their own. They know they want more and are ready to have it.Visit to get the Playing Full Out Accelerator - Four Steps to Identify, Plan & Take the Leap to Your Optimal Vision of Work & HomeWithout the Second Guessing.


  • 94. Becoming a Jumpseat Leader with Peter Docker

    07/04/2022 Duración: 55min

    When you are in crisis, do you immediately tighten your grip and take control of the situation? It’s very common for leaders to do just that. But what if I told you that we are called to do the opposite? What if, instead, you boldly loosen your grip and empower others to find a possible solution? It’s not always easy to relinquish control, but it is inevitable at work and in life. Our guest, Peter Docker, shares how to courageously hand over the reins, and empower others to step up and take action. Peter Docker teaches people how to navigate the challenge of leadership in any situation. His latest book, Leading from the Jumpseat, delivers the message that leadership is about lifting people up and giving them the space they need so that, when the time is right, they can take the lead. I hope you love this interview as much as I did and take away some strategies on how you can lead yourself and others better in any situation.  If you do, please share this interview with your colleagues and friends. Also, be su

  • 93. Five Questions To Cultivate Your Team's Happiness As Well As Your Own

    24/03/2022 Duración: 18min

    As a leader, you have the ability to lift up or contaminate the performance and  happiness of your team. Pretty powerful when you think about it. That’s why today I thought I’d share a little known but powerful secret to cultivating your team's happiness, as well as your own. While it’s a simple strategy, it’s also insanely effective. To be able to understand this strategy and use it will help you lift up not only yourself, but others. It has to do with how we communicate and the questions we ask. By asking the right questions, you simplify, clarify, redirect and drive yourself and others to higher levels of performance and happiness. That’s the power of a question. It has the ability to change everything! Grab a notebook and pen because I’m going to provide you with five specific questions that you can use to lead yourself or your team in challenging and uncertain times. They matter because the answer to these questions will inform and upgrade your next decisions and actions.  If this episode is helpful for

  • 92. Using Equal Energy Exchange (E3) to Troubleshoot Work Irritations

    10/03/2022 Duración: 24min

    Can you identify one place where you feel irritation, resentment, or even a mild annoyance? This could be at home or in the workplace. Ask yourself if the exchange of energy, whether it be time, money, mental or emotional labor, is equal. If it’s not equal, ask yourself what would make it so. When too much energy is expended in one direction, for example, to a boss, client, team member, spouse or child, the energy exchange gets out of whack. This imbalance of energy is a result of boundary issues and is often the source of more unhappiness and unrest in relationships than most individuals are aware. I’m sharing one of my favorite tools with you today that will be your remedy for over-giving and undervaluing your energy whether that’s in the form of your time, money, expertise, or emotion. When you use this tool, you will be amazed at the restored vitality, freedom, and productivity you will feel almost instantly. Your relationships will improve as well.  If this episode is helpful for you, please share it wit

  • 91. How Fulfilled Leaders Win Before Most People Wake

    24/02/2022 Duración: 28min

    I have a challenge for you. What if for the next two weeks, you set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier than you usually do? Then using that time you build in a ritual that will physiologically and psychologically position you for a day of increased excellence, productivity, and joy. Are you open? Waking up early is the first step towards creating a life-changing morning ritual. But the morning ritual isn’t just any normal routine. It’s one that will deliberately position you to increase and capture your best ideas and to reach exceptional levels of energy and productivity. The kind that masters of their art, true teachers and extraordinary leaders reach. If you’re wondering what to do during this early morning time, I have a 5-step method for you to follow that will fuel your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being for the day ahead. It’s simpler than you think, but it requires you to say yes to the challenge. Imagine how it will feel to do your greatest impact work before most even begin their

  • 90. How To Tell Your Boss You're Overextended Without Hurting Your Career

    10/02/2022 Duración: 25min

    If you’re burnt out and realized that you’re compromising your well-being for the sake of business outcomes, it’s time to take action. It’s time to have a constructive conversation with your boss because nobody knows how much you can, or can’t, manage if you don’t tell them. Your boss needs you to speak up and ask for what you need. Chances are, they will be glad that you did. I’ve done the leg work for you by putting together the five parts to a strong and rewarding conversation from beginning to end. I also provide the exact words you can use to position yourself as the responsible high-contributor you are. Follow these guidelines and you will be equipped to navigate this conversation with confidence so that you are given what you want and need to return to yourself (or better) again. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 89. Five Mistakes the Overwhelmed Make In Their Approach That the Fulfilled Do Not

    27/01/2022 Duración: 27min

    A wise man once said, you can't give $1 If you only have 50 cents. In other words, you need to put yourself first before you can step into the next phase of your life. If you want to make 2022 your best year yet, you must first take the time to do what so many don’t. That is, getting clear on your personal vision and getting it down on paper. I want you to begin to envision the future that you want for yourself, and for your leadership. This may not look anything like your present, and that’s okay. Writing down your vision is a journey in itself and one that will give you clarity about who you want to be and where you want to go next. To jumpstart and simplify this process, there are three practical questions to ask yourself. Who do you want to be? What gives you a sense of purpose at home and at work? What would you ask for if you knew your success was inevitable? By the end of this episode you will know how to get around the five biggest pitfalls that stymy even the best visionaries so that you can get your

  • 88. Five Strategies To Position You For A Breakthrough

    13/01/2022 Duración: 26min

    2022 is already trending as the year of the breakthrough. After the last two years there is a pent-up demand in our businesses, workplaces, and personal lives, for meaningful change and breakthroughs. How long have you been waiting to breakthrough in an area of your life or business?  A year?  Two? More?  Can you and I agree that right now is the EXACT right time for you to go all-in with confidence on the desired change you want for your business and personal life? There’s good news. All that you need to have the breakthrough that you want already lies inside of you right now. I’m going to provide you with five little-known strategies that will position you to break through what has previously held you back so you can go beyond your current upper limit and make the impossible possible in 2022! Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 87. The Daily System To Feeling Calm When Everything Else Is Not

    09/12/2021 Duración: 27min

    Imagine right now how satisfying it would feel to be fully present in a conversation with a friend, coworker, or child. Imagine being completely focused on what that person is saying to you rather than thinking about what you have to do next. If feeling distracted, spinning or anxious is familiar to you, it’s not surprising. For most people, it has become the norm. In fact, we are in an era where being ungrounded has become a global epidemic. But here’s the thing -- it doesn’t have to be. There are several ways that you can get out of this hurried, hustling, ungrounded state and shift to a calm and centered one. When you begin a daily grounding practice, you are able to remain calm, clear, and focused even when everyone around you is not...and your connection, productivity and influence will increase! So stop the spinning. Add a daily grounding practice so that you can build and experience your breakthrough year! Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 86. Four Steps To 'Complete' Your Year Before You Plan Your Next

    25/11/2021 Duración: 17min

    A new year is quickly approaching, and that transition is always accompanied by resolutions and action plans. But wait! Before you rush into creating a new plan for your future, it’s crucial to take a pause and give reverence to the year behind you. Completing your year in this way is an opportunity to reset and refresh before you begin anew. This process is simple -- but don’t mistake that for insignificant -- and will help you acknowledge your many wins and avoid repeating any mistakes you’ve made. I’ve done this for myself, and my clients, year after year after year and the insights are guaranteed to surprise you. I have condensed it to a simple and powerful four-step process that you can try out before you start your planning. You wouldn’t put a cake in the oven before adding the flour, and you don’t want to start planning for the 2022 you want before adding this important ingredient either.   Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 85. What the Bold Are Doing To Scale Their Work

    11/11/2021 Duración: 23min

    Our knowledge is power, but it fades away if you don’t use it. In fact, the data shows that you lose 90% of information within 24 hours of hearing it if you’re not using it. If you are an individual who is sitting on a wealth of information and an idea that you know will change someone’s world for the better, it’s time to shift from “knowing” to “applying”. No more second guessing yourself or waiting until the time is just right. Putting your next plan in motion takes risk and comes with unpredictability. But when you begin applying what you know, you will be astonished at the results that come from your unverified action.  Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 84. How To Make Work Life Fulfillment A Reality For Women

    28/10/2021 Duración: 29min

    We are losing women in the workforce by the millions, with one of the main factors being burnout. In fact, 53% of women are currently reporting that they are suffering burnout because of work. If you are a woman who has played by the books, done everything right, but realizes the cost of the intensity and overwhelm you feel throughout your day, begin by acknowledging that your workload is not going to change.  What can change is how we design our life. I’m going to share with you three ways that you can internally activate so that you can move from the overloaded hustling female leader to the fulfilled female leader. It’s time to take a breath, get out of the “do more” mindset, and reclaim your power so that you can live the life you’ve always dreamed while doing the work you’re meant to do. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 83. How to Nurture Your Team During a Period of Epic Burnout

    14/10/2021 Duración: 17min

    Several years ago, the Director of the London School of Economics, Monouche Shafik said, “In the past, jobs were about muscles. Now they’re about brains, but in the future they’ll be about the heart”. I believe that the future she referred to is now. The data shows us that people are leaving the workforce in droves due to extreme burnout and exhaustion. As a leader, there are things you can do to reverse the epic burnout your team or those you serve are facing.    It’s time to put your energy towards cultivating a work culture that cares and appreciates your employees for more than just their results. I have five specific steps you can begin taking today that will let your team know they are seen, appreciated, and respected. These steps decrease uncertainty and increase trust. As trust increases, confidence increases which increases bottom lines. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 82. Strategies For Positively Infectious Leadership

    30/09/2021 Duración: 21min

    Gallop reports the conservative cost of negativity on our economy is estimated to be between $200-350 billion dollars. The cost of negativity in your life and leadership is greater than you may realize too. It is detrimental to productivity, problem solving, idea generation, morale, engagement and performance. The antidote is a process and ritual that generates positivity in your workplace and at home. You can learn to be a positively infectious leader for those around you and create a culture that, in turn, thrives. If you’re ready to achieve positively infectious leadership status, here are these three strategies to begin today. They are free and proven to drive engagement, results and bottom lines.   Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 81. Designing Your Life's Plot Twist: Where To Start

    17/09/2021 Duración: 25min

    How do you measure a meaningful life? The answer is different for everyone. As you think about that question, consider your passions and what drives you. If you don’t feel that you are living a life that is truly meaningful and fulfilling, it’s never too late to change that. Grab a pen and paper because you will want to take notes as I share 3 simple steps that will get you started in designing a life you love, both at work and home. We only get one life, and you don’t want to sleepwalk through yours, regretting things that you weren’t able to experience, accomplish, or at least attempt. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 80. The Simple Playbook For Planning and Winning In Your 4th Quarter

    10/09/2021 Duración: 25min

    Regardless of how the first three quarters have gone for you this year, the 4th quarter is where the reset button is hit and all that came before fades away. World-class athletes equate the 4th quarter to “winning time.” They bound into the 4th quarter with the energy, enthusiasm and excitement as if they've already won. They also have a clear game plan before they take to the field. I want for you to walk into your fourth quarter with that same energy and game plan too. That’s why in this episode I’m sharing the key rules and exact plays you need to craft and cast your winning 4th quarter game plan. Are you ready to finish the 4th quarter strong and be proud not just of what you’ve accomplished but who you’ve become along the way? When you listen, you’ll see why you are not too late or behind to have your personal best 4th quarter and the specific playbook to craft and execute your strategy. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 79. Your Future Relies On You Breaking The Rules

    02/09/2021 Duración: 24min

    Achieving your next goal or aspiration likely requires you to break some rules. I’m referring to the kind of rules that have been around for over 100 years. These rules may have worked for you for some time now, like the idea that you’re only as worthy as your last result, or that success will be acquired when you work harder. The truth is, following these rules will only keep you from the future you’re meant to move towards. Learn how to break the rule you think is unbreakable and protect most with my ABC Old School Rule-Crushing Method. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 78. Maintaining A Calm Inner State When the World Around You Is Not

    26/08/2021 Duración: 22min

    With the fast-paced and often chaotic lifestyles so many of us live in, do you wonder if it is truly possible to achieve and maintain a state of inner calm? Absolutely. In fact, it’s imperative if you are goal-oriented and want to live a more present, intentional, and connected life that you make managing your inner state a top priority. I have used the same 3-step process for 23 years to live from an inner calm state the moment I wake up each day. This process is simple and scientifically proven to change your brain in real time! It’s the closest thing to the magic pill so many of us need to quiet the noise and be still...and it takes less than 5 minutes.  Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 77. A Shortcut To Neutralize Worry and Face Down Fear

    19/08/2021 Duración: 18min

    Are you struggling with a goal you have right now? Maybe you're at a point where you are doubting it's possible or that you are enough to accomplish it. These doubts and fears may even stem from past experiences you’ve had. The reality is we will never stop being tested and challenged. We can’t control that. What we can control is our mental mastery to keep going despite obstacles and hardships. I’m sharing a powerful tool to take control of your worry and anxiety that’s so that you can push past the fear, trust yourself, and be empowered to move forward. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 76. How To Bounce Back From A Setback

    12/08/2021 Duración: 23min

    Consider an area in your business, life, or relationships where things are off kilter or aren’t going the way you want. There’s a good chance this situation is a result of a previous setback you’re having a hard time accepting. Are you facing the setback head on or denying it? Do you acknowledge your role or blame others? How you answer these questions will determine how quickly you bounce back. Your bounce back factor matters because your mission is to be unstoppable as you bring your life-changing impact to the world. That’s why in this episode, I highlight a five point path you can follow to push past the pain, demolish the fear, and propel you to get back in the game when a setback strikes. Find out how you can make bouncing back your greatest superpower.   Show Notes:   Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

  • 75. Concrete Strategies For Reducing Judgment To Improve Your Life

    05/08/2021 Duración: 36min

    Why did they hire him for that position? My husband doesn’t care about our children’s future as much as I do. How could she make the decision to end her career? These are all examples of judgments that are placed on others. Some of them may even sound familiar to statements that you have made. Recognizing when we make  judgments, and understanding why we do so, are the first steps towards healing precious relationships with ourselves and others. By the end of the episode you will have the exact steps to take when you feel judgment creeping in so that you can stay in a place of true leadership, fulfillment, and joy.     Show Notes:   Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching

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