Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:59:29
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Welcome to Playing Full Out with Rita Hyland, where youll discover tips to break through the personal and professional barriers in a hectic world that are preventing you from leading your optimal vision of life at work and home. This is the podcast for passionate life travelers and leaders who want to live a deliberate, confident and fulfilling life, and change the world while they do. In each episode, well expose you to something new in the areas of passion, performance and psychology that you can immediately apply to grow your life, love and leadership.As a Business and Life Coach, Rita Hyland works with highly motivated professionals who, despite their level of success and achievements, are not happy or satisfied. Often, theyre successful by traditional standards, yet unfulfilled based on their own. They know they want more and are ready to have it.Visit to get the Playing Full Out Accelerator - Four Steps to Identify, Plan & Take the Leap to Your Optimal Vision of Work & HomeWithout the Second Guessing.


  • 74. Mastering The Art Of Connection

    24/06/2021 Duración: 20min

    We all want connection. It’s in our DNA. Our brains are hardwired for it. Connections can energize, heal, and inspire us. That’s powerful stuff, right? If we wish to reap the benefits of connection, we have to treat it as a skill -something to intentionally work on and improve upon.    If you are looking to strengthen this skill, listen in to hear my personal formula to increase connection, whether it’s with a colleague, family member, or stranger on the street. When you master this art of connecting, you will attract work and relationships that energize you from the inside out and naturally expand what matters most to you and the impact you are here to make.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 73. Re-Entering Your Old World Without Sacrificing Your Pace

    17/06/2021 Duración: 24min

    If there’s anything I’ve learned over the past 15 months, it’s that I have spent too much of my life hurrying to get to the next place or do the next thing without even knowing why I felt such a sense of urgency. We have an underlying assumption in our culture that hurrying and hustling will take us to a happier place. So many of us hustle for no good reason other than it’s what we know.  As a result, hurrying and creating a pace that is unsustainable has become a habit in our workplaces, communities, and homes. If diving back into your once hurried pace makes you anxious, then choose to re-enter differently. And if you didn’t experience a better balance between work and life this past year, now is your time to do it.  It is possible to slow down the pace and still be productive, successful and impactful. The last 15 months provided evidence. So as the world begins to reopen its doors, I urge you to take a moment and consider the pace at which you wish to re-enter. How will your work life balance look? What w

  • 72. The 4-Step Problem Solving Framework

    10/06/2021 Duración: 22min

    How would you rate your problem solving skills? I would venture to say that most of us could use a bit of practice. Too often we are misdiagnosing the true problem we are facing. We tell ourselves fictional stories and believe false assumptions over facts. In order to look a problem straight in the eye, we first need to correctly identify it. Becoming a master problem solver will give us the chance to experience the simplicity that life is meant to have. Today I’m spilling the truth about problem-solving and sharing my four part problem solving framework so that you can confidently tackle even the most challenging of problems. It’s a process that you can return to again and again with ease and assurance.    For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 71. Change Your Relationship With Time And Break Free Of The Pressured Pace

    03/06/2021 Duración: 21min

    Imagine you had all the time that you needed, and then some. Sounds nice, right? Maybe too good to be true? Well, you’re in luck. There really is more than enough time for your most important work and your robust personal life too, regardless of how busy you believe you are right now. It’s true! But it requires that we change our relationship with time. If you feel a dull anxiety or nagging pressure to get things done day in and day out, it has nothing to do with your time management or lack of hours in the day. Today I’m going to show you how to move your relationship from a time-scarcity relationship to a time-abundant relationship so that you escape the pressured pace so many live with and trade that in for being more present, peaceful and productive both at work and home.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 70. The Post-Pandemic Summer of Healing and Alignment

    27/05/2021 Duración: 23min

    Do you ever feel like you have reached the traditional standard of success yet you STILL feel unsatisfied? Maybe you can’t put your finger on exactly why.  There’s a reason for that. We are straddling two very different realities - one is our indoctrinated cultural self and the other is our true self. It’s very easy to get off path because we’re trained by society to do things in a specific way. We’re told to earn the next level of income, take on the next title, DO MORE.  And we do it. However, along the way we forget our personal truth code. Now is the time to get back into alignment with ourselves, to course correct if we are off or to affirm we are headed in our own “right” direction. Today I have one question to help you navigate your way back to your center.    For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 69. The Six Habits Of The Fulfilled Bold Leader

    20/05/2021 Duración: 18min

    Do you ever wonder what the most accomplished and balanced leaders do differently? The secret is that they are masters of good habits. Do you have habits built into your day? Do you know the habits that science has proven will set you up for success for days, weeks, and years to come? If you feel like you could use some improvement and are curious about this area, I’ve got you covered. Today I am sharing the six habits practiced by bold fulfilled leaders. These habits are backed by science. I’ll show you how you can easily incorporate them into your daily routine.    >>Download your FREE Fulfilled Bold Leader Habits Checklist

  • 68. Redefining How We Measure Accomplishment For Your Ultimate Life

    13/05/2021 Duración: 16min

    We live in a society that teaches us we have to accomplish and achieve in order to be worthy. It’s been drilled into our brains since we were children. Unfortunately, with our high-desire to excel, we often live our life with only a picture of the short-term. And we measure it based on culture’s metrics for success instead of our own. As a result we often see the unintended by-product of achievement in burn-out, stress, unhappiness, disconnection from kids, and divorce.  But what if we had a defined life strategy that was guided and measured by our own metrics?  How would we allocate our resources differently to span all of the “businesses” we lead?  Today we’re taking a look at rethinking and redefining success and how to do it.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 67. Shorten the Lag Time Between Discouragement and Getting Back to Your A-Game

    07/05/2021 Duración: 23min

    In life, we all face challenges. Some days everything goes our way, but other days life can throw us some pretty challenging situations. Demonstrating resilience is being able to show up and take your next action despite the challenges and hurt we experience. In this episode learn how you can move beyond adversity by decreasing the lag time between discouragement and taking your next right action. Using my acronym A-GAME, you will build your resiliency muscle so you don’t suffer more than necessary or limit yourself unknowingly. The next generation is watching and modeling how resilient we more than ever. Learn how to take back the wheel from your toughest challenges so you can steer a brighter future.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 66. When Your Intuition Talks, Believe It

    29/04/2021 Duración: 21min

    Have you ever gotten advice from someone you truly respected and knew it was not right for you? If you have, you know the feeling that comes with hearing the experts or the majority tell you one thing, but your gut tell you another. It can be daunting to follow your gut, especially when as a leader, big decisions are on the line and the stakes are high. But there’s also a hefty cost when you don’t.   Do you believe your gut when it talks?  If you do, do you ignore it or act on it?  It can appear easier to follow another’s recommendations when it comes to making decisions and taking action whether that’s in your career, business or life. But we know there’s a hefty cost that comes from doing so. Successful leaders today are using a different approach when it comes to making decisions. They listen and believe their gut when it talks, and courageously follow it even when it disrupts the status quo.     For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 65. What I Learned About Relationships From Being On Oprah

    22/04/2021 Duración: 26min

    Years ago I sat in the recording studio of the Oprah show. I was asked a question that would forever change how I viewed relationships and my part in them. Too often “successful” people see doing as their path to meaning when really it is the deep human connection in our relationships that gives meaning and purpose. We are in charge of what kind of friend, spouse, parent, or leader we want to be. Think about a relationship that you are struggling with currently. What would it look like when it is at its best? Who would you need to be in the relationship to make that a reality? Today you’ll hear an essential practice that upends the old approach to cultivating relationships and that will clean up or enhance any relationship you want to upgrade. I’ll also share my 3-step Stop, Drop, and Listen method that can be used to increase your self-awareness and better your relationships immediately.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 64. How To Use The Power When You Shine Bright

    15/04/2021 Duración: 25min

    There is a disconnect in our culture. We are told from a very young age to be successful and happy, yet we should do so modestly. Celebrating victories and wins is often perceived as bragging, and so we avoid it so as to not make others feel uncomfortable. I’m here today to put a stop to this approach. Rather than hide and deflect our wins, let’s be proud of them. Let’s talk about them freely and authentically. By doing so, we have an opportunity to inspire others to do the same.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 63. How To Think About Building Your Legacy

    08/04/2021 Duración: 21min

    EPISODE 63 I recently attended the funeral of a wonderful man. As I watched his friends and family speak about him, it was clear that he left quite the legacy behind. It got me thinking about how important it is for all of us to consider what we want our legacy to be. What do you want to be remembered for? What do you want others to think and feel when they speak about you, even after you’re gone? This episode will share the why behind putting intentional thought into what you desire your legacy to be, and how solidifying that can drive your actions for years to come.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching.

  • 62. Rethink And Unlearn Faster So You Can Reinvent

    01/04/2021 Duración: 25min

    EPISODE 62 I will never forget the moment in which I realized it was possible to rethink things that I had always thought were true or had previously called “fact.” It was life-changing. I know now that having the willingness to look at things from a different perspective is a game-changer for your success and happiness. What I am saying is your assumptions are not facts and they may be holding you back. Unlearning and challenging your current thinking is the key towards building a growth mindset and opening new doors of opportunity because when you do you will take different actions and can create different outcomes. Today you’ll hear stories of how shifting thinking has drastically benefited others, and can do the same for you. I invite you to consider which assumptions you could let go of today in order to make changes for the better.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching.

  • 61. Candid Conflict Conversation Made Easy

    26/03/2021 Duración: 32min

    EPISODE 61 This episode is for all the people pleasers; those who stay quiet despite feeling frustrated or angry with a relationship in your work or personal life. Initiating conversations that you know will poke the bear and likely cause momentary emotional discomfort for you and others is challenging. However, you are only doing yourself a disservice by not using your voice. There are simple ways that you can prepare for these kinds of candid discussions. Today’s tips will give you the tools you need to make conflict conversation easy.    For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 60. LISTENER FAVORITE: Navy SEAL Shares Relief Tactics For Managing Stress And Failure Even In The Toughest Times

    18/03/2021 Duración: 40min

    Today we're throwing it back to one of the most popular Playing Full Out episodes!  Have you ever wondered how one of the world's most stressful professions manages stress and remains resilient even in difficult times? In my interview with Chriss Smith, former Navy SEAL, he discusses the stress relief tactics he and the Navy SEALS swear by. He also shares his personal stories with setbacks and failures and how you can move through both.   For more resources, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 59. The 5 Step Morning Ritual That Will Transform Your Days, Weeks, And Years

    11/03/2021 Duración: 25min

    We know great habits create life-changing transformation. But there is one habit in particular that successful and fulfilled individuals have that others do not. That is the habit of a solid morning ritual. How you begin is how you end. Your mornings lead to your successful days which lead to successful weeks and successful years. Today I’m sharing with you the 5 core ingredients to bake into your morning ritual every single day. They are strategies I’ve used for 20 years that will shift you from hurried and hustling to deliberate and calm as you do the work you’re meant to be doing. Are you ready to upgrade your morning ritual?  This episode will show you how.   For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching.

  • 58. Two Essential Questions To Deliver (And Radiate) World-Class Care To Those You Serve

    04/03/2021 Duración: 22min

    When you walk into a room, what energy are you projecting? When you join a conversation, how do you make people feel around you? You may not be aware of it, but you are radiating something everywhere you go. You’ve heard it said, it’s not what you do but how you make others feel that matters. The important question then is does what I radiate, contribute or contaminate?   Today I’m sharing a recent experience I had at a destination hotel where I was impacted by people who radiated world-class authentic care, interest, and kindness. It was a reminder that who you are being while you do what you do matters and that we can deliberately choose how we want others to feel. Tune in to learn how to identify what you are radiating in your work, leadership, parenting and other key relationships that you might not realize. Then use two simple questions to help you deliver a world-class experience to those you serve today.    Connect with Rita on Instagram @Rita_Hyland_Coaching. For full show notes, head to

  • 57. The DNA Of A Well-Designed Day

    25/02/2021 Duración: 28min

    Imagine if you could accomplish your goals this year in just three months’ time. It’s possible, but you may need to change a few of your habits to get there. Habits are who you are, and they are what separate the burnt-out leader from the one who is successful and at ease. By the end of this episode, you will be provided with 5 actionable steps to create the habit of owning your days so you increase the time you spend on your most important work without self-sacrificing. After identifying and eliminating any resistance, this process only takes a 1% increase in positive change daily to see extraordinary improvement in any area you seek to change.    For more resources and full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @Rita_Hyland_Coaching. 

  • 56. 5 Reinvention Questions That Can Change Your Life Forever

    19/02/2021 Duración: 23min

    I want you to imagine your life right now. If it continued to be the same for the next three, five, or even ten years down the road, how would you feel? If this vision doesn’t make you feel excited, it may be time for your next reinvention, whether it’s big or small. This cycle of reinvention will happen many times throughout your life, and while it may be uncomfortable at first, going after your true calling will result in a life-changing outcome. Today I have 5 clarifying questions for you to ask yourself that will get your reinvention process in motion.    For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @Rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 55. How To Pandemic Proof Your Relationships

    12/02/2021 Duración: 25min

    In celebration of the month of love, let’s dive into the topic of relationships. They’ve been tested and strained during the time we’re all in. There’s no single manual or guidebook that can teach us how to have successful relationships, but one thing is for sure: they take work. They are also very resilient, and can be improved with some intention, selfishness, empathy, and healthy conversations. Today I’m sharing my Relationship Issues Clearing Model that I designed and have refined over my 20 + years of relationship with my husband.    For full show notes, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @Rita_Hyland_Coaching. 

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