Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

84. How To Make Work Life Fulfillment A Reality For Women



We are losing women in the workforce by the millions, with one of the main factors being burnout. In fact, 53% of women are currently reporting that they are suffering burnout because of work. If you are a woman who has played by the books, done everything right, but realizes the cost of the intensity and overwhelm you feel throughout your day, begin by acknowledging that your workload is not going to change.  What can change is how we design our life. I’m going to share with you three ways that you can internally activate so that you can move from the overloaded hustling female leader to the fulfilled female leader. It’s time to take a breath, get out of the “do more” mindset, and reclaim your power so that you can live the life you’ve always dreamed while doing the work you’re meant to do. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching