Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

86. Four Steps To 'Complete' Your Year Before You Plan Your Next



A new year is quickly approaching, and that transition is always accompanied by resolutions and action plans. But wait! Before you rush into creating a new plan for your future, it’s crucial to take a pause and give reverence to the year behind you. Completing your year in this way is an opportunity to reset and refresh before you begin anew. This process is simple -- but don’t mistake that for insignificant -- and will help you acknowledge your many wins and avoid repeating any mistakes you’ve made. I’ve done this for myself, and my clients, year after year after year and the insights are guaranteed to surprise you. I have condensed it to a simple and powerful four-step process that you can try out before you start your planning. You wouldn’t put a cake in the oven before adding the flour, and you don’t want to start planning for the 2022 you want before adding this important ingredient either.   Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching