Risen Church Nc



JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • Regathering: The Tale of Two Kings - 1 Kings 12

    01/07/2020 Duración: 35min

    Regathering: The Tale of Two Kings - 1 Kings 12 by Risen Church NC

  • God, Our Father - Psalm 68:4-6

    21/06/2020 Duración: 25min

    From Genesis to Revelation, if there is one single theme and intended message from God, it is this: God wants us to know He is our Father, and we are His child. When we understand the Bible - all 66 books, all 35 or so authors, both Old and New Testament - we come to this conclusion: God is our Father and we are His Children. We know this with confidence, because the Bible is more than just a definition of God. It's a demonstration of His passionate love for us. Yes, sin has separated and disconnected us from God... But God had drawn near to redeem and reclaim us. Sin and shame tells us to look away from God. God’s love and grace bids us to turn towards Him and trust in, rely on and depend on Him Like a child does to their father, knowing that he will always come through. He will go before us. He will fight for us. He will always save the day. He will always save us.

  • Race and the Gospel - Numbers 12

    09/06/2020 Duración: 44min

    Racism is a choice weapon of the enemy because of how great an offense and affront it is to God. We all are made in His image, and our different colors reflects the many shades of His Radiant Glory. Hatred of any kind is an offense to God, but hatred towards any aspect of His glorious image is perhaps the most vile offense. That's what makes racism so repugnant and intolerable to God. It seeks to spread hatred to the most possible people, based on a lowest common denominator, using God's glorious reflection as a weapon. Herein is why Christians must speak up: Because only Christianity can bring an end to racism. Only the Gospel can bring true reconciliation. It is ultimately God’s image that has been disgraced in racism, and Jesus alone restores humanity to our Creator’s image.

  • Undeniable: Build Us Back - John 14:12-23

    08/06/2020 Duración: 28min

    Jesus said we could accomplish greater works than His own. Of course, nothing could be greater than His redeeming death and resurrection, but Jesus envisioned a Church that would go deep and wide, and spread His message at a greater volume and scale than ever before. His commandments are to love, to reach and build up the Father's House. In this time of division, this may seem more challenging than ever. The calling over us is to counter division with an eagerness for peace and unity. As Christ humbled Himself and saved us through kindness, so must we take on this same mind and heart on our mission. God has made a home for us all in Heaven, but for now we're on an earthly mission. For now, He wants to make His home in our hearts, and use us to spread His Spirit to more hearts. Will we commit to this mission? Will we obey His command to go and be peacemakers and seekers unity?

  • Back to Bethel - Genesis 35

    07/06/2020 Duración: 25min

    Both the cry of our soul and the call from God leads to the same place: a posture of worship. In Genesis 35, God calls Jacob back to the very altar where they first met some 20 years before. Jacob had spent years trying to swindle and claw his way to success, mostly leaving his God out of the conversation. It never fully dawned on him though, that it was God who was behind all of his good fortune. Jacob often said the right things, but his actions revealed a heart that was really only concerned about himself. He often would jettison his responsibilities as a husband and father if it meant preserving himself. His story is full of reminders of our sinful nature and of God's amazing grace. Jacob didn't deserve the favor he was blessed with, but God gave it to him anyways. It took years for Jacob to realize this, but thankfully because this story is recorded for us in the Bible, we can make a decision today to consider God's faithfulness and stay faithful to Him. In this message, hear a condensed story of Ja

  • Romans 8: Victory

    29/05/2020 Duración: 34min

    Romans 8 is a victory lap for our hope and salvation in Christ. In it, Paul articulates why we choose God’s way even when it may not be easy or make sense. We believe God is making a way when it may seem impossible, because Christ is our way. By following Jesus and letting His Spirit move thru us, we are declaring to our world that God is at work. We confess that we are a vehicle and vessel through which He is working thru right now and we that we always defer to His sovereignty to work in ways we remain unable Yet we ask Him to call us and conform us to Christ to point to what He is up to. We deny our flesh and depend on His Sprit because there is no life apart from Him. There is no VICTORY apart form Him We signal that Jesus is the only way now and we proclaim that He’s the only way forever and ever to come.

  • Through Their Eyes Vol. II: Liberty Loves - Acts 5:29

    24/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    We all know what liberty allows, but we must always ask “what does love require?" If we don’t “know” what liberty allows, we are always looking for what we have the “right” to do... but what a difference Christians could make if we were more/most concerned about what love *required*, even if it meant laying our liberty down. This is *the* basis for Christianity. In the Gospels, we see Jesus weigh His options: His liberty *as GOD* vs His love *for us*. This is what drove the early church and what changed the world, and what can always change the world. Peter, Stephen, and Paul all would follow suit and model this way. In this divisive and hostile time, it would do us all well to consider this. We know What Liberty allows, but we must always ask what does love require?

  • A Better Belonging - Romans 7

    20/05/2020 Duración: 46min

    A Better Belonging - Romans 7 by Risen Church NC

  • Bible Prophecy: The Day of the Lord - 1 Thessalonians 4 & 5

    18/05/2020 Duración: 22min

    Bible Prophecy: The Day of the Lord - 1 Thessalonians 4 & 5 by Risen Church NC

  • Through Their Eyes Vol. II: The Great Exchange - Acts 4:23-37

    18/05/2020 Duración: 26min

    Through Their Eyes Vol. II: The Great Exchange - Acts 4:23-37 by Risen Church NC

  • Slaves of Life - Romans 6:16-23

    14/05/2020 Duración: 21min

    Slaves of Life - Romans 6:16-23 by Risen Church NC

  • Through Their Eyes Vol. II: Stage Set - Acts 3

    12/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    In this message we learn not to give up just because the season of life seems overwhelming. Even if the stage of life that we face seems impossible and difficult to accept, it could be that God has set things up perfectly to make His glory known. What seems like a bad situation may just lead to the best destination. In Acts 3, we see God’s power on display, and we receive an invitation to run into His arms today.

  • Bible Prophecy: The Israel Factor - Romans 11

    12/05/2020 Duración: 38min

    Bible Prophecy: The Israel Factor - Romans 11 by Risen Church NC

  • Bible Prophecy: Jesus Says - Matthew 22:1-14

    05/05/2020 Duración: 40min

    Bible Prophecy: Jesus Says - Matthew 22:1-14 by Risen Church NC

  • Through Their Eyes Vol. II: Heaven's Fire - Acts 2

    05/05/2020 Duración: 21min

    Through Their Eyes Vol. II: Heaven's Fire - Acts 2 by Risen Church NC

  • Romans 4:13-5:11 - One Way

    30/04/2020 Duración: 39min

    Romans 4:13-5:11 - One Way by Risen Church NC

  • Through Their Eyes Vol. 2: Greater Faith - Acts 1:1-11

    30/04/2020 Duración: 39min

    Through Their Eyes Vol. 2: Greater Faith - Acts 1:1-11 by Risen Church NC

  • Today Matters - Philippians 1

    23/04/2020 Duración: 27min

    The Church at Philippi was concerned that the trials and trouble that the Apostle Paul was facing would be too great for him. They were worried that his faith would fail. Who could blame them for worrying? Who could blame Paul if he did lose heart? Paul wrote back however with a word that continues to bring hope and encouragement to every generation that faces trials and hardships. Whether these battles be internal or external, Philippians 1 invites us to lift up our eyes to the God who is greater than whatever we are facing. Paul teaches us that every believer has access to the full measure of God’s grace and peace, so that we could find endurance and assurance from God. We’re reminded that we are members of God’s Church, partners with Him on a mission to show His glory to the whole world. We’re told that what God has started, He will finish. We’re promised that what we face is actually an opportunity to advance God’s mission and grow in Christ. If only we would cling to these truths today. If only we

  • Thru Their Eyes Vol. II: By Faith - Luke 24

    20/04/2020 Duración: 40min

    Thru Their Eyes Vol. II: By Faith - Luke 24 by Risen Church NC

  • Romans 1:8-17 - Good News

    16/04/2020 Duración: 34min

    Romans 1:8-17 - Good News by Risen Church NC

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