Risen Church Nc

Undeniable: Build Us Back - John 14:12-23



Jesus said we could accomplish greater works than His own. Of course, nothing could be greater than His redeeming death and resurrection, but Jesus envisioned a Church that would go deep and wide, and spread His message at a greater volume and scale than ever before. His commandments are to love, to reach and build up the Father's House. In this time of division, this may seem more challenging than ever. The calling over us is to counter division with an eagerness for peace and unity. As Christ humbled Himself and saved us through kindness, so must we take on this same mind and heart on our mission. God has made a home for us all in Heaven, but for now we're on an earthly mission. For now, He wants to make His home in our hearts, and use us to spread His Spirit to more hearts. Will we commit to this mission? Will we obey His command to go and be peacemakers and seekers unity?