Risen Church Nc

God, Our Father - Psalm 68:4-6



From Genesis to Revelation, if there is one single theme and intended message from God, it is this: God wants us to know He is our Father, and we are His child. When we understand the Bible - all 66 books, all 35 or so authors, both Old and New Testament - we come to this conclusion: God is our Father and we are His Children. We know this with confidence, because the Bible is more than just a definition of God. It's a demonstration of His passionate love for us. Yes, sin has separated and disconnected us from God... But God had drawn near to redeem and reclaim us. Sin and shame tells us to look away from God. God’s love and grace bids us to turn towards Him and trust in, rely on and depend on Him Like a child does to their father, knowing that he will always come through. He will go before us. He will fight for us. He will always save the day. He will always save us.