Risen Church Nc

Back to Bethel - Genesis 35



Both the cry of our soul and the call from God leads to the same place: a posture of worship. In Genesis 35, God calls Jacob back to the very altar where they first met some 20 years before. Jacob had spent years trying to swindle and claw his way to success, mostly leaving his God out of the conversation. It never fully dawned on him though, that it was God who was behind all of his good fortune. Jacob often said the right things, but his actions revealed a heart that was really only concerned about himself. He often would jettison his responsibilities as a husband and father if it meant preserving himself. His story is full of reminders of our sinful nature and of God's amazing grace. Jacob didn't deserve the favor he was blessed with, but God gave it to him anyways. It took years for Jacob to realize this, but thankfully because this story is recorded for us in the Bible, we can make a decision today to consider God's faithfulness and stay faithful to Him. In this message, hear a condensed story of Ja