Joy Reveals Podcast



Joy Packard is a mother of 8 and grandma to 9! She travels all around the world and enjoys many life experiences. She is also a business entrepreneur and e-commerce site owner. She is on an amazing journey on learning about health hacks and how to just live your life to the fullest. Come and join her on this podcast a she will be sharing tips on health and mind hacks, business and travel tips, and will be having interviews with experts on a variety of amazing topics!


  • You Can Start No Matter How Old

    22/06/2024 Duración: 02min

    In this uplifting episode, Joy Packard shares the inspirational story of Jeannie Rice, a 76-year-old marathon record holder, and other seniors who have embraced fitness later in life. Joy emphasizes that age is just a number and encourages listeners to pursue their dreams and passions, no matter their age. It's never too late to start something new and achieve your goals.

  • If We Wait Long Enough the Sun Will Come Out

    21/06/2024 Duración: 02min

    In this episode of the Joy Reveals podcast, host Joy Packard shares a heartfelt story from her time in Mexico. Reflecting on a rainy day that turned sunny, Joy draws a powerful analogy about patience and perseverance in life. Through her personal experiences and thoughtful insights, she encourages listeners to remain hopeful during challenging times, reminding them that brighter days are ahead.

  • Take the Time For a Hello, a Smile, Or a Nod

    20/06/2024 Duración: 05min

    In this heartwarming episode, Joy Packard shares her experiences from a recent trip to Mexico, emphasizing the importance of small gestures like smiling, greeting, and connecting with others. Joy recounts how these simple actions can brighten someone’s day and lead to meaningful interactions. She encourages listeners to be more present and personable, whether at home or while traveling, and to embrace every opportunity to connect with those around them.

  • Are You Making It Happen?

    19/06/2024 Duración: 03min

    In the latest episode of the Joy Reveals podcast, Joy Packard explores the power of intention and manifestation. Broadcasting from Mexico, Joy shares her experiences with a recent mini e-commerce mastermind that emerged from her retreats. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on your goals and visualizing success, illustrated by her own personal anecdotes. This episode encourages listeners to consciously put their desires and goals into their minds to see them come to fruition.

  • Stop Being Afraid of What Could Go Wrong

    18/06/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this episode of the Joy Reveals podcast, host Joy Packard encourages listeners to overcome their fears and focus on the possibilities of success. Recorded during her eCommerce mastermind in Mexico, Joy shares personal stories and inspirational quotes, urging everyone to adopt a positive mindset and remain unstoppable despite challenges. Tune in to discover how shifting your perspective can lead to amazing outcomes.

  • Make Space For Big Decisions

    17/06/2024 Duración: 02min

    Welcome to "Joy Reveals," hosted by Joy Packard. In this episode, titled "Make Space For Big Decisions," Joy delves into the transformative power of making pivotal choices. Inspired by a Tony Robbins quote, Joy discusses how committing to significant decisions can profoundly impact our lives. She shares her personal journey of prioritizing health and emphasizes the importance of aligning our values, lessons, strengths, and intuition when facing crucial decisions. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on embracing change and moving forward with confidence.

  • Don't Let Worry Steal Your Peace

    16/06/2024 Duración: 05min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard discusses the detrimental effects of worry on our well-being and shares insights from Matthew 6:25. She delves into how worrying can rob us of our peace and highlights the importance of focusing on things we can control while letting go of those we cannot. Joy offers practical advice and quotes to help listeners manage their worries and find happiness, even amid life's challenges.

  • You Have to Have the Small Wins Before the Big Wins

    15/06/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this episode of Joy Reveals, host Joy Packard shares insights on the importance of small wins in achieving bigger goals. Reflecting on her personal health journey and experiences in affiliate marketing, Joy emphasizes how incremental progress can lead to significant achievements. Tune in to discover how embracing small victories can pave the way for major successes in various aspects of life.

  • It's Never Too Late

    14/06/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this inspiring episode of the Joy Reveals podcast, host Joy Packard explores the empowering message that it's never too late to reinvent yourself. Joy shares personal stories and motivational insights on embracing new beginnings at any age. Whether it's starting a new career, falling in love, or pursuing a long-held dream, Joy encourages listeners to believe in their potential and seize opportunities, no matter the stage of life.

  • We Will Have Good Bad Days Sometimes

    13/06/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this episode of Joy Reveals, host Joy Packard delves into the reality of having "good bad days." She reflects on the challenges that life throws at us, emphasizing that despite the overwhelming moments, there are always small victories to be found. Joy shares a comforting quote by Josh McDowell, reminding us that our struggles are temporary and better days are ahead. Tune in for an uplifting discussion on navigating the ups and downs of daily life with grace and resilience.

  • Never Admire Quietly

    12/06/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this episode of the "Joy Reveals" podcast, host Joy Packard shares an inspiring message about the importance of expressing admiration openly. Reflecting on a powerful quote by Chimamanda Adichie, Joy emphasizes how simple compliments can profoundly impact others. She encourages listeners to voice their positive thoughts and give people their "flowers" while they are still here. Through personal anecdotes, Joy illustrates the joy and connection that come from sincerely acknowledging others' beauty, talent, and kindness.

  • We Need to Take the Time to Find Balance

    11/06/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard shares her personal journey towards finding balance amidst the chaos of daily life. Reflecting on her fitness routine, family responsibilities, and personal goals, Joy discusses the challenges of juggling multiple priorities. Drawing an insightful parallel between learning to ride a bike and maintaining life's equilibrium, she emphasizes the importance of striving for balance and being gentle with oneself when things don't go as planned. Tune in for an inspiring talk on managing life's demands with grace and patience.

  • Be Stronger Than Your Excuses

    10/06/2024 Duración: 04min

    Welcome to the Joy Reveals podcast with host Joy Packard. In this episode, "Be Stronger Than Your Excuses," Joy shares her insights on overcoming excuses and staying committed to personal goals, especially in fitness. She talks about her own fitness journey, the importance of persistence, and how to find ways to make things work despite obstacles. Join Joy as she inspires you to push past excuses and achieve your aspirations.

  • Smile, Wave & Be Kind

    09/06/2024 Duración: 03min

    Join Joy Packard on the "Joy Reveals" podcast as she shares a heartfelt story about the power of kindness and going the extra mile in everyday life. In this episode, "Smile, Wave & Be Kind," Joy recounts her delightful experience at a new car wash, emphasizing how simple acts of kindness can make a significant impact. Tune in to be inspired by Joy's reflections on positivity and how small gestures can transform our day-to-day interactions.

  • Sell It, Give It Away, Or Throw It Away

    08/06/2024 Duración: 04min

    Join Joy Packard on the Joy Reveals podcast as she shares practical advice on decluttering your home and mind while creating side hustles to generate extra income. In this episode, Joy discusses the importance of breaking financial goals into manageable steps and offers tips on selling unwanted items through various platforms like Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and Poshmark. Discover how clearing out clutter can boost productivity and bring in additional cash to help cover expenses.

  • You Can Get Back On Track

    07/06/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard shares her journey of getting back on track with her health and fitness goals. She discusses the importance of accountability, commitment, and self-motivation. Joy emphasizes that no matter where you are in life, it's never too late to make positive changes and achieve your goals. Listen in for inspiration and practical tips to stay motivated and focused on your path to better health and well-being.

  • One Day Your Burdens Will Be Lighter

    06/06/2024 Duración: 05min

    Join Joy Packard on this heartfelt episode of the Joy Reveals podcast, titled "One Day Your Burdens Will Be Lighter." Joy shares her personal journey of overcoming various trials and the importance of perseverance. Whether you're facing financial, physical, spiritual, or relational challenges, Joy's words of encouragement will remind you that every struggle has an end and brighter days are ahead. Tune in for an inspiring message of hope and resilience.

  • Are Our Phones Keeping Us From Being Present?

    06/06/2024 Duración: 03min

    Join Joy Packard in this insightful episode of "Joy Reveals" as she delves into the impact of our phones on our ability to be present in the moment. Reflecting on personal experiences and observations, Joy discusses the balance between utilizing technology and maintaining meaningful human connections. Tune in for practical tips on how to stay present and mindful in our tech-driven world.

  • Instead of Later, Do It Now

    04/06/2024 Duración: 03min

    Welcome to ‘Joy Reveals,’ where we dive into the art of seizing the present moment. I’m your host, Joy Packard, and together, we’ll explore how to create meaningful experiences, pursue our dreams, and embrace life’s opportunities. Join me as we uncover inspiration, motivation, and practical tips to live a fulfilled life. Remember, ‘later’ is just an illusion—let’s make today count!

  • Choose Your Hassles

    03/06/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," Joy Packard shares insights from a recent conversation with her youngest son about the everyday hassles we encounter. Joy emphasizes the importance of choosing our hassles wisely and letting go of those that do not serve us. By focusing on simplicity and peace, we can lead more fulfilling lives.

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