Joy Reveals Podcast



Joy Packard is a mother of 8 and grandma to 9! She travels all around the world and enjoys many life experiences. She is also a business entrepreneur and e-commerce site owner. She is on an amazing journey on learning about health hacks and how to just live your life to the fullest. Come and join her on this podcast a she will be sharing tips on health and mind hacks, business and travel tips, and will be having interviews with experts on a variety of amazing topics!


  • Life is Not a Rehearsal

    02/06/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this heartfelt episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard shares poignant stories that underscore the importance of living each day to the fullest. Reflecting on personal experiences and touching narratives, Joy emphasizes that life is not a rehearsal. She encourages listeners to cherish every moment and make time for the people who matter most.

  • Never Underestimate the Power of Small Habits

    01/06/2024 Duración: 04min

    Join Joy Packard on the Joy Reveals podcast as she delves into the transformative power of small habits. In this episode, Joy shares inspiring quotes and personal stories that highlight how tiny, consistent actions can lead to significant achievements over time. From daily financial savings to incremental fitness goals, discover how to harness the power of small steps to achieve your big dreams.

  • Day One or One Day?

    31/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    Joy Reveals is a motivational podcast hosted by Joy Packard, where she encourages listeners to take immediate action towards their goals. In this episode titled "Day One or One Day?" Joy emphasizes the importance of starting today rather than postponing dreams and plans. She shares personal anecdotes and practical advice on how small steps can make a significant impact, reinforcing the idea that every journey begins with a single, decisive action.

  • What Does F.E.A.R. Mean to You?

    30/05/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard delves into the concept of F.E.A.R. and its dual meanings: "Forget Everything and Run" or "Face Everything and Rise." Joy shares personal stories and insights on how fear can be both a barrier and a motivator, using examples from her own life and experiences, such as starting her Amazon business and learning new skills. She encourages listeners to confront their fears and embrace the journey of overcoming obstacles to achieve success.

  • Make a Goal To Go Somewhere

    29/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this episode of the Joy Reveals podcast, host Joy Packard shares her inspiring goal for 2024: to visit a new place every month. Drawing from personal experiences and a motivating quote, Joy discusses the importance of exploring new destinations, whether far-flung or nearby. She encourages listeners to set their own travel goals, big or small, to enrich their lives with new experiences and cultural appreciation. Tune in for an uplifting conversation on the joy of adventure and the power of setting intentional goals.

  • Others Would Be Happy to Be Where We Are At This Moment

    28/05/2024 Duración: 02min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard reflects on the importance of appreciating the present moment. Inspired by a quote from Rich Webster, Joy discusses how often we overlook the value of where we are right now in our quest for something better. She encourages listeners to cherish their current blessings, especially on Memorial Day as we honor those who have served. Joy’s heartfelt message serves as a reminder that many people would be grateful to be in our position, urging us to embrace gratitude and mindfulness.

  • When We Look For Magic, We Will Find It

    27/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this inspiring episode of the Joy Reveals podcast, Joy Packard shares the power of perception and positive thinking. Using anecdotes and personal experiences, Joy explores how changing our mindset can reveal the magic in everyday life. She discusses how focusing on what we want, like seeing a specific type of car everywhere, can manifest these desires in our reality. Joy emphasizes the importance of believing in magic and actively seeking it in our daily lives.

  • People Will Remember

    26/05/2024 Duración: 02min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard shares a heartfelt story about the impact of small acts of kindness. After reconnecting with an old friend at a seminar, Joy reflects on how a simple gesture from years ago left a lasting impression. Join Joy as she reminds us that even the smallest actions can make a big difference in someone's life.

  • Sharpen Your Skills

    25/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    Welcome to "Joy Reveals," hosted by Joy Packard! In this episode titled "Sharpen Your Skills," Joy shares insights from her recent trip to Orlando, emphasizing the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals to improve your skills. Joy discusses the value of networking at events and exploring online resources like Udemy and YouTube to continuously learn and grow. Tune in to discover how you can reignite your passion and enhance your abilities through connection and education.

  • It's Not What You Do, It's How You Do It

    24/05/2024 Duración: 02min

    Join Joy Packard on the "Joy Reveals" podcast as she reflects on the importance of attitude in everything we do. In this episode titled "It's Not What You Do, It's How You Do It," Joy shares an inspiring story from the Peruvian Amazon conference and a heartwarming video of an enthusiastic Amazon delivery person. Joy emphasizes the power of positivity and how our approach to tasks can make all the difference. Tune in to feel rejuvenated and ready to bring joy to your daily activities.

  • Everybody Love Everybody

    23/05/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this heartfelt episode of Joy Reveals, host Joy Packard delves into the profound message of love and forgiveness inspired by a simple T-shirt worn by her grandson. "Everybody Love Everybody" explores the transformative power of letting go of grudges, embracing forgiveness, and nurturing harmonious relationships. Joy shares personal anecdotes and practical insights on how to overcome past hurts and live a more fulfilling, compassionate life. Join Joy as she encourages us all to mend broken bonds and spread love.

  • The Importance of Networking and In-Person Events

    22/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard discusses the invaluable benefits of networking and attending in-person events. Reflecting on her experiences at the Peruvian Amazon Conference, Joy emphasizes the unique learning opportunities and rekindled passions that come from face-to-face interactions with like-minded individuals. She encourages listeners to seek out their own communities, whether for business or personal interests, to foster growth and connection.

  • Be Precise and Quick to Take Action

    21/05/2024 Duración: 02min

    In this episode, Joy Packard shares her experiences of making spontaneous travel decisions and playing mini-golf with her grandsons. Through these anecdotes, she emphasizes the importance of being precise and taking quick action in both personal and professional situations. Joy reflects on how these lessons apply to her own life and encourages listeners to embrace decisiveness and prompt action to achieve their goals.

  • Give 100%

    20/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," Joy Packard shares her excitement about her grandson's championship game victory and reflects on the importance of giving 100% effort in all endeavors. Inspired by the sponsor's name on the team's jerseys, Joy emphasizes how giving your all can significantly impact achieving your goals, using personal anecdotes and motivational insights.

  • What Do You Do to Change Your Environment?

    19/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard explores the impact of creating a peaceful environment. Broadcasting from Carlsbad, California, Joy shares a personal experience about how calming music and ambient lighting during a family dinner transformed the mood and behavior of everyone involved. She reflects on simple yet effective techniques to create a tranquil atmosphere at home, such as playing meditative music, using essential oils, and adjusting lighting. Joy encourages listeners to incorporate these practices into their daily routines to achieve a calmer, more serene state of mind.

  • The Lego Example

    18/05/2024 Duración: 02min

    Join Joy Packard in this episode of "Joy Reveals" as she shares her delightful experience of building Lego sets with her grandsons in Carlsbad, California. Through the playful process of assembling and rebuilding Legos, Joy uncovers profound life lessons about the importance of following instructions, taking things step by step, and persevering through setbacks. Discover how even the smallest piece can make a difference and how to apply these insights to everyday life.

  • Whatever it is, DO IT

    17/05/2024 Duración: 04min

    "Whatever it is, DO IT" is an inspiring episode of the Joy Reveals podcast, hosted by Joy Packard. Joy encourages listeners to take action on their dreams and projects, drawing from her own experiences and a motivating quote by Joss Whedon. She discusses the importance of prioritizing passion over profit and how refining her goals has brought her fulfillment. Join Joy as she shares valuable insights on personal growth, travel tips, and health hacks, aiming to help you become the best version of yourself.

  • Enjoy Those "One Moments"

    16/05/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this heartfelt episode of "Joy Reveals," host Joy Packard reflects on the significance of "one moments"—those unique, fleeting experiences that bring immense joy and nostalgia. Sharing personal anecdotes from her granddaughter's preschool graduation, Joy emphasizes the importance of cherishing and embracing these precious moments that make life special. Tune in for an uplifting discussion on the value of appreciating everyday milestones and creating lasting memories with loved ones.

  • What a Privilege It Is

    15/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this episode of the "Joy Reveals" podcast, host Joy Packard shares a heartfelt message on the privileges we often take for granted in our daily lives. Through reflections on simple yet profound aspects like a clean home, ample food, and access to water, Joy emphasizes the importance of gratitude. She also highlights a touching initiative by her husband to help veterans and homeless individuals, underscoring the blessings of having a home. Tune in to be inspired by the many privileges that surround us and learn how focusing on these can transform your perspective.

  • There is a Time and Season For All Things in Our Life

    14/05/2024 Duración: 05min

    In this heartfelt episode of the "Joy Reveals" podcast, host Joy Packard reflects on the various seasons of life, drawing from her personal experiences of motherhood and now as an empty nester. Joy discusses the importance of appreciating each stage of life, despite the challenges, and finding contentment in the present moment. Through anecdotes and reflections, she offers listeners encouragement and wisdom to navigate their own life's seasons.

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