Well & Why



Well: Deliberately using wellness to pursue a lifestyle guided by passion.Why: To inspire the energy of individuals around the world through leading the conversation of a growth mindset and overall human progression.


  • 028 - Jon Dianora - NYC Born and Raised to Now Raising a Newborn

    24/10/2019 Duración: 59min

    Jon Dianora is an all-star dude, born and raised in NYC, and now raising his own baby girl with his wife that he speaks of very highly.Sometimes, all we need is a support system of people who are genuinely good and kind hearted to feel content with where we are at the moment. What's wild is the success that comes from being this type of person, without necessarily hoping for that to be the end result of becoming a standup, quality person.Speaking of success, not only has Jon met the woman of his dreams, traveled around the world with her and made a beautiful baby together, but three years ago he found his way into the start-up, cutting-edge company where we work in the podcast industry, making a killing in sales and knocking internal records out of the park.The attitude I have from ending up in a workplace that has people who are so graciously intentional is nothing short of gratitude, and Jon is a prime example of who I am lucky enough to be surrounded by on a daily basis.

  • 027 - Amber Fawson - A Happy Period is When a Social Mission is Conjoined with a Highly Praised Product

    10/10/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    Ladies,Imagine there was a (one time $20) solution for all the of reasons that make you hate having your period?! Just to name a few: strings, forgetting extras, the discomfort of it falling out midday, the toxicity, the monthly costs, as well as the environmental impact. I've got the golden ticket!Amber Fawson and her co-founder of Saalt Co., Cherie Hoeger, are on a mission to change the world for women. This episode goes into the depths of what is actually going on in the world regarding the disconnect between periods, education and a lack of water, amongst many other issues. Saalt is taking this insanely underrated cause and making it their responsibility to be a part of the change. Amber invites us in on the secret of what we can do from literally anywhere in the world to help be a part of this cause, but you'll have to listen to get the inside scoop :)Our periods don't have to be so miserable, love. After years of hesitating on the use of a menstrual cup, and then meeting Amber, I've been using this prod

  • 026 - Jack O - There Once was a Man Who Chose the Iron Path

    26/09/2019 Duración: 02h08min

    Jack O is a new coworker-friend that I met here at my somewhat still new job as an Office Manager for a podcast hosting platform in NYC. In the way beginning of my time here, he picked up and left for an Iron Man triathlon. I was immediately baffled when hearing the details of what this type of extreme sport entailed on not only the preparation level, but also the mind-body connection that's required to get through such a hardcore day of physicality.To be an Iron Man, you must be willing to commit and sacrifice, both of which are really challenging for many of us! I had to pick his brain.. and it was a load of fun.We discuss topics such as goal setting and dedication, training, salt and the mind-body connection. There's really a ton more banter; but do not fret, this episode is only 2 hours versus 3 :PLinks: Iron Man // LinkedIn Learning // The Garmin watch // Plant Nanny // Let [a podcast] Out Social: Spiritually Nutritious

  • 025 - Max Rose Zimberg- How Lifestyle Coincides with Our Individual, Societal and Environmental Wellbeing

    12/09/2019 Duración: 03h04min

    Episode 25 with Max Rose Zimberg is one for the books! It's a longform conversation with an abundance of topics including but not limited to: evolutionary biology and urbanization, sustainability, planetary health, plant based nutrition, our digital footprints, public Health, stress and disease, taking control of our lives, full circle moments, habits, meeting people where they are and planting seeds, It's people like Max that are so fascinating. With extensive knowledge on a ton of topics from doing the deep dive whenever she recognizes her passion shows up, there's not much she doesn't know in her fields of curiosity. When you meet someone with such a vast understanding of a plant-based lifestyle and how it coincides with not only our individual wellness, but also on a societal and environmental level, you most definitely interview them for Well & Why! Books/Reads: The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker // The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg // Behave by Dr. Robert Sapolsky // Finding Ultra by Rich Roll // C

  • 024 - Vincent James - A Positive Comedian Who Has Mastered the Dichotomy

    29/08/2019 Duración: 01h49min

    If you're looking for a laugh, you've come to the right place. Vincent James, ladies and gents, is actually one of a kind. When was the last time you met a comedian that's also extremely positive and fun-loving off stage, too?! It's rare. This conversation was literally pure entertainment whilst enlightening! It's awesome to hear a well-rounded man talk about life, love, family and passion, as well as his journey through comedy thus far. I truly believe this guy will make it big, and I am honored to say that you heard him here first!! ;) Links: Instagram // Tribeca Comedy Lounge // Dark Horse Comedy Club

  • 023 - Demi Spaccavento - We Women Can Utilize Our Moon Cycle to Efficiently Maximize Our Energy

    15/08/2019 Duración: 01h30min

    Demi Spaccavento was heaps of fun to have on here and connect with while collaboratively slicing and dicing her work to feed you her message! Demi speaks in front of high school aged Aussie ladies talking about the information that was merely glossed over when I was younger, regarding women’s reproductive health. Some of this stuff was straight up swept under the rug. It’s as if everybody put the responsibility onto others hoping somebody else would tell us, but if nobody was teaching it to our youth, who actually had the knowledge to share other than doctors? All I’ve ever learned was you get your period once a month, you use pads and tampons, TSS could happen so be careful how long you wear a tampon, some girls have worse period pains than others and it’s likely genetics, you bleed until one day you don’t, you have kids sometime in between puberty and menopause, and such. is. life! BUT ALAS, I was recently gifted with the recommendation to reach out to this amazing young lady named Demi who has so many answ

  • 022 - Ryan Wilson - Positivity, The Ripple Effect and How to Create Momentum

    01/08/2019 Duración: 57min

    Episode 22 of Well & Why is with Ryan Wilson! Ryan is a young lad who is absolutely killing it as he pursues his entrepreneurial career in his early 20's. He's younger than me and so far in the last year he's written a self-published book on Amazon, started a podcast and began book #2. In this discussion we chat about The Law of Attraction, the adventure of podcasting, self-publishing a book and the key to getting started using momentum. Thank you so much for listening and I would love any and all feedback! One of my 2019 goals is to be able to look back in the beginning and middle of this year and see an immense improvement in this content, but I am relying on you to let me know what could benefit you better as we explore this journey together. Links: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra // The Power // @wilsonryan__ // Ryan's Linktree where you can find his book and podcast links // @spirituallynutritious (me)

  • 021 - Allee's Solo Series Pt. 1 - Reflecting on Five Years of Choosing a Word of the Year

    18/07/2019 Duración: 25min

    Ever hear about the fairly new concept of choosing a word for the year instead a list of resolutions that overwhelm many of us and typically crumble to bits by March? Well, I’ve given a big ol’ F-U to New Year’s resolutions back in 2015 and have been choosing one word ever since. I’m here to tell the tale of how simply choosing ONE word per year and living by it religiously as the year progresses has helped shape my life and career thus far through my 20’s. In this episode, I share what each year was all about and what I’ve learned from focusing on that word, as well as all the major changes this yearly tradition has created. This may or may not actually be a permanent thing, these solo series, even though I did mention they would be in the episode itself (my apologies for the premature verbal COMMITMENT!); however, if we’re going to be transparent here, I really, truly, honestly have way more fun having a conversation and editing that footage versus being just me. I’m fueled by my guests and have an immense

  • 020 - Luke Mind Power - When Solidarity Meets Introspection

    04/07/2019 Duración: 01h44min

    Luke has brought such an immense amount of value to Well & Why with this conversation! We really get into the depths of what it means to take life into our own hands, how to gain and build up our confidence as we would any other learnable skill, and life post-addiction where solidarity meets introspection, followed by extraordinarily rapid expansion. Luke is a killer representation for somebody who didn't have it all together, knew there was more to life and is now making life happen; not only does he have life by the reigns, but he's also bringing that message out to the masses. Speak and Inspire with Lisa Nichols Evan Carmichael Insta Alex Beadon Insta Les Brown Insta Dean Graziosi Insta Ed Mylett Insta Trent Shelton Insta Tony Robbins Netflix - I Am Not Your Guru Luke: Instagram Facebook Twitter Website Spiritually Nutritious (me)

  • 019 - Sarah DaSilva - A Balanced Approach to Eastern and Western Medicine Whilst Enduring Chemotherapy

    20/06/2019 Duración: 01h58min

    Sarah DaSilva is a young lady who has breast cancer at 27 years young, and she is a beautiful soul who was open to sit down and chat with me about life with cancer! This isn't a typical conversation to have, so I was honored she said yes to being a spokeswoman for a positive and balanced approach to healing whilst enduring chemotherapy and combining eastern and western medicine. We discuss how Sarah's perspective of chemo drastically changed in a short period of time, how important it is to have self-trust and commit to our decisions, quantum physics, all of the methods for healing she uses, and we get a great deal of understanding for how her mindset is one of her greatest assets in this time of her life. Sarah quickly chose to look at this experience as an opportunity to press the reset button on her life and start her journey to true self-love. Sarah really opens up about how she held onto a massive secret for herself without sharing until about a year ago, which she believes is a reason cancer manifested

  • 018 - Adar Weinreb - Evolutionary Biology, Activism, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from a Neutral Stance

    06/06/2019 Duración: 02h03min

    Adar and I get quite deep in this extensive chat about so many topics including, but not limited to: purpose, activism, his drive to bring change, Adar’s neutral perspective of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, evolutionary biology, psychedelics, veganism and how it’s a great lifestyle to strive for merely to lessen our consumption, benefit our health and reduce environmental toxins, tribal times and how we can relate most of our reactions and instincts to that of our evolutionary makeup as human beings, and we lightly touch on ghosts, religion, after-life and karma. Adar for sure knows how to inspire change and understands it doesn't happen overnight, but believes the least we can do is to talk about it and find small ways or initiatives to elevate the conversation. Links: #cleanthebutts Minds of Peace Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger Yuval Harari - Sapiens Sam Harris Bret Weinstein - Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene Jordan Peterson Bernie Sanders Greta Thunberg's Twitter- 16 y

  • 017 - Julana Dizon - From Dog Trainer to Model and TV Host: Career Change is Possible!

    23/05/2019 Duración: 59min

    Julana is a model and AfterBuzz TV Host living in Hollywood; however, before doing that she had a completely different looking path. Join us as we walk through her journey that seems to have unrolled beneath her feet like a red carpet. In this episode we discuss topics ranging from career change, how she transitioned from full-time employed to full-time freelance model and TV Host, her healthy habits and that she has seen how fad dieting backfires, so she chooses to indulge in moderation. My biggest takeaway is that career change is absolutely possible. Instagram: Julana Spiritually Nutritious (Me) Contact: wellandwhy@gmail.com

  • 016 - Shake Pryzby - How Wellness Plays a Role in All Industries.. Even Trading!

    16/05/2019 Duración: 54min

    Shake Pryzby and I go into what it's like to be a stock trader on Wall Street to becoming full-time self employed after taking the leap of faith. When you have as much self-trust as he does, is there anything you CAN'T do? Shake's only a year older than myself and he's completely killing it as an entrepreneur, mentor, business partner, boyfriend, dog dad and all around human being - in my opinion, of course! I know it seems strange to have a Stock Trader on a wellness podcast, but I have to admit that Shake's energy as a human being and tenant in the building I manage was what made me want to have him on here in the first place; he's happy, kind, friendly and joy seems to follow him wherever he goes. When you meet somebody like that, don't you just want to know what they do, why they do it and how they love it so much?! I know I do. Book: Be Here Now Instagram: Trading Experts (Shake's business) Spiritually Nutritious (Me)

  • 015 - Zoe Urban - Life Post-Tragedy and The Power of Community

    09/05/2019 Duración: 01h59min

    Zoe Urban has thee utmost amiable attitude. Back in 2012, she and her three younger siblings lost their parents in Hurricane Sandy and her first instinct, at age 19, was to fight for guardianship of her younger sister and two brothers. Zoe was mid-college at this point and her education had to take a halt in order to put together the pieces of their new family puzzle. Because Zoe's parents were such givers in their community, the four children found the community's response of their tragedy to be so much more immense than anybody would have ever expected. My takeaway is that the power of community is immeasurable and that we should never underestimate the return of our generosity. We talk about everything from her story, tragedy and heartbreak while grieving, how to honor your feelings, asking for help, familial and community support during a serious time of need, silver linings and her LOVE STORY! Also, she gave us the recipe for how she makes almond milk ;) Zoe's How-To for Almond Milk: 1/2 cup of soaked a

  • 014 - Trevor Friedman - Creative Expression and Identity with a Good Friend on My Couch

    02/05/2019 Duración: 01h56min

    Trevor Friedman is probably my funniest friend here in Brooklyn! He never fails to crack everybody up using his raw sense of humor. In this conversation, we go over everything from music, creative expression, how to supersede writer's block, therapy and life as a student pursuing his PhD to become a Psychologist, journaling, identity, and how Trevor uses collaboration to keep him accountable and help his productivity. There's nothing like a good deadline to make sure that you complete a project you're working to tackle! (As I write this the morning it's released). Tree River: Twitter Instagram Bandcamp Facebook Skyswimmer Music: Instagram Soundcloud Tree River Poetry on Tumblr Resources: Psychology Today for a Therapist Paperblank Journals Others: Spiritually Nutritious on Instagram On Purpose with Alex Beadon

  • 013 - Allee Graziano - Photographing the Beauty of Life on the Road to Spirituality

    25/04/2019 Duración: 01h27min

    Allee Graziano is just as lovely in real time as she is on Instagram. Her beautiful photography is a reflection of the lens in which her eyes see the world and she undoubtably exudes the same beauty from the inside. Allee and I talk about photography and her unbeknownst journey with a camera, spirituality, exploring with wellness, not having a specific path and her first time experiencing an Internet troll! My biggest takeaway from Allee is to follow that spark of interest and your skills will grow, but there is no self to be found... only a self to create. Books: May Cause Miracles by Gabby Bernstein The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Berntein Allee's new YouTube channel! Instagram: @alleewild (Allee Graziano) @spirituallynutritious (me)

  • 012 - Chris Kennison - The Money Mindset

    18/04/2019 Duración: 01h52min

    Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Kennison is a money mindet genius in the making! Listen for a chance to be inspired to begin your money saving journey while having fun with it. Do we live now, later, or find a way of living now in the midst of setting our future selves up for success? I choose the latter! We talk about balance, seasons of life, having an entrepreneurial spirit, how to find your WHY and so many other juicy topics. Well & Why ep. 12 Challenge!! May 31 Day Giveaway! Take out a wad of cash from the bank at the end of April, convert it to singles and give one dollar away per day for the entire month of May. Are you with me?! Comment on my Instagram post of Chris with a good old Lisa Nichols "YES YES!" Books: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday Tools: Enneagram Test You Need a Budget software Instagram: Chris Kennison Amy Kennison Ed Mylett (Podcast) Dr. Joe Dispenza Jess Castillo who calls work her "Investor&quo

  • 011 - Chrissy Papetti - Lifestyle Design at its Finest

    11/04/2019 Duración: 02h02min

    Chrissy Papetti is the most dedicated person I have ever known from such a young age. She's always been dedicated to dance, her family, her academics and her closest friends. Dance was ALWAYS, behind her family of course, number 1. This girl can dance her heart out and make the whole room feel in awe. After an extreme injury came a life changing time in her life and career at the very peak of it all. Chrissy does an amazing job relating how she had to uproot her dreams and plans to find another way of exerting that same energy and passion for what she was all about, and instead launch into who she was about to become. My favorite quote that I think we could probably all relate to on any level and already have/will bring up again and again on this podcast, is “An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.” Links: Enneagram Test Human Design episodes: Jenna Zoe on

  • 010 - Tom Holland - Thriving in the Unknown

    04/04/2019 Duración: 01h20min

    Tom Holland is a 20something who just isn't willing to settle for a mediocre life. After listening to people at work complain about their commonly similar pain points, he started noticing a trend here in NYC that many individuals probably experience! Why do people come into work and complain about feeling shitty in the morning after a wild night out with no sleep or emphasis on a healthier diet? It makes no sense. After finding a common misunderstanding by the people who surround him, Tom and a friend from college have taken on the challenge of writing their first book together! We don't go into much detail about the book, but the dude has plenty of wisdom to go around without it. He will, however, have to join us back on here again once their masterpiece is published! As a fellow 20something who didn't have a chosen career path all my life, I find this conversation to be completely relative to so many youngsters in today's day and age who feel so stumped on what their journey will look like and where they'r

  • 009 - Keri Setaro - Yoga Teacher and Voice Over; Duel Careerist Following Her Heart

    28/03/2019 Duración: 01h29min

    Keri Setaro is my (fairly new) yoga teacher in Brooklyn, NY. Since day 1, I realized she changed the game of my yoga practice. Friday yoga was already my saving grace and transition from work mode to weekend, and now it feels like a little movement meditation party and all I need on a Friday night because of her Spotify playlists and incredibly genuine energy. I knew I loved music and that it had an affect on our physical wellbeing, but I officially understand it to an extreme beyond what I knew. My best advice is to find an exercise instructor/yoga teacher who plays music that speaks to your spirit. In this episode, we discuss a vast variety of topics from following your gut, being brave, finding comfort in the muck, yoga off the mat, astrology, therapy and mental wellness, clarity, personal wellbeing and the journey of a duel careerist bringing multiple aspects of her life into one whole package. On Being Podcast Psychology Today - Therapist Search Engine Glo Webiste - Highly recommended KeriSetaro.com - Yo

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