Well & Why

028 - Jon Dianora - NYC Born and Raised to Now Raising a Newborn



Jon Dianora is an all-star dude, born and raised in NYC, and now raising his own baby girl with his wife that he speaks of very highly.Sometimes, all we need is a support system of people who are genuinely good and kind hearted to feel content with where we are at the moment. What's wild is the success that comes from being this type of person, without necessarily hoping for that to be the end result of becoming a standup, quality person.Speaking of success, not only has Jon met the woman of his dreams, traveled around the world with her and made a beautiful baby together, but three years ago he found his way into the start-up, cutting-edge company where we work in the podcast industry, making a killing in sales and knocking internal records out of the park.The attitude I have from ending up in a workplace that has people who are so graciously intentional is nothing short of gratitude, and Jon is a prime example of who I am lucky enough to be surrounded by on a daily basis.