Well & Why

021 - Allee's Solo Series Pt. 1 - Reflecting on Five Years of Choosing a Word of the Year



Ever hear about the fairly new concept of choosing a word for the year instead a list of resolutions that overwhelm many of us and typically crumble to bits by March? Well, I’ve given a big ol’ F-U to New Year’s resolutions back in 2015 and have been choosing one word ever since. I’m here to tell the tale of how simply choosing ONE word per year and living by it religiously as the year progresses has helped shape my life and career thus far through my 20’s. In this episode, I share what each year was all about and what I’ve learned from focusing on that word, as well as all the major changes this yearly tradition has created. This may or may not actually be a permanent thing, these solo series, even though I did mention they would be in the episode itself (my apologies for the premature verbal COMMITMENT!); however, if we’re going to be transparent here, I really, truly, honestly have way more fun having a conversation and editing that footage versus being just me. I’m fueled by my guests and have an immense