Well & Why

026 - Jack O - There Once was a Man Who Chose the Iron Path



Jack O is a new coworker-friend that I met here at my somewhat still new job as an Office Manager for a podcast hosting platform in NYC. In the way beginning of my time here, he picked up and left for an Iron Man triathlon. I was immediately baffled when hearing the details of what this type of extreme sport entailed on not only the preparation level, but also the mind-body connection that's required to get through such a hardcore day of physicality.To be an Iron Man, you must be willing to commit and sacrifice, both of which are really challenging for many of us! I had to pick his brain.. and it was a load of fun.We discuss topics such as goal setting and dedication, training, salt and the mind-body connection. There's really a ton more banter; but do not fret, this episode is only 2 hours versus 3 :PLinks: Iron Man // LinkedIn Learning // The Garmin watch // Plant Nanny // Let [a podcast] Out Social: Spiritually Nutritious