Mama Bear Dares



The Mama Bear Dares podcast explores the intersection of the Mother Self and the Other Self and, in doing so, encourages listeners to discover their inner Mama Bear and unlock her power in the pursuit of a life of love and compassion.


  • Episode 282: Coronavirus & Feminism (with Pam Harris)

    24/08/2020 Duración: 01h10min

    On Episode 282 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie and Tesi discuss how Covid-19 is impacting women, in particular women who are juggling home and workplace responsibilities. As the virus exposes the shortcomings of society, the co-hosts focus on gender equality, the already-existing gender pay gap, the “second shift,” and the mental lode and honor the pain and inconvenience so many women are experiencing right now. They dig into research (new and emerging) that point to the ways in which women are feeling much of the brunt of caregiving and speak with Pam Harris, a mom and professional wading through a new reality.

  • Episode 281: Vote to Save America with Shaniqua McClendon

    17/08/2020 Duración: 01h27s

    On Episode 281 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie sit down with Shaniqua McClendon, Political Director for Crooked Media and brilliant Mama Bear. Shaniqua shares her experience as an intern in the Obama administration and as former staff for Senator Kay Hagan and Representative Alma Adams. Not only does she take listeners behind the scenes on Capitol Hill, but she talks about HOPE spurred on by the 2018 midterms and the difference between power for the sake of power versus power for the sake of progress. Finally, the women celebrate Shaniqua’s incredible work on Vote Save America and the road to the White House that will take us through November. Check out complete Show Notes on the Mama Bear Dares website!

  • Episode 280: You Can Be A Lobbyist with Elena Hung

    10/08/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    On Episode 280 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie and Tesi sit down with Elena Hung, co-founder and director of Little Lobbyists, an incredible organization that seeks to protect and expand the rights of children who have complex medical needs and disabilities through advocacy, education, and outreach. Elena shares her journey of working WITH and on BEHALF of families with medically complex kids, about the power of story to change hearts and minds AND policy. She and her fellow advocates refuse to accept the policies and legislation being advanced by the current administration and Congress and seek to educate legislators by showing up in-person with their children (and their ventilators, oxygen tanks, feeding tubes, wheelchairs, and more!) so that everyone can see first-hand who is impacted by laws and programs like the ACA, Medicaid, ADA, and IDEA. Visit the Mama Bear Dares website for details.

  • Episode 279: Vote Like A Mother with Sara Berliner

    03/08/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    On Episode 279 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie and Tesi sit down with the creative force behind VOTE LIKE A MOTHER, Sara Berliner. Sara is working to rally parents and all people of conscience to get politically engaged and believes that parenthood can be a powerful lens for politics. The women discuss current events, the 2020 election, and the ways we can work to make a world that’s more just and equitable for all. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 278: Voter Suppression & The Right to Vote

    27/07/2020 Duración: 01h09min

    On Episode 278 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie talk about voting rights and voter suppression. Deeply rooted in research and in honor of the passion, work, and incredible life of Congressman John Lewis, the women recall the history of suffrage and voter suppression in the United States and the ways in which we can advocate so that ALL people can exercise this constitutional right. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 277: A Better Way with Rebecca Smith

    20/07/2020 Duración: 53min

    On Episode 277 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie sits down with Rebecca Smith, the founder of Better Life Bags and author of A Better Life: Slowing Down to Get Ahead. They discuss the power and possibility of social entrepreneurism, living counter to a culture that values hustle and the bottom line, being true to ourselves, and the many ways in which we can show up for one another in solidarity and love. It’s an upbeat conversation about care, compassion, and using the ways we can use our talents and gifts for a better life for all. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 276: The Bail Project with Kaitlin Koga

    13/07/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    On Episode 276 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie and Tesi sit down with Kaitlin Koga, Chief of Staff of The Bail Project, a phenomenal organization that aims to prevent incarceration and the combat racial and economic disparities in the bail system. It’s a fascinating conversation about America’s cash-bail and it’s part in our country’s system of mass incarceration and racial inequality. The women discuss the criminalization of poverty, and policing…both it’s problems and the potential of a different approach. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 275: Swing Left with Tori Taylor

    06/07/2020 Duración: 47min

    On Episode 275 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie sit down with Tori Taylor, fierce Mama Bear and co-executive director of the incredible grassroots organization Swing Left. Swing Left helps volunteers find the most impactful ways to use their time, talent, and treasure to make sure this country progresses forward…without leaving anyone behind. They helped Democrats win the house in 2018 and they’ve got their sights set on not just the presidential race in 2020, but many other local races as well. The three women talk about the depths of gerrymandering, how to make change happen during a pandemic, and the real, tangible ways that each of us can get involved. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 274: Courtrooms & Classroom (and the need an Anti-Racist public education)

    29/06/2020 Duración: 48min

    On Episode of 274 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi & Leslie take some time to celebrate the recent Supreme Court rulings on LGBTQ+ rights and protections and the DACA decision. They explore the incredible work of Dr. Shermariah Arki and her eye-opening definitions of common terms used often in public education. The women discuss the importance of learning, unlearning, and re-learning, the need for anti-racist public education, and what Mama Bears can do to move the needle. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares Podcast website.

  • Episode 273: Being Human with Judy Heumann

    22/06/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    On Episode 273 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie sit down with Judy Heumann, a disability rights activist who was chosen as one of the 100 women who defined the last century and was featured in the recent documentary Crip Camp. Forty years ago, Judy helped lead a groundbreaking protest called the Section 504 sit-in, in which disabled-rights activists occupied a federal building for almost a month, demanding greater accessibility for all. Judy has led an incredible life of activism bringing tangible change to our country. On this episode of the pod, Judy generously shares her incredible stories of advocacy, her wisdom, and her hope. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares Podcast website.

  • Episode 272: Race Women with Maya Millett

    15/06/2020 Duración: 50min

    On Episode 272 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie and Tesi sit down with Maya Millett, the extraordinary woman behind Race Women. The three women talk about history, about reverence and anger, and about the ways in which we are indebted to the strong women who came before us. Maya is an incredibly talented storyteller who insists on using her talents and experience to broaden our collective conversation and ultimately make change. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 271: No More Virtue Signaling, Mama Bear Must Act

    08/06/2020 Duración: 46min

    On Episode 271 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie encourage listeners to join Campaign Zero and educate themselves about #8CantWait, an initiative to immediately address police violence. They discuss each part of the initiative and continue to act as “crossing guards” for their listeners, using the podcast as starting point of education, but asking listeners to seek out BIPOC voices as we all continue to mature in our education and advocacy. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 270: Mama Bears Demand Action with Shannon Watts

    01/06/2020 Duración: 01h18s

    On Episode 270 of the Mama Bear Dares podcast, Leslie and Tesi have the honor of sitting down with Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, the largest grassroots movement in Americans fighting for public safety measures that protect people from gun violence. The women talk about the moral imperative to DO SOMETHING to help the vulnerable among us and encourage listeners with a message of empowerment: You are more powerful than you realize and the world needs you. Check out complete Show Notes on the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 269: Mama Bear & the Cold Black Heart

    25/05/2020 Duración: 53min

    On Episode 269 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie and Tesi discuss strategies to keep their stressed-out, pandemic-heavy, world-weary hearts from turning cold and black. They talk about what’s giving them life in this moment and the things that they should probably feel guilty about, but don’t. This playful and earnest episode revolves around the idea that, with some intention, we can exist as complex beings amidst a complex time…and even cultivate joy. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 268: Art is Power with Holiday Reinhorn

    18/05/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    On Episode 268 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie sit down with Holiday Reinhorn, author and co-founder of LIDÈ Haiti, a community-based organization providing academic support and arts programs that EMPOWER and strengthen the resiliency of adolescent girls and differently abled youth who have been denied equal access to education. In this fantastic conversation Holiday reminds us of the transformative power of the arts and inspires us with her story, her wisdom, and her dedication to spreading creativity and love in this world. Listen in! For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 267: Food is Power with Laurie Ornelas

    11/05/2020 Duración: 56min

    On Episode 267 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie sit down with Lauren Ornelas, the founder of the Food Empowerment Project, an organization that seeks to create a more just and sustainable world by recognizing the power of one’s food choices. The women discuss farm worker rights, veganism, chocolate slavery, the lack of access to healthy foods, and how we can all make more informed choices that can ultimately prevent injustice against animals, people, and the environment. Now, more than ever, is a great time to learn about the importance of—and treatment of—farm and factory workers in America and Lauren is a phenomenal resource and impressive activist. For full Show Notes visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 266: The COVID Wealth Gap

    04/05/2020 Duración: 43min

    On Episode 266 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie talk about how systems, policies, and economic stimulus plans have repeatedly failed people of color, women, and minorities. They dive into the history of these harmful policies and talk about how in the midst of a global health pandemic and the consequential economic collapse, it’s the poor and marginalized who continue to lose. For complete Show Notes, head to the Mama Bear Dares website. 

  • Episode 265: Live Your Truth (No Matter the Cost) with Jen Hatmaker

    27/04/2020 Duración: 58min

    On Episode 265 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie and Tesi sit down with Jen Hatmaker, writer, speaker, activist and author of, most recently, Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire. The three discuss showing up in life as genuine, curious, brave, truth-tellers and change-makers. They celebrate putting in the internal work required to know and love yourself and how, even when the cost of high, living authentically brings freedom and joy. The conversation is filled with passion and laughter; you’ll come away inspired to own and live your truth in this complicated world! For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.

  • Episode 264: Privilege, Poverty, & the Pandemic

    20/04/2020 Duración: 54min

    On Episode 264 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, sister/co-hosts Tesi and Leslie jump into the racial and economic disparities that COVID-19 is shining a great big spotlight on in the United States and around the world. As we begin to see more data and hear more about the racial and class discrimination this virus is highlighting in our society, the two women look at all of the symptoms and underlying conditions in Black communities, Latinx communities, and under-resourced and under-served communities that have led to this place: how black and brown people (women, in particular) are received in the healthcare system, the discrimination in everything from education to policing, and how the economics (the minimum wage, in particular) are all leading to a world where the most vulnerable of society are being disproportionately sickened by the Corona virus. Now, more than ever, the world needs compassionate, informed humans ready to do what they can, when they can. Find complete Show Notes on the Mama Bear Dares we

  • Episode 263: #OscarsSoWhite with April Reign

    13/04/2020 Duración: 01h11min

    On Episode 263 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie sit down with activist April Reign, the woman who propelled her hashtag “OscarsSoWhite” into a powerful movement challenging the lack of representation of marginalized communities in Hollywood … and beyond. The women discuss April’s work, beginning with a seemingly innocent and witty tweet back in 2015, using your influence and skill to fight for permanent systemic change, and why the posture of learning and how it’s essential to being a better advocate or ally.

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