Mama Bear Dares

Episode 280: You Can Be A Lobbyist with Elena Hung



On Episode 280 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Leslie and Tesi sit down with Elena Hung, co-founder and director of Little Lobbyists, an incredible organization that seeks to protect and expand the rights of children who have complex medical needs and disabilities through advocacy, education, and outreach. Elena shares her journey of working WITH and on BEHALF of families with medically complex kids, about the power of story to change hearts and minds AND policy. She and her fellow advocates refuse to accept the policies and legislation being advanced by the current administration and Congress and seek to educate legislators by showing up in-person with their children (and their ventilators, oxygen tanks, feeding tubes, wheelchairs, and more!) so that everyone can see first-hand who is impacted by laws and programs like the ACA, Medicaid, ADA, and IDEA. Visit the Mama Bear Dares website for details.