Mama Bear Dares

Episode 264: Privilege, Poverty, & the Pandemic



On Episode 264 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, sister/co-hosts Tesi and Leslie jump into the racial and economic disparities that COVID-19 is shining a great big spotlight on in the United States and around the world. As we begin to see more data and hear more about the racial and class discrimination this virus is highlighting in our society, the two women look at all of the symptoms and underlying conditions in Black communities, Latinx communities, and under-resourced and under-served communities that have led to this place: how black and brown people (women, in particular) are received in the healthcare system, the discrimination in everything from education to policing, and how the economics (the minimum wage, in particular) are all leading to a world where the most vulnerable of society are being disproportionately sickened by the Corona virus. Now, more than ever, the world needs compassionate, informed humans ready to do what they can, when they can. Find complete Show Notes on the Mama Bear Dares we