9 Squirrels And A Catfish



NOT FOR THE EASILY OFFENDED --- Good tunes and crass humor from some clinically insane folks in upstate New York.


  • 9SCF - I'm Officer...

    24/08/2011 Duración: 02h42s

    Everybody's here tonight for the show. Crazy conversations ensued, including one with the quote of "I'm officer". Also some great music as always.

  • 9SCF - 9 Squirrels and a Hatfish?

    17/08/2011 Duración: 01h57min

    The 4 of us are back for another exciting episode of 9SCF. We started off the show with Dug's thoughts and why he wasn't speaking. We chatted about Todd's diary and how great of voices Big Chip can do. Dug was insistent on having Todd ask question to people in the shit box via the computer, somehow not realizing that he was basically asking the question on the air and that those people could hear him. We also chatted about TJ, his many names, and how loyal of a listener he is, which got Big Chip all sorts of aroused.

  • 9SCF - There's 5 of us now?

    17/08/2011 Duración: 01h55min

    Everybody's here for this episode of 9SCF. And since Todd is a fucking technology great, they now can have actual call in/people joining in on segments. Our test and first guest was Sir Thomas of the West Coast. So there was a lot of craziness with our technical 5th member joining us for 3/4ths of the show. Great music as well as great topics.

  • 9 Squirrels and a Catfish - Big Chips Big Dreams

    06/07/2011 Duración: 01h55min

    Back on the normal night and time. Big Chip tells us about his Cub scout secret life, we dropped some Twiztid news on ya, read a funny police report, learned about a guy traveling to the Phish festival this past weekend getting busted with a TON of shit and Dave Attell for the 9SCF Comedy Break this week.