Sermons Elmira Christian Center



Making Disciples. Changing Our Community.


  • A Man After God’s Heart, part 2 (1 Samuel 16:14-23)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt once again shows us that God has chosen for himself a king to shepherd his people. As David enters Saul’s service, he begins to prove that he is the man of God’s choosing, the son with the Spirit of Yahweh, the king-in-waiting who will one day wear the crown. But we’ll also see that this story, like all sacred Scripture, points us to the gospel of Jesus Christ. And just as he was anointed “king-in-waiting” at the outset of his ministry, so all those who have received his Spirit through faith now wait patiently for the day when we will reign with him

  • Two Ways to Live (1 Samuel 15:24-35)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt shows how Saul's responses reveal that insisting on our kingdom our way only invites God's judgment. Yet while the true King is grieved by our sin, he is never surprised. His purposes of grace remain, and all those who submit to God's kingdom God's way will know the blessing of his life-giving rule.

  • To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:1-23)


    Having seen Saul's disregard for the word of Samuel and his rash vow, we now come to Saul's third and final "fall," where he is rejected by God as king over Israel. In this sermon, pastor Joel encourages us to not trust in religious behaviors but remain faithful and obedient to Jesus.

  • What Saul Has Sworn (1 Samuel 14:24-52)


    In this sermon about king Saul's foolish vow, pastor Matt shows us that apart from God’s life-giving word we are left to our own folly. To forget the Lord is to do what seems right in our eyes, to care more about our reputation, and ultimately to remain under the curse of sin. But it remains his gracious will to make kings out of clowns like us

  • What Yahweh Has Given (1 Samuel 13:15 – 14:23)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us of the simple gospel truth that God gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the pioneer of our salvation, the leader who has made the way for faithless and fearful sinners like us to be raised to walk in newness of life and fight the good fight of faith as we follow him.

  • The Fall of Saul (1 Samuel 13:1-14)


    Our passage today marks the beginning of the end of the first king of Israel. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us that a fearful people need a faithful king whose kingdom endures forever. What we need is a king who will pass the test of obedience which Adam failed on behalf of ruined sinners, a leader to bring us back under the blessing of God, a savior to deliver us from our fears and from ourselves.

  • For the Sake of His Great Name (1 Samuel 12)


    At the end of chapter 11, Samuel summoned Israel to Gilgal to “renew the kingdom” (v. 14). Here, at the transition from the last of Israel’s judges to the first of their kings, Samuel will call them all to a renewed allegiance to Israel’s true and everlasting King. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us that the God of glorious grace is a great God worth serving. For despite all our sin and the many ways we reject the one true King, it remains his intention to make his glory known through the redemption of a people who find life in his name.

  • God’s Saul-vation (1 Samuel 11)


    After Saul is anointed and proclaimed as king, we have a story of God working salvation for Israel through him. When Jabesh-Gilead was surrounded by their enemy, the Ammonites, God grants them salvation through Saul. In this sermon, pastor Keith shows us that the LORD works salvation for His people. First, we see the enemy’s […]

  • An Iffy King for God’s Immovable Kingdom (1 Samuel 10:17-27)


    In this sermon, Pastor Keith Ryoo covers the coronation of an apparent hesitant King Saul, Israel's first monarch, and Israel's complete and total rejection of God as their sole ruler. God permits Israel to have a king, despite the dire warnings of the obvious pitfalls of such a governmental system. What we see is that, despite the people's rejection, and their king's reluctance, God still rules.

  • Looking for Donkeys, Finding a Kingdom (1 Samuel 9:1-10:16)


    In this sermon, pastor Mitch reminds us that, despite his people’s rebellion and rejection of him, the Lord ordains and ensures the deliverance of his people through his chosen ruler. This story reminds us that God is always at work, even in the ordinary events of life, to bring about his purposes of blessing his people.

  • The Faithful King We Need (1 Samuel 8 )


    In this sermon, pastor Matt explains that the king we need the most is not like one the nations have. We need a king to do for us what only God can do: We need a faithful king who is both willing and able to save us from the power of sin, to put the whole world to rights, and to reign forever and ever

  • From Ichabod to Ebenzer (1 Samuel 7:2-17)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us that those who repent of their sin and rely on God will receive his merciful help. As we turn away from our idols and put our trust in the Lord, we will come to experience the blessing of his salvation and become the covenant people we are meant to be.

  • The Gospel of the Ark, part 2 (1 Samuel 5-7:1)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt again shows how those who fail to give God the glory due his name will fall before him. The good news is that the God of Israel will triumph over his enemies, and we can share in his victory, but his hand is stretched out against all those who refuse to submit to him.

  • The Gospel of the Ark, part 1 (1 Samuel 4)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that those who fail to give God the glory due his name will fall before him. But the good news is that despite judgment, loss, and apparent defeat, the God of Israel is at work to save his people from the power of their enemies.

  • The Faithful Prophet We Need (1 Samuel 3)


    In this sermon, pastor Keith shows us from 1 Samuel 3 that God is always at work to fulfill his purposes through the ministry of His word. From God's word being rare and Eli's eyes growing dim to all Israel knowing that a prophet is risen in Shiloh, God provided His word and a minister of His word to begin a new thing in Israel. In these last days, God has provided Christ, the faithful prophet we need, who did not let any of God's word fall to the ground.

  • The Faithful Priest We Need (1 Samuel 2:11-3:1)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us that, despite corruption in his house, God is always at work to fulfill his purposes. He will provide for the needs of his people both in purging judgment and in preserving mercy

  • Sing, O Barren One (1 Samuel 2:1-10)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that, like Hannah, we can rejoice in the God who is at work to turn the world right-side up. Because of who God is and what he is doing to restore all things through his Christ, we should be a people always abounding in joyful praise.

  • Blessing for the Barren (1 Samuel 1)


    In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that *God is always at work to fulfill his purpose especially in hopeless circumstances. He intends to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found. And so we can trust that he will hear the prayers of his people, remember us, and act for our good and his glory.

  • A Church Abounding in Generosity (2 Corinthians 9:6-11)


    In this sermon, pastor Mitch shows us that radical generosity in all of life is a hallmark of a Christian. As we consider Paul's instructions on giving to the Corinthians we not only learn principles of giving, but we discover the reasons why we ought to be excited about generosity.