Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 235:51:54
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Podcast by Yusuf Circle Sheffield


  • S23 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 43 - 46

    24/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Quran Class Surah 24 v43-46 Session 23 Cosmic Rain And He sends down from The Sky of Mountains of hail- Baradain... Surah 24 v 43. The objects, 20-40-ton snowballs the size of two-bedroom houses, streak into the atmosphere by the thousands each day, disintegrate harmlessly 600 to 15,000 miles up and deposit large clouds of water vapor that eventually falls on Earth's surface as rain, according to Louis A. Frank, 58, University of Iowa. 'O Allah SWT bless my Ummah in the mornings' (Abu Dawood). 'Every living thing is made from water O Abu Hurayra' (ra), Tirmidhi. 'O Allah SWT I seek refuge in You from the evil of those who crawl on their bellies, the evil of those who walk on 2 feet and the evil of those who walk on 4 feet', Refer to Surah 24 v45 & Surah 113 v3. Seek refuge of the Ghisk - when the moon appears and darkness spreads as the Shaytan disperse. A parable is set forth: A straight road (Islam), on either side are walls (the limits) there are open doors with curtains hanging on them (the prohib

  • S22 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 40 - 42

    24/06/2024 Duración: 30min

    Quran class Session 22 Surah 24 v40-42 The hypocrites play games so Allah SWT plays games with them, near The Bridge of Siraat. The Birds and their worship. Salah is only for mankind and each have their own style of worship. The Mystery of The Earth belongs to Allah SWT, Surah 16 v77.

  • S06 - Prophets - Slippery questions

    23/06/2024 Duración: 28min

    Slippery questions How can we believe in you while you neither see Allah SWT nor do you speak with Him SWT face to face... as Moosa (as) used to see and converse with Allah SWT? Verses are revealed, And none can see Allah SWT excpt behind a veil... Surah 42 v51 (Quortobi). Blessed is he who is in the fire and all who are around it! Glorified be Allah SWT Lord of The Alamin, Surah 27 v8. It was The light of The Lord of The Alamin; All Around it refers to the Angels, Abudullah ibn Abbas (ra) Ibn Kathir).

  • S05 - Prophets - The Sacrifice and a 7 year old Ismaeel (as).

    23/06/2024 Duración: 29min

    The Sacrifice and a 7 year old Ismaeel (as). Prophet Ibrahim (as) fulfills his vision, Surah 37 v105. A white ram which grazed in Paradise was brought near Ibrahim (as). And we then gave him the good news of Ishaaq (as) a Prophet and one of the pious, Surah 37 v111. And who turns away from the path of Ibrahim (as) except those as debase their own souls, Surah 2 v130. For every Prophet, there is a Walee (intimate friend) from the other Prophets (as). Indeed my Walee is The Khaleel [Ibrahim (as)] (Tirmidhi).

  • S04 - Prophets - Prophet Adam & Ibrahim (as)

    23/06/2024 Duración: 29min

    Prophet Adam & Ibrahim (as) The first Prophet sent as a Messenger was Nuh (as) (IbnAsaakir). When Adam (as) passed away all of the creation wept over him for 7 days (Ibn Assakar). The most honoured of the prophets was Adam (as) for he was chosen to be the father of humanity (Tabarani). Prophet Ibrahim (as) was shown a dream thrice [that his son was to be sacrificed] (Quortobi Surah 37 v102).

  • S03 - Prophets - The Infallable Prophets

    16/06/2024 Duración: 24min

    The Infallable Prophets Shaitan said,  By Your Honour, O my Lord SWT! I will never stop enticing Your servants as long as their souls remain in their bodies! By My Honour & Majesty! I SWT will continue to forgive them as they seek My forgiveness [this is our refuge] (Haakim). Prophet Yusuf (AS) was one of our chosen servants purified (Shaitan had no access), Surah 12 v24. Send Salaah only upon The Prophets & Messengers ﷺ

  • S02 - Prophets - Prophet Yusuf (AS) & Zulaykhaa (raa)

    16/06/2024 Duración: 34min

    Tashreek- The Glistening Meat And Remember Allah SWT on The Appointed Days, Surah 2 v203 - this refers to the Days of Tashreek 11-13th (Bukhari). And Remember the Name of Allah SWT through The Well Known Days, Surah 22 v28, this refers to the 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah (Bukhari) Prophet Yusuf (AS) & Zulaykhaa (raa) Prophet Yusuf (AS) infallibility was due to The Almighty and Glorious SWT protecting him from sin- not that he himself was incapable of it. The Proof • He (as) saw the face of the Azeez of Misr (ra). • He (as) saw The Sacred Verse of The Surah upon the ceiling (Surah 17 v32). • He (as) saw his father (as) who struck him on the chest. • He (as) saw Zulaykhaa's (raa) veneration of her idol. • The venerable Prophet was protected by Allah SWT.

  • S01 - The Prophets + The Day Of Arafat

    15/06/2024 Duración: 28min

    The Day of Arafat Al Watr - the odd is The day of Arafat since it's on the 9th of Dhull Hijj. Ash Shaf'i - the even, is The Day of Sacrifice and falls on the 10th of Dhull Hijj The Fast on The Day of Arafat is equal to 1,000 Fasts (Tabarani). The Infallibility of The Noble Messengers ﷺ Those who annoy Allah SWT and His Messengers are cursed by Allah SWT in this world and the next, Surah 33 v57. Be not like those who vexed Moosa (as)... Surah 33 v69.

  • S07 - Divine Mercy - Contemplate on Allah SWT creation and not about Allah SWT

    14/06/2024 Duración: 31min

    Divine Mercy Objects of Love The Family of Dawood (AS) Allah SWT The Exalted bestowed favours upon mankind in proportion to His Power and asked them to give thanks according to their capability (Ibn Abee Dunyaa). A man cannot be regarded as knowledgeable in the real sense until he regards affliction as a favour and affluence as a trial (Ibn Abee Dunyaa) Yaa Haleemu-Yaa Kareemu cure so-and-so (Ibn Abee Shainah). When you sigh giving out breaths of regret, they then rise and form clouds, to patter upon you drops of forgiveness. And if you shed a tear on the cheek of repentance you will give life to your barren heart (Kitaab Al Lataa'if). Abu Zharr (ra), The right measure of supplication compared to one's pious deeds should be like the right quantity of salt that is put in one's food (Abu Naim Hilyaa). Contemplate on Allah SWT creation and not about Allah SWT for you will not appreciate His Magnitude (Tabarani).

  • S06 - Divine Mercy - The tribulations of a Believer concerning their body

    14/06/2024 Duración: 23min

    Divine Mercy Whoever is not thankful to the people then in reality he is not thankful to Allah SWT (Tirmidhi). The tribulations of a Believer concerning their body wealth & children continues until they meet Allah SWT without sin (Ahmad). A person has a status allocated to him which he does not attain by deeds until he is put to trial in his body upon which he achieves it (Haakim). If a person is ill for 3 days then he is sinless as the day he was born (Tabarani). There are 3 things in your illness, a reminder of your mortality, a purification, a means for answered supplications (Tabarani).

  • S21 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 38 - 40

    14/06/2024 Duración: 32min

    Session 21 S 24 v38-40  'The best of you are those who live the longest and do the best of deeds.' 'Add even more out of Grace - The Grace here is Paradise.' Uzair was neither a consort or a son of Allah SWT... Bani Israel referred to him as Uzair the son of God due to his learning of the Taurat. The Monks labour hard making Umar (ra) weep, Surah 88 v2-4 & Surah 18. The Vast Deep Ocean, Waves topped by Waves... referring to the shades of atheism. The atheists Speech is Darkness as are their Deeds, Entrance & A Sad End. Beyond 5m in the depths of The Ocean the colour Red disappears, after 30m Orange, after 100m Yellow, after 200m Blue and after 500m there is no light (verse 40 he can hardly see). The Oceanographer Professor Schroder, hearing verse 40 stated, These are not the words of a mortal.

  • S05 - Divine Mercy - Do Not Become Heedless Such That You Forget About The Mercy of Allah swt

    11/06/2024 Duración: 27min

    Do Not Become Heedless Such That You Forget About The Mercy of Allah SWT And Thus Start Falling into Despair (Tirmidhi). ...it's our good fortune that Allah SWT forgives so many of our sins (without account) and those which are not forgiven are also dealt with very mildy as stated at the end of verse Surah 30 v41, they taste some of what they did. A person ashamed of his sins awaits Allah SWT Mercy (Baihaqi). Do Not Become Heedless Such That You Forget About The Mercy of Allah SWT And Thus Start Falling into Despair (Tirmidhi). O Allah SWT I seek refuge in You from those sins that prevent the answering of my requests. O Allah SWT I seek refuge in You from those sins that stop sustenance. O Allah SWT I seek refuge in you from those sins that bring about your wrath (Tabarani). O Allah SWT I ask you of sudden goodness and I seek refuge in you from sudden evil (Ibn As-Sunee). O Immense Eraser O The Beautiful Overlooker O You whose forgiveness is most expansive O You who outstretches his Hands with Mercy O

  • S04 - Divine Mercy - One should not commit sins in the hope of being forgiven

    10/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    The one who performs ablution and stands to offer the obligatory prayer then Allah SWT forgives him all the sins committed that day by his feet, hands, ears, eyes and inner self (Ahmad)... Yet do not be deceived by this forgiveness (ibn Majah). Meaning one should not commit sins in the hope of being forgiven. Others turn their night into a calamity and punishment for themselves, these exploit the solitude of the night to indulge in various sins... (Tabarani). For everything a servant loses there is a substitute, but the one who loses Allah SWT will never find anything to replace Him (Al Dawaal Al Dawaa). When a person fails to do good deeds then Allah SWT puts him in trial through worries (Abdullah ibn Ahmad). O Allah SWT you who returns what has been lost and guides from error Return to me what I have lost by Your Might & Power For verily it is your Gracious Gifting & grace (Tabarani).

  • S03 - Divine Mercy - Your Relationship with your Lord

    09/06/2024 Duración: 28min

    Dhul Hijja A few reminders... No deed is more sublime and rewardable by Allah SWT than a good Deed done during the 10 days ending with Ad'haa (Darimee). Divine Mercy Your Relationship with your Lord. Prophet Yunus (AS) supplication was heard by the Angels at The Arsh (Ibn Abee Haatim). Know him whilst in prosperity and He will know you in adversity (Tirmidhi). Whoever focuses on Allah SWT with his heart then Allah SWT will fill the hearts of the Muslims with love and affection for him and guide to him and blessings will be granted quickly (Al Haithami). Whilst going through hardship and you wonder, where is Allah SWT, remember the teacher is always quiet during the exam (Timeless seeds of Advice). I make a supplication for something I want. Thus is He (SWT) gives it to me I am happy once, if He (SWT) does not give it to me then I am happy 10 times - For the first was my choice and the latter was His SWT (Timeless Seeds of Advice). If you want to know your worth with your Lord SWT then look to how He

  • S02 - Divine Mercy - 3 Courts on The Last Day

    08/06/2024 Duración: 33min

    Dhul Hijja A few reminders... 3 Courts on The Last Day, Good Deeds; Blessings and sins. Good deeds will be balanced with the Blessings, whilst the sins will be left under the grace of Allah SWT (Ibn Abee Shahbah). The worshipper and the throbbing vein. We sin without counting but we take the name of Allah SWT and count (we can count on beads but should not be content with counting). Verily Mankind is ungrateful to His Lord, Surah 100 v6 - Hassan Al Basree (rah), 'He counts the calamities and forgets the blessings,' (Ibn Katheer). Remember Allah SWT during times of ease and this will help you in adversity (Ad-Durr Al Manthoor).

  • S01 - Divine Mercy - Dhul Hijja - A few reminders..

    08/06/2024 Duración: 28min

    Divine Mercy Dhul Hijja - A few reminders.. 'And remember My Name on the days well known...' Allah SWT is more compassionate towards His servant when He SWT meets him than the mother of a child whose bedding she spreads on a plain ground and then smoothes it with her hand (Ibn Abee Shaibash). If the hair or beard of My servant turns white then I SWT am reluctant to punish (Tabarani).

  • S123 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) FINAL SESSION

    08/06/2024 Duración: 32min

    Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Final Session 123 The Fox of The Arabs Amr (ra) passed away 20 years after (43 AH) Umar (ra). Amr (ra) was 79 years when Umar (ra) was martyred, thus he was 16 when Umar (ra) was born. Amr (ra)... 5 Years older than Abu Bakr (ra) 16 years older than Umar (ra) 9 years older than Uthmaan (ra) 33 years older than Alee (ra) No one reaches 40 in Islam except that Allah SWT protects him from madness, leprosy & leucoderma At 50, the reckoning is made easy. At 60 Allah SWT grants you repentance. At 70 Allah SWT loves him and the inhabitants of the heavens love him. At 80, Allah SWT accepts his good deeds and overlooks his sins. At 90, Allah SWT forgives his past and future sns and is named The Prisoner of Allah SWT on earth and is granted intercession for his family (Ahmad).

  • S122 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) -Amr (ra) 100 years of age at the time of passing

    08/06/2024 Duración: 30min

    Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 122 The Fox of The Arabs Amr (ra) 100 years of age at the time of passing On the morning of Eid, Allah SWT sends the Angels to all the cities, they descend to the earth in every valley, calling out O Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ Go to the Lord who is the Most Benevolent and Who erases the greatest of faults (Ibn Hibbann). Amr (ra) was buried in Al-Muqattam, the cemetery of the people of Egypt which is on the plateau of a hill (Ibn Saad) - the people buried here are free from the reckoning (Ibn Asaakir).

  • S121 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - A Brief Bio

    05/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 121 The Fox of The Arabs A Brief Bio Amr (ra) utters the declaration of faith just before departing the earth on the night of Eid-Ul-Fitr (Ibn Sa’d). A brief bio… The Head of the Pious Family The brother of the martyred Hishaam (ra) The brother in law of Uthmaan (ra) The spokesman of The Quraysh The Fox of The Arabs The one who embraced Islam at the hands of Najashee (rah) The one who learnt 1,000 parables from The Messenger ﷺ The Veteran of Ajnaadayn, Yarmook, Jerusalem, Faramaa, Bilbees, Alexandria, Tripoli, Egypt, Fusthaath... One of the four commanders launched by Abu Bakr (ra).

  • S120 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - Funeral Instructions

    05/06/2024 Duración: 27min

    Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 120 The Fox of The Arabs Funeral Instructions A sensible & wise person is he who prepares for contingencies, so how could a person neglect what is known to happen with certainty? I wonder at a person who publicises his lost property whilst he himself is lost. I wonder at a person who is frugal in spending his wealth although his whole life is wasted (Ibn Jawzee). Funeral Instructions Washed with normal water, then dried. Washed with pure water, then dried. Washed with water & camphor, then dried. Shrouded with 3 garments and loin-cloth tied firmly. No wailing nor praising allowed. Should be taken quickly. Grve to be filled evely. Spend an hour or so after burial to help with the interrogation.

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