2014 Lessons From God With Pastor Rob



The Church of Tollhouse, in beautiful Tollhouse, California, brings you the teaching ministry of Pastor Rob Morton. Pastor Rob uses a dynamic form of expository preaching, integrating life applications, to teach the Word of God. His passion for teaching the Word, and the fun he has doing it, ignites a fire for the Lord in those that listen to him. You can find sermon notes (when available) and other useful information on our website at ChurchofTollhouse.org or connect with us through our Church of Tollhouse Facebook Group.


  • 12/28: "Love Will Keep Us Together"


    Dec 28, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob teaches about the importance of love, as God created it. Here's just a glimpse: Demonstrating the gifts of the Spirit without bearing the fruit of the Spirit, places us in danger to quench the Spirit."

  • 12/14: "From One Hole to Another Whole"


    Dec 14, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob talks about the opportunities God gives us to fill the emptyness we may have inside us. Here is just a glimpse: Perhaps the darkness...the devastation...the hole we have in our lives, is our greatest opportunity to find a measure of joy that can only be found in the context of reunion."

  • 12/7: "Let's Drop Some F-Bombs: Words that Destroy Futility & Fear" Part 3


    Dec 7, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob concludes his message series on F-Bombs. Here's just a glimpse, "Show me a man who doesn't know the meaning of fear and I will show you a dummy who gets beat up alot." --Dean Martin"

  • 11/30: "Let's Drop Some F-Bombs: Words That Destroy Futility and Fear" Part 2


    Nov 30, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob continues with his message on Malachi 3:13-18. Here's just a glimpse, "Our brains need time to mirror our spiritual reality, they need to be rewired. The old dysfunctional neural pathways need to die and new ones need to grow." -- Christian Clinical Psychologist, Michael Wayne Regier"

  • 11/16: "Let's Drop Some F-Bombs: F Words that Destroy Futility And Fear"


    Nov 16, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob shares another dynamic message. Here's just a glimpse: "A person who has a religious spirit is one who has an outward form of godliness, holding fast to what God DID, while resisting what God is DOING presently. In order to change and make the transition from one level of glory to the next, we must be willing to leave our comfort zone and pursus the way that the spirit of the Lord leads us. This path will lead through a wilderness where God causes new life to spring forth."-John Bevere"

  • 11/30: All-Church Family Thanksgiving Celebration


    Nov 23, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us for our All-Church Family Giving of Thanks Celebration, the "Power In Praise"."

  • 11/9: "The Key that Fits"


    Nov 9, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Travis Cooper, our Youth Leader, give today's message while Pastor Rob is out of town. Here's just a glimpse of the theme; “The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution is not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them.”― Thomas Merton"

  • 11/2: "Money Talks..." Part 2


    Nov 2, 2014 12:00 PM "Won't you join us as Pastor Rob continues with his message, "Money Talks..." Here's just a glimpse: Revelation 21:21 reads, “the great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass.” Transparency is an indication of purity. Transparency in the life of a Christ follower is an indication that bondage is being broken and breakthrough is beginning to happen. We will be studying Bilbical passages saturated with awesomeness! "

  • 10/26: "Money Talks..."


    Oct 26, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob teaches about a proven Biblical strategy that breaks a huge satanic stronghold and leads to spiritual breakthrough. Here's just a glimpse: "No wealth can ever make a bad man at peace with himself". –Plato "Money often costs too much." –Ralph Waldo Emerson"

  • 10/19: Viv Penfold Ministers


    Oct 19, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us in listening to long-time church-family friend, pastor, and missionary, Viv Penfold, as he shares the Word with us. It's another great morning to celebrate the hope and healing we possess and share in Christ! "

  • 10/12: "Sounds of Silence"


    Oct 12, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob speaks on an awesome and empowering passage of Scripture. Here's just a glimpse: "We can't exhaust HIS compassion and HE will never quit on HIS people.""

  • 10/5: "Seduction, Sanctification, and Selected Hearing" Part 2


    Oct 5, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob continues his message from Malachi 3. Here's just a glimpse: "You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever." - King David"

  • 9/28: Seduction, Sanctification, and Selected Hearing


    Sep 28, 2014 12:00 PM "Pleaes join us as Pastor Rob discusses a wonderful passage from Malachi 3. Here's just a glimpse: The faith that God has delivered once, for all time, to his Holy people (Jude 1:3), is not a comfortable faith. It's not necessarily a faith that makes life easier. It is a faith that if embraced, if applied, it emboldens us with supernatural courage that we would confront and conquer fear and sin. It is a transformative, heroic faith that changes character, changes destinies, changes communities!"

  • 9/21: "Big Job, Big God"


    Sep 21, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as New Tribes Missionaries, T.J. and Lily Shropshire, share about their lives and their mission."

  • 9/14: "Can't Live with 'Em,... Can't Live without 'Em" Part 3


    Sep 14, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us for the final installment in Pastor Rob's message on marriage. Here's just a glimpse: "Godliness is selflessness, and when a man and woman marry, they are pledging to stop viewing themselves as individuals and start viewing themselves as a UNIT, as a couple. In marriage, I am no longer free to pursue whatever I want; I am no longer a single man. I am part of a TEAM; and my ambitions, dreams and energies need to take that into account."-Gary Thomas"

  • 9/7: "Can't Live with 'Em,... Can't Live without 'Em" Part 2


    Sep 7, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob continues on with Part 2 of his message on marriage."

  • 8/31: "God's Part, Our Part"


    Aug 31, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Tucker, from Christ Sanctuary International in Uganda, shares with us."

  • 8/24: Can't Live with 'Em,... Can't Live without 'Em"


    Aug 24, 2014 12:00 PM "Pleae join us as Pastor Rob teaches about another great, transformative passage of scripture that changes the way we think and imparts hope, healing, direction and purpose! Here's just a glimpse of the message: "One of the cruelest and most self-condemning remarks I've ever heard is the one that men most often use when they leave their wives for another woman, 'The truth is, I never loved you...' "-Gary Thomas "

  • 8/10: "From Spiritual to Spear Chucker: Why We Must Deal with Insecurity"


    Aug 10, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Pastor Rob shares another very edifying message."

  • 8/3: "Knowing and Resisting Satan's Schemes"


    Aug 3, 2014 12:00 PM "Please join us as Ron McLain, from The Healthy Marriage Coalition, shares a wonderful message with us while Pastor Rob is on the Family Mexico Mission Trip."