Georgia College Wesley Foundation

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Check out the messages from our Wedenesday night services.


  • God vs. god, Part 1


    In this series, God vs. god, we looking at the idolatry through two specific areas - self and stuff. In part 1 we discuss the idol of self. Every day we are given the opportunity to die to ourself, to die to our flesh, and it is important that we take advantage of this opportunity because that very flesh wants to sit on the throne of our hearts. Idols are not simply a golden calf, but can be anything that we love more than God or believe carries more power than God.d

  • Straight Outta Ruth


    The book of Ruth is a simple story of the powerful work the Lord does through the faithfulness and obedience of Ruth. Our God is a Supernatural God, but he can often move in the most natural of ways. Be it natural or supernatural, what we want is the moving of God!

  • Heart Condition, Part 2


    In week two of our series Heart Condition we talk about how one of the first steps in healing our heart condition is having a renewed mind. The heart is meant to be the humble servant of the renewed mind. Join us in week 2 of this series as we continue to learn how to walk in the great potential of the heart.

  • Heart Condition, Part 1


    In week one of our series Heart Condition we talk about how as a fallen people we have a heart problem, a heart condition. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that our heart is the most deceitful thing in us. But scripture also says in Proverbs 4 that from the heart flows springs of life. Which one is it? Is the heart deceitful or life giving. It really has the potential for both. Join us in this series as we learn how to walk in the great potential of the heart.

  • Invest


    Part Three of our three part series called Just Do It. We are looking at the Parable of the Talents in Matt. 25. We are often focused on the results of work. In this parable the Lord seems to be more focused on the faithfulness. Just Do It, invest and be faithful with the gifts God has given.

  • Forgive


    Part Two of our three part series called Just Do It. Tonight we are looking at the parable of the Unmerciful Servant found in Matthew 18. He is forgiven a debt that is impossible to repay yet is unwilling to forgive a debt much smaller. Why is it so hard for us to forgive? Why is it so important for us to forgive? This message addresses those questions. Just Do It - Forgive.

  • Invite


    Part One of our three part series called Just Do It. Tonight we are looking at the parable of the Great Banquet found in Luke 14. God's desire is for His banquet hall to be filled and he is asking his people to let others know they are invited. But for many of us, we find ourselves intimidated by the term evangelism. Perhaps we need a place to start? If we simply invite people to Wesley, to church, or to any event where Christians will be in community it gives the opportunity for the gospel to be shared. Just do it - invite!

  • Lead


    This message is shaped around the ability placed within all of us to lead. We weren't all meant to lead major companies, to lead worship, or to lead soldiers. But we were all meant to be leaders for God's kingdom, encouraging those around us to know Jesus Christ. From the very beginning we were designed to lead. Ever since the fall there has been an attack own our leadership.

  • Other, Part 2


    We are called to be holy as God is holy. God is the standard. But it is dangerous and easy for our measurement for the standard of holiness to no longer be God. How often do we say "at least I am not as bad as that person"? In that moment our standard is no longer God, but man. In Part 1 we look at the expectation of holiness within us and in Part 2 we look at the holiness of God Himself.

  • Other, Part 1


    We are called to be holy as God is holy. God is the standard. But it is dangerous and easy for our measurement for the standard of holiness to no longer be God. How often do we say "at least I am not as bad as that person"? In that moment our standard is no longer God, but man. In Part 1 we look at the expectation of holiness within us and in Part 2 we look at the holiness of God Himself.

  • Woman of God


    In this series we will spend two weeks look at how God created men and women in His image. We are called to be like Him, to be men and women of God. It is not always easy to live out our true identity, especially when the world around us and our own flesh encourages us to live differently. Week 1 Tate talks about being a man of God. Week 2 Ashley (Tate's wife) talks about being a woman of God.

  • Man of God


    In this series we will spend two weeks look at how God created men and women in His image. We are called to be like Him, to be men and women of God. It is not always easy to live out our true identity, especially when the world around us and our own flesh encourages us to live differently. Week 1 Tate talks about being a man of God. Week 2 Ashley (Tate's wife) talks about being a woman of God.

  • Listen


    Hearing God speak can be difficult. The difficulty typically comes from us though. "Noise" in our lives can make it hard to hear the Lord speak. Perhaps even our misunderstandings in how God speaks keeps us from hearing. In this series we will look at the noises in our lives, how God speaks, and how we can listen. Part 3, Listen.

  • Speak


    Hearing God speak can be difficult. The difficulty typically comes from us though. "Noise" in our lives can make it hard to hear the Lord speak. Perhaps even our misunderstandings in how God speaks keeps us from hearing. In this series we will look at the noises in our lives, how God speaks, and how we can listen. Part 2, Speak.

  • Noise


    Hearing God speak can be difficult. The difficulty typically comes from us though. "Noise" in our lives can make it hard to hear the Lord speak. Perhaps even our misunderstandings in how God speaks keeps us from hearing. In this series we will look at the noises in our lives, how God speaks, and how we can listen. Part 1, Noise.

  • Wait, Part 2


    Waiting is not an easy thing to do. But life is full of seasons of waiting. We might as well learn how to wait well. Much life can come from seasons of waiting. In this two week series we look at why we must wait and how to wait well. Part 2.

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