Novogradac & Company Llp



Each Tax Credit Tuesday, Novogradac & Company LLP's audio broadcast offers an in-depth weekly look at tax credit topics. A new episode is posted here and on the RSS Feed by 1 p.m. Pacific Time every Tuesday.


  • November 18, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, November 18th, 2008 and this week we'll discuss the latest news from President-elect Barack Obama's transition team regarding the policies and players that will shape the incoming administration. We'll also check in on developments in Congress as lawmakers in Washington continue to consider strategies for shoring up the sagging economy.

  • November 11, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, November 11th, 2008 and this week we'll discuss the impact that the results of last week's election will have on affordable housing, community development, renewable energy and related matters. We all waited anxiously on November 4th as the nation set about to elect a new president as well as legislators to serve in the 111th United States Congress. Now that the results are in, let's consider the overall results of the 2008 election.

  • November 4, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, November 4th, 2008. This week we will review the hearing held last week by House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel regarding economic recovery and job creation. We will also profile the winners of the Novogradac Community Development Foundation Awards announced last month. But first, a note about today. Today is also election day throughout the nation. Democrats are expected to pick up a significant number of seats in both the House and the Senate, further solidifying their majorities in both houses. The presidential polls also show Obama with a substantial lead. If the polls are accurate, then the Democrats will have sizable majorities in the House, the Senate and will control the presidency. Next week, we will share some insights as to what Democratic control of the House, Senate and presidency will mean to those of us concerned about affordable housing, community development and renewable energy. If John McCain' proves the pollsters wrong, and wins the presidency, then we will share

  • October 28, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, October 28th, 2008. This week we will take a more in-depth look at the sixth round of new markets tax credit allocation awards we discussed last week. We will also review a list of some tax and accounting items that all LIHTC, low-income housing tax credit, developers should be considering as the end of the year approaches. But first, we have a couple breaking news items. Discussion among members of congress continues about the likelihood of another economic stimulus package.

  • October 21, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, October 21st, 2008. This week we will discuss recent announcements by several state housing tax credit allocation agencies regarding adjustments they have' made in response to changes in the tax credit equity market and changes related to not-so-recently-passed Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 and the more-recently-passed Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. We will also preview some of the panel discussions that will be presented at our New Markets Tax Credit Investors conference later this week.

  • October 14, 2008


    This week we will discuss details about the numerous energy tax credits that were included in the recently passed extender legislation. We also have an update on SB 585, a bill that was signed recently by Governor Arnold Scharzenegger that will allow the California state housing tax credit to be sold separately from the federal housing tax credit. Let's start with our review of some of the recently-extended energy incentives that can be used by developments financed by new markets tax credits and low-income housing tax credits.

  • October 7, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, October 7th, 2008. This week we will discuss proposed regulations regarding targeted populations under the new market tax credit program. We also have news about additional guidance from the IRS regarding certain provisions contained in the recently passed Low Income Housing Tax Credit Modernization Act.

  • September 30, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, September 30th, 2008. This week we have an update on the fate of tax extender legislation. We will also share more news about how state housing tax credit allocating agencies are implementing the tax credit and bond changes made by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.

  • September 23, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008. This week we'll bring you up to speed on the current status of energy and new markets tax credit extension legislation. We will also discuss recent guidance from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, or OCC, which regulates national banks, regarding banks' investments in solar tax credit projects. We will also share some highlights from an IRS survey that assessed the ability of tax-exempt entities that issue tax-exempt bonds to satisfy all applicable federal tax requirements both at the time of issuance and while the bonds remain outstanding.

  • September 16, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, September 16th, 2008. This week we'll consider what we can expect from Congress in the coming weeks regarding tax credit extension legislation. We will also discuss the status of SB 585, a bill that would allow the California state housing tax credit to be bifurcated and sold separately from the federal housing tax credit.

  • September 9, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, September 9th, 2008. This week we'll discuss the current status of NMTC applications and the expected award announcements. We will also share some updates on how state housing tax credit allocating agencies are implementing the LIHTC changes made by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.

  • September 2, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008. This week we'll review the status of NMTC and energy tax credit extension legislation in advance of Congress returning from its August recess. We will also discuss the progress of the Midwest Disaster Relief bill that was awaiting consideration last month. Before we start our discussion of these bills, we have an update about a question that has been raised in the low-income housing tax credit community about the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.

  • August 26, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, August 26th, 2008. This week we'll update listeners on the recent activities of the NMTC Working Group. We will also provide a profile a few of the panels that we have planned for the San Francisco LIHTC conference in early September. Finally, we'll highlight some of the provisions in the Economic and Tax Recovery Act of 2008 that are of interest to the historic tax credit community. Let's start this week's discussion with a report on the recent activities of the NMTC Working Group.

  • August 19, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, August 19th, 2008. This week we'll review the updated NMTC regulations that the IRS released on August 8th. We'll also discuss the New Markets Tax Credit Coalition's 50 Projects - 50 States Project. Finally, we'll talk about a recent finance agreement in Puerto Rico that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) describes as the largest single equity investment in the 22-year history of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program. I also have a reminder for affordable housing professionals who want to learn more about the impact of the momentous housing stimulus legislation that was enacted into law last month.

  • August 12, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, August 12th, 2008. This week we'll review policy changes that state housing finance agencies are making following the enactment of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. We will also discuss the renewed focus on energy in Congress and what it means for renewable energy tax credits. Before we start today's discussion, we have breaking news about the new market tax credit program. Last week the IRS issued the long awaited proposed amendments to the NMTC regulations. The amendments revise and clarify certain rules relating to recapture of the new markets tax credit. It also covers certain situations where you can now clearly rely on the reasonable expectations test. We will discuss them in more detail in next week's podcast.

  • August 5, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, August 5th, 2008. This week we will discuss the tax extender legislation that would renew the new markets tax credit and the renewable energy tax credits.' Then, we will review the final rule released last week by the IRS regarding utility allowances in low-income housing tax credit properties. We also have news about investigations of Colorado's conservation easement tax credit program.'

  • July 29, 2008


    Today is Tuesday, August 5th, 2008. This week we will discuss the tax extender legislation that would renew the new markets tax credit and the renewable energy tax credits. Then, we will review the final rule released last week by the IRS regarding utility allowances in low-income housing tax credit properties. We also have news about investigations of Colorado's conservation easement tax credit program. Before we address today's topics, however, we'd like to invite you to sign up for a webinar that Novogradac & Company will host next week.

  • July 22, 2008


    Today is Tuesday July 22nd, 2008. This week we will discuss the latest legislative wrangling surrounding the tax extenders legislation. But first, let's start our discussion with an update on the housing stimulus bill.

  • July 15, 2008


    Today is Tuesday July 15th, 2008. This week we will discuss the status of the housing stimulus legislation being considered in Congress. We will also examine the provisions of a tax relief measure designed to help Midwestern states that have been ravaged this year by floods and severe storms. Let's start this week's discussion with an update on the housing stimulus bill.

  • July 8, 2008


    Today is Tuesday July 8th, 2008 and this week we will discuss affordable housing news from California as well as historic tax credit news from New York. We'll also provide the latest news about disaster relief being provided by the Internal Revenue Service for victims of the severe storms and flooding in the Midwest. But first, breaking news on the housing stimulus bill.

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