Npc Update-1



Tune into the National Press Club's Update-1 podcast for insight into news, politics, entertainment and sports.


  • CNN’s Pete Muntean Talks Transportation Journalism

    10/05/2023 Duración: 26min

    Pete Muntean was born into aviation but a tragic airshow accident that took his mother’s life forced him to consider his future as a pilot and journalist. In this edition of Update-1, Muntean speaks with NPC Broadcast/Podcast co-vice chair and aviation industry communicator Adam Konowe about that fateful day and the coverage that followed. Muntean also addresses his approach to journalism as a certified flight instructor, challenges associated with covering aviation and other transportation modes, the value of aviation trade media, as well as working with communicators and sources.

  • Photojournalist Talks About Documenting Democracy

    20/04/2023 Duración: 14min

    Sue Dorfman is a photojournalist who has traveled more than 45,000 miles visiting polling sites and watching activities that promote voting. In this edition of Update-1, she talks with Broadcast Podcast member Debra Silimeo about how attending a "Don't Vote" rally in South Africa convinced her of the importance of people exercising their right to vote. She discusses driving to more than two dozen states to document the 2020 presidential election, saying "What could possibly happen in a normal election cycle?" Her takeaway from that unusual election is that democracy works. Dorfman says she's committed to social justice, which is why she is interested in whether Americans are using or abusing the right to vote.

  • NPC Executive Director McCarren Reflects on His Tenure

    06/04/2023 Duración: 29min

    After more than 15 years of distinguished service to the National Press Club, Bill McCarren has announced his upcoming retirement. On this edition of Update-1, McCarren speaks with Broadcast/Podcast Team Co-vice Chair Adam Konowe about what drew him to the club, what he found when first hired as general manager, the business transformation that followed, the challenges of integrating broadcast and digital media into the club’s membership and operations, as well as the challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic closures and threats to press freedom.

  • NPC’s 116th President Prioritizes Press Freedom, Media Literacy and In-Person Events

    23/03/2023 Duración: 12min

    Eileen O’Reilly, managing editor of standards and training at Axios, recently began her one-year term as the 116th president of the National Press Club. In this episode of Update-1, O’Reilly speaks with Broadcast/Podcast Team Co-Vice Chair Adam Konowe about her priorities in office. Not surprisingly, press freedom and media literacy top the agenda, but so do in-person events to help journalists and communicators derive maximum benefit from their membership. O’Reilly also discussed the importance of demystifying and humanizing journalism to help stem a slide in trust not just here in the United States, but in other democratic countries around the world.

  • Covering the Newest Lawmakers on Capitol Hill

    16/03/2023 Duración: 14min

    How can reporters do a better job covering Congress? What do advocates need to consider to communicate effectively with members of Congress? With the 118th Congress underway, the Congressional Management Foundation is working with members to improve their operations and make Congress more effective. On this edition of Update-1, CMF President Brad Fitch talks with Broadcast Podcast team member Debra Silimeo about what he has learned about the newest lawmakers, tips for reporters covering Congress, and how advocates and communicators can open doors on Capitol Hill.

  • MVJ Advocates For Diversifying Newsrooms By Hiring And Promoting Vets

    17/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    Military Veterans in Journalism is a professional association that works to get more veterans into newsrooms. According to Census data, about seven percent of Americans have served in the Armed Forces, but only two percent of media workers have military experience. The group has recently launched an initiative to fight the disinformation aimed at military members and veterans by extremist groups. MVJ founder Zack Baddorf discusses these issues on the latest episode of Update-1.

  • Maury Povich Discusses Being Successful In A Changing TV Industry

    17/01/2023 Duración: 21min

    Longtime talk show host Maury Povich says these days a niche audience is needed to have a successful daytime television show. Povich, whose syndicated show Maury ended a record 31-year run in the fall, also discusses the advice he offers young journalists trying to launch a TV news career in the latest Update-1 podcast. In the second of a two-part interview with Broadcast Podcast member Gemma Puglisi, Povich explains the pressure he felt to succeed during his years as a talk show host and why playing golf became so important to him. 

  • After 60 Years in TV, Maury Povich Discusses His Career, Future

    05/01/2023 Duración: 23min

    The 2021-22 television season marked the end of an era. The daytime syndicated talk show Maury wrapped up its record 31-year run, ending the 60-year TV career of host Maury Povich. In this edition of Update-1, Broadcast Podcast member Gemma Puglisi talks to Povich about his career, which began in Washington and included stops in Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and New York. They discuss his early days as a news reporter, how he became the longest serving daytime talk show host in television history, and his future plans, including his desire to get involved in print journalism.

  • Global Study Shows Online Violence Against Women Journalists Increasing

    20/12/2022 Duración: 19min

    A three-year study published by the International Center for Journalists shows online violence against women journalists has reached an all-time high. In this edition of Update-1, ICFJ Research Director Julie Posetti talks with Broadcast Podcast team member Irv Chapman about the study, which documents alarming trends. Dr. Posetti describes the internet as a "sea of toxicity" for women journalists, who she says are now exposed to more online violence with worse impacts. Dr. Posetti discusses the study's findings, including 20 percent of women responding to a survey saying they experienced offline abuse, harassment or attacks that they attribute to online violence.

  • The New Commander of the NPC's American Legion Post 20 Discusses History, Future Of The Organization

    14/11/2022 Duración: 14min

    American Legion Post 20 at the National Press Club was chartered more than a century ago, and a new commander took the reins this year. In this edition of Update-1, NPC Broadcast Podcast team member Shannon Fisher talks to the new Commander of American Legion Post 20, Tom Young. Young is a decorated Air National Guard veteran flight engineer who carries his military experience throughout all aspects of his life. They discuss the history of the veterans’ organization and the services the American Legion provides to veterans and communities at large.

  • The Latest Podcasting Statistics and Trends

    07/11/2022 Duración: 21min

    The number of Americans listening to podcasts has risen dramatically since 2006, when listenership was first measured. What has led to the steady increase over the years? Which podcasts are most popular? Do men and women prefer different subject matters when listening to podcasts? And what caused last year's slight drop in podcast listeners? These are some of the topics discussed in the latest edition of Update-1. Broadcast Podcast Team Chair Mark Hamrick interviews Melissa Kiesche, a senior vice president at Edison Research, who was a guest at the committee's monthly meeting in October.

  • Assault On Press Freedom Intensifies In Latin America And Beyond

    19/10/2022 Duración: 22min

    From Asia to Latin America, journalists are increasingly being harassed, imprisoned and even killed for pursuing the truth wherever the story takes them. In this edition of Update-1, Broadcast/Podcast Team Co-vice Chair Adam Konowe interviews Rachel Oswald, chair of the National Press Club’s press freedom team, and Dagmar Thiel, team member and head of the Latin American press freedom advocacy group Fundamedios. They provide updates on the cases of Austin Tice in Syria, Maria Ressa in the Philippines, Frantzsen Charles and Tayson Lartigue in Haiti, plus numerous others covering the full length of Latin America from Mexico to Chile.

  • NYU Report: Social Media Amplified False Claims of Election Fraud

    07/10/2022 Duración: 17min

    With a Congressional election only weeks away, social media companies want to avoid a repeat of 2016, when according to the U.S. intelligence community, Russia used social media to interfere in the U.S. presidential election. The companies have since adopted policies and hired personnel to prevent a repeat. On this edition of Update-1, longtime Press Club member Irv Chapman interviews Paul Barrett, the deputy director of the New York University Center for Business and Human rights and an adjunct professor of law. He's also the author of a new report about the ways in which social media is being used to spread falsehoods about election fraud. They discuss the policies social media companies are using in an attempt to protect the 2022 midterm elections.

  • How Free Are Journalists In Africa?

    19/09/2022 Duración: 22min

    As journalists around the world face challenges in the line of duty, this edition of Update-1 examines the state of press freedom in Africa. NPC Broadcast Podcast Committee member Lincoln Smith interviews African journalist Oral Ofori, an award-winning Ghanaian-American digital media producer, blogger, freelance journalist, entrepreneur, and writer, based at the Ghana Embassy in D.C. Ofori, the founder of the U.S.-based communication consultancy The African Dream, highlights his journalism career and discusses which countries in Africa have the highest and lowest levels of press freedom. He also spotlights changes that have occurred over time in both print and broadcast media in Ghana and Africa.

  • “Back to School” with AASA Executive Director Dan Domenech

    01/09/2022 Duración: 22min

    The head of the American school superintendent’s association shares the concerns of school leaders as students head back to school. Dan Domenech, who leads the American Association of School Administrators, the school superintendents’ association, talks about the enormous challenges school leaders face as students head back to school. In this edition of Update-1, he says his 13,000 members are worried about a lot more than test scores. He spoke with Broadcast Podcast team member Debra Silimeo about school safety, the teacher and staff shortages, students’ mental health needs, COVID, and the culture wars that have found their way into classrooms.

  • Photojournalist Linda Tirado Talks About Perils And Responsibilities Of Covering Conflict

    18/08/2022 Duración: 26min

    Photojournalist Linda Tirado, winner of a National Press Club 2020 John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award, recently visited the club to accept her award in person. Coinciding with that trip, she agreed to speak with NPC Broadcast/Podcast Co-vice-chair Adam Konowe for this edition of Update-1. The wide-ranging interview covers Tirado’s early days reporting on American civil unrest, why she chose to cover the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis, how she lost an eye due to a non-lethal round fired by police, her subsequent recovery and lawsuit, how police and journalists can play their respective roles in society without fear and intimidation, the particular challenges faced by freelancers, as well as the future for her and those who might follow in her footsteps.

  • Tenth Annual Aerospace Media Awards Recognizes Excellence In Journalism

    05/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    During the week of July 18, the world’s aviation industry reconvened in Europe for the first time since before the pandemic. The biennial Farnborough International Airshow, aviation’s largest event for 2022, attracted tens of thousands of exhibitors and visitors, not to mention more than a thousand accredited journalists. On the eve of that event, the 10th annual Aerospace Media Awards held in London recognized excellence in journalism across nearly 20 categories. In this edition of Update-1, NPC Broadcast Podcast Team Co-vice Chair Adam Konowe speaks with AMA principal Peter Bradfield about the event, the airshow and the changing nature of aviation journalism. He also addressed the Defense Media Awards, scheduled to be held at the Club on October 9.

  • D.C. Councilmember Pinto Discusses Helping Business Recover From COVID-19

    13/06/2022 Duración: 16min

    In this edition of Update-1, Washington, D.C. Ward 2 councilmember Brooke Pinto has ideas on how to help businesses that have suffered as a result of  COVID-19. She also discusses why she thinks legislation she has introduced could help not only in the district but throughout the country and why she believes flexible work schedules will become more popular in the future.

  • A Former Moscow Correspondent Discusses Putin and The Ukraine Invasion

    15/05/2022 Duración: 22min

    What motivates Russian President Vladimir Putin? In this edition of Update-1, Broadcast Podcast team member Lincoln Smith discusses Putin and the Russian people with David Satter, a former Moscow correspondent for the Financial Times and a former special correspondent on Soviet affairs for The Wall Street Journal. They talk about the challenges of reading Putin's mind and whether he's an enemy or a friend to the Russian people. Satter offers his thoughts on why Russia invaded Ukraine and Putin's long-term goals. He also talks about Russia having a history of underestimating enemies, with the Ukraine resistance being no exception.

  • Why Media Literacy Is A Key Skill For Students To Learn

    04/05/2022 Duración: 16min

    The group Media Literacy Now works to ensure that students learn the literacy skills they'll need to function as productive adults. The efforts of MLN in several states could impact more than 10 million children. In this edition of Update-1, Broadcast Podcast Committee member Gemma Puglisi interviews former journalist Erin McNeill, the founder of Media Literacy Now, about what media literacy is, why it's so important in the 21st century and how the organization came to be. McNeil also explains why media literacy is considered a key communication skill by business leaders and why it's important for students to begin learning about it at a young age.

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