Npc Update-1



Tune into the National Press Club's Update-1 podcast for insight into news, politics, entertainment and sports.


  • The Rise Of Fake Videos


    Fake videos are a new form of digital media manipulation, and the former president and chief executive of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty is warning about their dangers. In this edition of Update-1, Thomas Kent talks to Broadcast/Podcast team member Tom Young about technology being used to create video of events that never happened, or video of people making statements they never made. Kent describes video as the "ultimate verifier" for news consumers, but now he says they may no longer be able to believe what they see.

  • Cybersecurity For Journalists


    Journalists are especially vulnerable to hackers trying to access sensitive, confidential data. With growing threats against press freedom around the world, reporters are frequent targets for both public and private sector snooping. It is more important than ever to protect data, drafts, and sources from prying eyes. In this Update-1 podcast, Dr. Andy Yen, CEO and co-founder of ProtonMail, speaks with NPC Broadcast/Podcast team member Shannon Fisher about cybersecurity for journalists. From Virtual Private Networks (VPN) to self-destructing email, there are many options available to journalists who seek to protect their sources, communication, and work. These services and programs, many of which are free to use, make it virtually impossible for outsiders to hack into device storage and email accounts. They provide peace of mind to both journalists and their sources that sensitive discussions will remain private.

  • NATO"s Past, Present And Future


    For nearly 70 years, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has provided a system of collective defense for North American and European Nations. Known as NATO, the alliance has grown from 12 nations when it came into existence in 1949 to 29, but it has maintained a system of collective defense in which independent member nations subscribe to mutual defense. NPC Broadcast/Podcast Committee member Lincoln Smith talks with Jeff Rathke, the president of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C., about the history and meaning of the alliance.

  • NPR's "All Things Considered" Co-Host Talks About Reporting From North Korea


    What challenges do journalists face when reporting from a secretive regime like North Korea? National Public Radio's Mary Louise Kelly recently visited North Korea to cover the 70th anniversary of the country's founding. She referred to her official guide as a "one-man journalism prevention service." Broadcast/Podcast Committee member Tom Young spoke with her about practicing journalism in a country that tries to place strict controls on all information going in and out.

  • The International Center For Journalists In The Digital Age


    The International Center for Journalists was founded in 1984 by three veteran editors who sought to help jump start an independent press in emerging nations, including those emerging from home-grown dictatorship. Joyce Barnathan, the organization’s president for the last 12 years. is a former Moscow correspondent for Newsweek, and Hong-Kong-based Asia editor for Business Week. Broadcast/Podcast Committee member Irv Chapman interviews her on ICFJ's work around the world, from South Asia to South America. They discuss how the organization has changed its focus since the digital age dawned, how digital resources enable international investigative reporting, and the heroic journalists that ICFJ recognizes for doing their work under dangerous conditions.

  • First Defence Media Dinner Presents Journalism Excellence Awards At NPC


    The inaugural Defence Media Dinner (Defence with a C due to the event’s British organizer) was held this year at the National Press Club on Sunday, October 7, the eve of the annual Association of the U.S. Army trade show at the Washington Convention Center. NPC Broadcast/Podcast Team member Adam Konowe, head of the judging panel, was at the event founded by aerospace and defense industry veteran Peter Bradfield. Konowe interviewed Bradfield, along with journalism judge and communications executive Chris Stellwag of CAE, right after the awards concluded.

  • Journalism Lessons From A Civil Rights Reporter


    New York Times correspondent John Herbers was born to a white family in the segregated South, but he went on to earn praise for his pivotal coverage of the civil rights movement. Broadcast/Podcast Committee member Viola Gienger speaks with his daughter, journalist Anne Farris Rosen, about the personal and professional journey Herbers chronicled – and the lessons for journalists today -- in the memoir he wrote with her help before he died in 2017. Published this year, the book traces landmark events Herbers covered, such as the 1955 trial for the murder of Emmett Till, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the death of four black girls in a 1963 bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama. Rosen has worked for the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Pew Research Center and now teaches at the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism.

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