Another World Is Probable

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 23:40:34
  • Mas informaciones



I blog every Monday at and this podcast is me reading those posts.For years people asked me whether I had a blog and the answer was always "no," until one day it was, "yes."I started "Another World is Probable" as a nod to the World Social Forum's annual theme, "Another World is Possible." There's also that quote from Arundhati Roy who says, "Another world is not only possible, she's on the way and, on a quiet day, if you listen very carefully you can hear her breathe."In my opinion, we've moved beyond the cusp of possibility and into the realm of reality. Support this podcast:


  • What to Do When You Have a Feeling

    10/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    Can we take a moment and acknowledge how hard it is to be alive? And in particular to be alive right now? I keep thinking about this New York Times article detailing how in the retail world, adults are acting like children because they are unable to cope with the stress of life. Grown men are screaming because the grocery store is out of the cheese they want. Women are becoming inconsolable because their packages are delayed. In the U.S., and likely other parts of the world, we are not doing well, emotionally speaking. Many of us don’t know how to handle our feelings and instead turn to something external to cope. More in this week's post and for sources, check the original. --- Support this podcast:

  • Untold Sweetness

    03/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    My spiritual teacher uses the word “beatitude” a lot because that is his wish for everyone, that we all experience felicity of the highest kind, or consummate bliss. That got me thinking about bliss, what it means to be blissful, and how that squares with, well, life. For instance, on New Year’s Day, my parents and I found the back window of our car rental smashed in. How does that fit in with consummate bliss? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • What Al-Anon Taught Me About Vaccination

    27/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    As I continue to grapple with the death of a friend and beloved member of my community who died from COVID-19 due to not being vaccinated, I keep thinking about a twist on an Al-Anon phrase: “Give people the dignity of their choices.” Each camp – the vaccinated and unvaccinated – staunchly argues their case. Each camp cites information, tries to convince the other, justifies their own choices, but I’m not sure how much good it’s doing. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Emotional Contagion

    20/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    If you’re anything like me, you’ve heard something to the effect of, “It only takes one person to feel grounded and safe in a crowd to change the atmosphere for everyone else.” It’s a nice sentiment, but is it just a bunch of hokey-pokey b.s.? Can little ole me really have that kind of effect on other people? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • If It's Yours, It's Yours

    13/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    I often think I’ve missed the boat in life. That what I want can’t happen because the opportunity passed me by. Or maybe I screwed it up. If I hadn’t said XYZ, then I’d have what I want. If I hadn’t made that one mistake, things would have worked out differently. But is that really true? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Recipe for Happiness

    06/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    Have you heard the expression, "Expectations are premeditated resentments?" I wouldn't say that's wholly true for me because my expectations aren't about other people, but they have certainly been premeditated disappointments. I make a goal where I say, "By this time next year I'll ______." And then inevitably what I set out to achieve doesn't come to pass because I'm not in control of every aspect of my life. What to do? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Just as Normal

    29/11/2021 Duración: 05min

    Something I’ve heard before is that physical health is a privilege. When people said that, I brushed it aside because I thought they meant health is something to be grateful for, a blessing, a gift. But now, as I approach my 37th birthday, I recognize physical health is an attribute to be grateful for yes, but it’s also a privilege similar to how we talk about White privilege. Meaning, something most people don’t think about, or take for granted, unless they’re in the group that doesn’t have it. More in this week's post.  --- Support this podcast:

  • The Power of Pause

    22/11/2021 Duración: 05min

    Sometimes I think the expression, “Don’t just do something, sit there,” was made for me. I’m not prone to inertia and people often describe me as “tenacious” and “hard-working.” That’s true, and it means I have trouble with the reverse: giving up. I don’t know when to let go, not only of people and relationships, but also situations. It’s confusing because the message society sends over and over again is, “Don’t give up! Keep going!” Except, that’s not working for me. More in this week's post.  Also, here is a link about the five Buddha families.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Let It Be Great

    15/11/2021 Duración: 04min

    My body is still stiff and sore from the car accident I was in recently. I can’t turn my neck all the way and it hurts when something as lightweight as my purse presses against my trapezius. Because all human beings have an inherent negativity bias, it would be easy for me to focus on the bad instead of the good, the terrible instead of the great. I do think it’s important to let things be terrible without trying to fix, change, or solve them, but a personal practice for me is also seeing where things are great. Even within my own body, there are places that are peaceful, that are at ease. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Let It Be Terrible

    08/11/2021 Duración: 04min

    Instead of hitting the “delete” key when you think something sounds awful, just keep putting words on the page. Let the writing be bad. There’s something liberating in indulging in that mentality. To revel in it. To acknowledge, “I know this can be said better but I don’t care.” More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • How Do We Shine?

    01/11/2021 Duración: 05min

    I keep seeing suns everywhere -- as a ceramic decoration on the side of a house, on cartoons, cards, etc. The sun is "talking" to me, which makes sense because I keep thinking about shining. What does it mean to shine? Where and how do I shine? Where and how do other people shine? Can I boost my shininess? And did you know astrology can help you figure all that out? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Bumping Elbows

    25/10/2021 Duración: 03min

    As life is returning to normal for some people, it's not for me. For me, there's not really a normal to return to, at least when it comes to certain things, like community. The community I had pre-pandemic has been decimated. Not because anyone died, but rather because so many people have moved away. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Embracing the Heroine's Journey

    18/10/2021 Duración: 05min

    I love a good Hero’s Journey as much as the next person. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, it’s a common story arc found in movies like Star Wars, The Matrix, and Lord of the Rings where the hero goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. The hero can also be female, as we see in The Hunger Games. However, despite swapping out a male character for a female one, the hero’s journey is not the same as the heroine’s journey, meaning it doesn’t address the psycho-spiritual journey for many women. More in this week's post.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Valuing Artists and Writers

    11/10/2021 Duración: 04min

    This week I read a Twitter thread about the creator of the latest Netflix phenomenon “Squid Game.” According to several news pieces, Hwang Dong-hyuk wrote the show in 2009 but was rejected by studios for 10 years. He once had to stop writing the script and sell his $675 laptop because of money struggles. The Twitter thread author, Ifę, @ifetalksback, said as a writer they find the story terrifying more than inspiring. I agree – on the one hand, it’s always inspiring when long-awaited dreams come true, but on the other hand, I find the story to reflect poorly on not only the film industry, but also us as a society in general. More in this week's post. P.S. This might be a good time to mention I have a Patreon campaign. If you value my work, consider contributing.  --- Support this podcast:

  • What's the Point of Life?

    04/10/2021 Duración: 06min

    This weekend a friend told me his friends are getting into cryptocurrency so they can make a lot of money. My response was, “So they can do what? Retire early and satisfy every pleasure they have? Or build a rocket ship into space while there are people literally starving to death?” I mean honestly, is that the point of life? More in this week's post.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Don't Look too Far

    27/09/2021 Duración: 05min

    Anxiety kicks up for me when I start to contemplate the future in a negative way. When I imagine worst-case scenarios like all my clients will end our relationship, I’ll drain my savings, and I’ll never move out of this one-bedroom apartment. It’s not a pleasant rumination. The answer seems simple, doesn’t it? Stop imagining a negative future. Instead of imagining a negative future I could imagine a positive future. I could also do that thing spiritual teachers everywhere advise: be present. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • A Message from Giraffe

    20/09/2021 Duración: 04min

    Whenever I’m waiting on checks, like I am now, I think, “Maybe I should get a part-time job,” and then I apply for part-time jobs and never hear anything, not even a “no.” Inevitably I get reassurance from the universe that I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing either because I’m contacted by a potential new client, I accept another freelancing assignment, or I receive a sign. This past week the universe sent me all three. What is the sign the universe sent me? The animal totem giraffe. More in this week's post.  --- Support this podcast:

  • The Best Kind of Cooperation

    13/09/2021 Duración: 05min

    Something that’s been on my mind a lot, as I’m sure it has for many others, is the situation in Afghanistan. I’m watching in horror as the Taliban is taking over once more and all the progress from the past 20 years is disintegrating. How does this happen? Why hasn’t the narrative we’ve been sold – that the U.S. brings democracy and freedom to other countries – work? (I know we invaded Afghanistan in response to terrorism, but we also tried to establish a Western-style democracy.) It doesn’t work because there’s a very specific dynamic at play. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • 'Wanting' as a Sign of Being Alive

    06/09/2021 Duración: 05min

    Typically, when I want something, I want it with a fiery passion. I want it intensely, as if my insides are burning and the only way to cool the flames is to get what I want. However, I don’t have a magic wand so it’s very rare that I get what I want when I want it. That means I spend much of my time feeling frustrated and disgruntled. A friend asked me, “How can you make peace with wanting but not having?” It’s a good question. More in this week's post.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Love Knows

    30/08/2021 Duración: 04min

    I had an interesting experience on Friday. I walked by the yoga studio where I used to host a weekly group meditation prior to the pandemic. I discovered the building is no longer safe to enter and has been stripped to its studs! I don’t know if they’re renovating the building or tearing it down, but regardless, I likely won’t be in that yoga studio again because someone in my community has an office space we’ll be able to use for free when meeting in person resumes. I mention all this because passing by the yoga studio had me reflect on what it now turns out is the very last time I was in that space. More in this week's post (and the picture I mention in the recording is the same as the episode art. But if you want to see the full image, go to my blog webpage.) --- Support this podcast:

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