Another World Is Probable

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 22:47:22
  • Mas informaciones



I blog every Monday at and this podcast is me reading those posts.For years people asked me whether I had a blog and the answer was always "no," until one day it was, "yes."I started "Another World is Probable" as a nod to the World Social Forum's annual theme, "Another World is Possible." There's also that quote from Arundhati Roy who says, "Another world is not only possible, she's on the way and, on a quiet day, if you listen very carefully you can hear her breathe."In my opinion, we've moved beyond the cusp of possibility and into the realm of reality. Support this podcast:


  • How to Survive as an Empath, Right Now

    07/03/2022 Duración: 05min

    As a highly sensitive person and an empath, I feel everything. Not only my own emotions, but other people’s too. If the folks around me are scared, I’m scared. If they’re sad, I’m sad. I’ve tried numerous ways of dealing with this high degree of empathy. When I was younger, I did my best to numb out, to not feel anything. Long story short, that was a disaster. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve tried all the other things: clearing, shielding, visualizing, smudging, etc. Those methods work to a degree, but also, it’s exhausting to constantly feel like I have to protect myself from other people’s energy. This week my chiropractor said something to me, offered a suggestion, that has thus far made a world of difference. More in this week's post. (And if you're interested in the charity I mention, you'll find the direct link here.) --- Support this podcast:

  • Let Love Lead the Way

    28/02/2022 Duración: 04min

    Like many people, Ukraine is on my mind. I’m watching in horror as Russia is brazenly invading another country in a quest for power. Republican Senator Mitt Romney told NBC in January that he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to reestablish what he had before, a type of Soviet Union. And furthermore, Putin is clear he thinks the breakup of the Soviet Union was a catastrophe for Russia, once describing it as the “greatest geopolitical tragedy” of the 20th century. So, um, yeah, I’m pretty sure he’s not invading Ukraine on a “peacekeeping mission.” More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Let Your Life Belong to Love

    21/02/2022 Duración: 04min

    I’m rereading a book I first picked up two years ago, Tosha Silver’s It’s Not Your Money, and I’m finding it’s just as powerful now as it was then. The title itself is a good place to start. It sums up the idea that nothing on this planet is truly “ours” in a permanent way. We are merely caretakers for the time being. You may think the money sitting in the bank under your name is yours, that the home you stay in belongs to you, but it doesn’t. Everything, EVERYTHING on this planet belongs to the divine beloved. At least, that’s the concept Tosha is touting. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Have You Thanked This Person Recently?

    14/02/2022 Duración: 04min

    There's one person in your life who probably doesn't get a lot of thanks. Do you know who that is? (I'll tell you who I think it is.) What with Valentine's Day upon us, it would be a great time to express some love for this person. More in this week's post.  --- Support this podcast:

  • You're Only as Sick as Your Secrets

    07/02/2022 Duración: 04min

    In 12-step communities there’s a saying, “You’re only as sick as your secrets.” When I first heard the expression, I thought it meant secrets, along with the things you’re ashamed of, and/or the emotions and memories you’re trying to repress, will drive you to act out in your addiction. While that’s true, I’ve also learned recently that secrets can make you physically sicker. I don’t mean the stomachache when you’re hiding something from your best friend. I mean arthritis and cardiovascular issues. More in this week's post. And for references, check the original at  --- Support this podcast:

  • How to Be Happier, Right Now

    31/01/2022 Duración: 05min

    The other week I started a slow slide into depression because I ran out of resveratrol, a supplement I take to support dopamine production. In a quest to feel happier, I descended into an internet rabbit hole and of course a podcast from Glennon Doyle about how to live a little happier caught my eye, particularly because she featured Dr. Laurie Santos. Dr. Santos is a happiness expert and teaches THE most popular class at Yale in 300 years: Psychology and the Good Life. It’s been adapted into a free online course taken by more than 3.3 million people to date. Dr. Santos has done a ton of research on happiness and discovered the way we go about achieving happiness is all wrong. We think happiness is about our circumstances – the job, the relationship, the house, etc., but in practice, science shows that’s not true. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • We are Not Robots

    24/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    Sometimes I have the expectation of myself that I’ll function like a robot. That no matter the circumstances, no matter how I’m feeling, I’ll be able to accomplish XYZ regardless. And if I’m not able to accomplish XYZ, then I beat myself up and make meaning from it like, “You’re so lazy.” This may sound silly, but what I often forget is that I’m a human and human beings are not robots. We aren’t able to show up the same way every day. More in this week's post.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Who Gets to Decide What Justice Entails?

    17/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday here in the U.S., I keep thinking about one of my favorite quotes of his. There are many because the man was an eloquent speaker, but in 1963 he said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial 'outside agitator' idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds.” It's an interesting concept, and one that continues to be relevant, this notion of “outsider” and how we apply justice to anyone we perceive to be an outsider. More in this week's post, and for sources, check the blogpost at  --- Support this podcast:

  • What to Do When You Have a Feeling

    10/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    Can we take a moment and acknowledge how hard it is to be alive? And in particular to be alive right now? I keep thinking about this New York Times article detailing how in the retail world, adults are acting like children because they are unable to cope with the stress of life. Grown men are screaming because the grocery store is out of the cheese they want. Women are becoming inconsolable because their packages are delayed. In the U.S., and likely other parts of the world, we are not doing well, emotionally speaking. Many of us don’t know how to handle our feelings and instead turn to something external to cope. More in this week's post and for sources, check the original. --- Support this podcast:

  • Untold Sweetness

    03/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    My spiritual teacher uses the word “beatitude” a lot because that is his wish for everyone, that we all experience felicity of the highest kind, or consummate bliss. That got me thinking about bliss, what it means to be blissful, and how that squares with, well, life. For instance, on New Year’s Day, my parents and I found the back window of our car rental smashed in. How does that fit in with consummate bliss? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • What Al-Anon Taught Me About Vaccination

    27/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    As I continue to grapple with the death of a friend and beloved member of my community who died from COVID-19 due to not being vaccinated, I keep thinking about a twist on an Al-Anon phrase: “Give people the dignity of their choices.” Each camp – the vaccinated and unvaccinated – staunchly argues their case. Each camp cites information, tries to convince the other, justifies their own choices, but I’m not sure how much good it’s doing. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Emotional Contagion

    20/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    If you’re anything like me, you’ve heard something to the effect of, “It only takes one person to feel grounded and safe in a crowd to change the atmosphere for everyone else.” It’s a nice sentiment, but is it just a bunch of hokey-pokey b.s.? Can little ole me really have that kind of effect on other people? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • If It's Yours, It's Yours

    13/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    I often think I’ve missed the boat in life. That what I want can’t happen because the opportunity passed me by. Or maybe I screwed it up. If I hadn’t said XYZ, then I’d have what I want. If I hadn’t made that one mistake, things would have worked out differently. But is that really true? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Recipe for Happiness

    06/12/2021 Duración: 04min

    Have you heard the expression, "Expectations are premeditated resentments?" I wouldn't say that's wholly true for me because my expectations aren't about other people, but they have certainly been premeditated disappointments. I make a goal where I say, "By this time next year I'll ______." And then inevitably what I set out to achieve doesn't come to pass because I'm not in control of every aspect of my life. What to do? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Just as Normal

    29/11/2021 Duración: 05min

    Something I’ve heard before is that physical health is a privilege. When people said that, I brushed it aside because I thought they meant health is something to be grateful for, a blessing, a gift. But now, as I approach my 37th birthday, I recognize physical health is an attribute to be grateful for yes, but it’s also a privilege similar to how we talk about White privilege. Meaning, something most people don’t think about, or take for granted, unless they’re in the group that doesn’t have it. More in this week's post.  --- Support this podcast:

  • The Power of Pause

    22/11/2021 Duración: 05min

    Sometimes I think the expression, “Don’t just do something, sit there,” was made for me. I’m not prone to inertia and people often describe me as “tenacious” and “hard-working.” That’s true, and it means I have trouble with the reverse: giving up. I don’t know when to let go, not only of people and relationships, but also situations. It’s confusing because the message society sends over and over again is, “Don’t give up! Keep going!” Except, that’s not working for me. More in this week's post.  Also, here is a link about the five Buddha families.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Let It Be Great

    15/11/2021 Duración: 04min

    My body is still stiff and sore from the car accident I was in recently. I can’t turn my neck all the way and it hurts when something as lightweight as my purse presses against my trapezius. Because all human beings have an inherent negativity bias, it would be easy for me to focus on the bad instead of the good, the terrible instead of the great. I do think it’s important to let things be terrible without trying to fix, change, or solve them, but a personal practice for me is also seeing where things are great. Even within my own body, there are places that are peaceful, that are at ease. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Let It Be Terrible

    08/11/2021 Duración: 04min

    Instead of hitting the “delete” key when you think something sounds awful, just keep putting words on the page. Let the writing be bad. There’s something liberating in indulging in that mentality. To revel in it. To acknowledge, “I know this can be said better but I don’t care.” More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • How Do We Shine?

    01/11/2021 Duración: 05min

    I keep seeing suns everywhere -- as a ceramic decoration on the side of a house, on cartoons, cards, etc. The sun is "talking" to me, which makes sense because I keep thinking about shining. What does it mean to shine? Where and how do I shine? Where and how do other people shine? Can I boost my shininess? And did you know astrology can help you figure all that out? More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

  • Bumping Elbows

    25/10/2021 Duración: 03min

    As life is returning to normal for some people, it's not for me. For me, there's not really a normal to return to, at least when it comes to certain things, like community. The community I had pre-pandemic has been decimated. Not because anyone died, but rather because so many people have moved away. More in this week's post. --- Support this podcast:

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