Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show



Your marching orders for battling the culture of death in America! Listen to Created Equal's weekly pro-life current events podcast with your host and long-time front-line activist, Mark Harrington!


  • Severing the Weak Links of Abortion: How to Affect Supply and Demand - Seth Drayer

    15/04/2022 Duración: 26min

    Because abortion is in the headlines, it’s imperative to take every opportunity to defend babies.   On this episode Mark speaks with Seth Drayer, VP of Created Equal, to lay out a road map for ending abortion using demand and supply side tactics.   On the demand side, we don’t need to be experts to reach people on abortion, but roadmaps are helpful. Hence, we are excited to share with you a brand new project:! provides you a chance to choose what kind of conversation you want to have so that you can get a customized roadmap!   On the supply side, Project Weak Link can give you tools to expose the enablers of the abortion cartel. Here are some helpful links:   Project Weak Link - Go to to send a message to the CEO of Curtis Bay Energy.   Please watch/listen, share, and leave a five-star review of the podcast.   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is

  • Special Episode: Insider Speaks Out About DC Abortion Victim Retrievals

    07/04/2022 Duración: 26min

    On March 25, 2022, a driver for Curtis Bay Energy handed over medical waste boxes to activists who regularly protest outside a Washington, DC abortion center. In the hours following, the retrieved boxes were found to contain babies who had been brutally murdered by late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo at his Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.   On this episode, Mark speaks to AJ Hurley, Executive Director of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, who was called upon to document and film the remains. AJ tells the horrifying story of the retrieval and filming of the babies.   DC abortion victim photos (Warning: Disturbing Images).   Contact Curtis Bay:   Order your dropcards:   In another grisly twist, Curtis Bay Waste Services, which burns medical waste to generate electricity, is the company who turned over the aborted babies to the activists.   Please watch/listen, share and leave a five-star review of the

  • Abortion Violence and the End of Civil Society - Mark Harrington

    01/04/2022 Duración: 26min

    Who can forget the horrific photo of embattled New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signing the reprehensible “Abortion Till Birth” bill in 2019?  Recently, Created Equal led a coalition of like-minded pro-life groups to conduct an urban tour in New York City. During the 22 hours of outreach, approximately 86,000 people were reached. In addition, we had over 1000 conversations, 88 mind changes, and 3 women turned away from the abortion facility. However, we also encountered stiff opposition, including violence. While we were in NYC, Biden’s nominee to the SCOTUS, Ketanji Brown Jackson, was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Additionally, on March 9, pro-life advocates made a disturbing discovery in a lab at the University of Washington Department of Pediatrics: a freezer full of rows and rows of aborted babies’ body parts. The university’s disturbing practices first came to light in 2016 through the Center for Medical Progress’s shocking undercover videos of Planned Parenthood and other abortion grou

  • Becoming a Threat to the Great Reset – Bill Federer

    25/03/2022 Duración: 26min

    Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum, has called for a great worldwide reset. After the invasion of Kuwait, President George H. W. Bush called for new world order. Rahm Emmanuel exhorted his fellow leftists to never let a crisis go to waste. Now, the invasion of Ukraine is being seized upon to realign nations.   God is pushing Christians to make critical decisions as to whether we will go along with the co-opting of the world’s wealth and the creating of a new world order, or reject tyranny and follow hard after Jesus.   If you are concerned about the loss of freedom and liberty across the world, my guest, Bill Federer, will educate you on seeing real news behind world events,  and how the COVID pandemic, Jan. 6 investigation, and Ukraine invasion—among other current events—are being used to fundamentally alter the world.    For more information on Bill Federer, go to:   Please watch/listen, share and leave a five star review.   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s F

  • Thinking Carefully About Infertility and IVF - Stephanie Gray Connors

    18/03/2022 Duración: 25min

    In 1999, I was with Center for Bio Ethical Reform (CBR) leading the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP). We were invited to take the display to the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC by UBC Students for Life. Upon are arrival in Vancouver, UBC demanded CBR pay $10K for “security fees.” Instead of paying the fee, we sued the university. Despite that setback we still were able to train students in pro-life apologetics. That is when I met the student leader for UBC Students for Life, Stephanie Gray.   After college, Stephanie co-founded the Canadian Centre for Bio Ethical Reform and began traveling North America with our GAP displays. Stephanie is an international speaker, debater, and author of several books including Love Unleashes Life and Conceived by Science. You can purchase her books HERE: On this episode, you’ll be inspired by one of the world’s foremost pro-life apologists as she discusses abortion, infertility and invitro fertilization.

  • The Invasion of Ukraine, End Times Prophecy, and the Second Coming – Gary DeMar

    11/03/2022 Duración: 26min

    Nearly every modern-day prophecy book comes to the same conclusion. Russia is Ezekiel’s “Gog,” with its leader being the “prince of Rosh.” However, the Hebrew word Rosh means “chief” or “head” and has nothing to do with Russia.   On today’s episode Gary DeMar responds to the assumption that Russia and the current invasion of Ukraine are fulfilling Bible prophecy based on Ezekiel 38-39.   Gary also responds to the questions the disciples ask Jesus about His coming and the “end of the age.”   If you believe in the rapture, great tribulation, and a coming world dictator called the anti-Christ you’ll need to listen to and share this broadcast. For more information, go to:   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, and all the popular podcast platforms as well as on Mark’s flags

  • Politically Correct Death: Answering Pro-Abortion Arguments - Francis Beckwith

    25/02/2022 Duración: 26min

    Mark’s guest, Francis Beckwith, is a Professor of Philosophy & Church-State Studies at Baylor University, as well as the author of several books defending the pro-life position. His books provide arguably the most comprehensive defense of the pro-life position—morally, legally, and politically—that has ever been published in an academic monograph. On this episode, among other topics, Dr. Beckwith provides reasons legal abortion prevails and adds unique insights into the current case before the US Supreme Court—Dobbs v. Jackson. Beckwith will explain how pro-abortion logic is rooted in relativism and how we should counter it. He will also share how the right to privacy has changed to mean “right for anyone to kill their baby in any context.” Please listen and share this podcast. The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Po

  • Taking God’s Word to the Enemy’s Turf – Guest: Evangelist Tom Short

    23/02/2022 Duración: 15min

    Jesus said, "Go out into the highways and along the hedges and compel them to come in so that My house may be filled" (Luke 14:23).   What will it take to bring revival to America? How do can we train the next generation to take the Gospel to the enemy’s turf?   For decades Tom Short has been traveling to college campuses preaching the Gospel. Beginning in the 1970s, Tom has been to over 100 college campuses and works with over 30 churches worldwide, primarily within the Great Commissions Churches network. Tom has his finger on the pulse of the moral revolution taking place on America’s universities. Tom is Mark’s guest today. For more information, go to:   Please listen and share this podcast.   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, and all the popular podcast platf

  • Learning From Our Enemies – Author Doug Wilson

    18/02/2022 Duración: 14min

    What can Christians learn from a radical community organizer like Saul Alinsky?   According to Doug, Christians have much to learn from our enemies. Hence, Mark asks Doug about his book Rules for Reformers which is a reformational counter point to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Obama and Hillary disciple.   Doug Wilson is the pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, ID, and is the author of over 100 books.  Doug makes the distinction between reformation and revolution and explains how the principles of war can be applied to the culture war.   Doug is Mark’s guest today. For more information, go to:   Please listen and share this podcast.   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, and all the popular podcast platforms as well as on Mark’s flagship website:

  • A Social Credit System is Coming to America: Reggie Littlejohn

    18/02/2022 Duración: 26min

    What human right have the Chinese Communist Party not violated? They are a murderous, totalitarian regime – arguably the worst human rights violator in the world.  Among other atrocities, the Chinese force abortion, force sterilizations, force organ harvesting, persecute religious minorities, commit genocide, and are responsible for infecting the world with the coronavirus. In this episode, Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, talks about the Beijing “Genocide” Olympics and how the Chinese social credit system is beginning to be imposed here in the United States. View her website HERE: Reggie is leading the effort to bring awareness to the real possibility of a Chinese version of the social credit system taking hold in the US through vaccine passports.  These vaccine passports could provide the same totalitarian functionality as used by the Chinese social credit system. Please listen and share this podcast. The Mark

  • How the Freedom Convoy Exposed 3 Important Facts About Canada - Jonathan Van Maren

    11/02/2022 Duración: 14min

    In this episode Jonathan Van Maren describes how the Freedom Convoy has exposed three vitally important facts about Canada. The Freedom Convoy created a catalyst that turned a minority into a visible minority—and perhaps a majority. The Freedom Convoy exposed the political vacuum in Canada. The Freedom Convoy exposed, once again, the grotesque double standard employed by our media. Find Mark's show at: Apple Podcast Google Podcast Podbean Spotify IHeart

  • How Faith, Freedom, and Personal Responsibility will CURE America – Star Parker

    11/02/2022 Duración: 26min

    Today, Mark speaks with Star Parker, Founder and President of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE). Star’s organization promotes market based public policy to fight poverty. They discuss why the US Congress has been unable to defund Planned Parenthood, Biden’s commitment to nominate the first black women to the US Supreme Court, and how abortion is now being framed in terms of reproductive justice. Find Star’s website HERE: Please listen and share this podcast. The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, and all the popular podcast platforms as well as on Mark’s flagship website:   Facebook Personal - Facebook Page - Youtube Channel - https://www.youtub

  • Why Americans Need to Boycott the Genocide Games - Brandi Swindell

    10/02/2022 Duración: 16min

    China is committing genocide against Uyghurs, oppressing Hong Kong, bulldozing churches, persecuting religious minorities and crushing free speech and human rights against their own citizens. Encourage your friends to not watch the Beijing Olympics.    The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, and all the popular podcast platforms as well as on Mark’s flagship website:   Facebook Personal - Facebook Page - Youtube Channel - Twitter - iTunes – Google Podcasts -

  • The Next Normal: How to Face the Challenge of a State-by-State Battle – Christen Pollo

    04/02/2022 Duración: 26min

    You’ve heard of the new normal. But have you ever heard of the next normal? The next normal may best describe what would happen in a state like Michigan if Roe were overturned?  The fact is the pro-abortion movement stands ready for that distinct possibility. Are you ready? On this episode, Mark speaks with Christen Pollo, executive director for Protect Life Michigan, on how she is preparing for the distinct possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned. Christen Pollo has been with Protect Life Michigan since 2013 when she made the exciting dive into full-time pro-life work. Since then, she's trained thousands of students and grown Protect Life Michigan into a powerhouse. Mark and Christen will also discuss the biggest challenges facing pro-life Christians on college and high school campuses.  Additionally, our annual Spring Justice Ride is scheduled to launch in just a couple weeks, Saturday morning February 26 to be exact.  Mark will provide details on the tour and how the Justice Ride began and the impact

  • 3 Reasons Why We Need To End the Marching

    28/01/2022 Duración: 26min

    Last week, over one thousand pro-life advocates marched on our nation’s capital as part of the 49th annual March for Life. In 2001, I attended my first March for Life. That was the only year I marched. Since then, Created Equal has been taking abortion victim images and video to the March. We conduct this outreach so that the victims of abortion are represented at their own march. To view our JumboTron, go to: As a 30 veteran of anti-abortion ministry, I believe it is time we end the marching.  Here is why: The March covers up the primary victims of abortion. The March no longer serves its original purpose. The March (and the movement) has been infiltrated by destructive elements. Today, on this episode I will give an update on our trip to Washington, DC and lay out why I believe it is time to end the marching. Please listen and share this podcast. The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on Ame

  • Silence is Not Golden: How the Church Must Respond to the Abortion Crisis – Mike Spencer

    21/01/2022 Duración: 26min

    My guest, Mike Spencer, brings to the table 23 years of experience as a pastor and 8 years of working with Scott Klusendorf at Life Training Institute. Mike now serves as the founder and president of Project LifeVoice, a gospel-driven human rights organization that equips and inspires pro-life ambassadors to speak compellingly and to act sacrificially on behalf of the most vulnerable, most abandoned, and most oppressed among us: our preborn neighbors targeted by elective abortion. Mike is the author of the new book: Humanly Speaking, The Evil of Abortion, the Silence of the Church, and the Grace of God. Pick up the book HERE: This episode will help you stand for life by bringing clarity to the role of Christians in an abortion-supportive culture and by unmasking the destructive thinking that has effectively created two classes of human beings within the Church: those we value and protect, and those we regard as unworthy of our gospel influence and ignore. If you want motivation to

  • Sexual Politics and the Transformation of Western Civilization – Dr. Carl Trueman

    14/01/2022 Duración: 25min

    Dr. Carl Trueman is a noted Christian thought leader and Professor of Biblical & Religious Studies at Grove City College. He is an author of several books. His latest book is called The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. He also writes for First Things (Journal of Religion and Public Life) and co-hosts the Mortification of Spin podcast. His presentation “Makers of the Modern Revolution” is part of the video series Life of the Mind: Great Lectures from the Grove. Created Equal uses this series to train our young pro-life apologists. On this episode, Trueman will explore how sexual revolution has affected modern society in law, ethics, and free speech. He shares how the notion of the modern self and expressive individualism have revolutionized western culture. He will show how we got to this point, where we are headed, and how best the church should respond. Please listen and share this podcast. The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on

  • Conversation with a Former Abortionist– Dr. Anthony Levatino

    07/01/2022 Duración: 26min

    Anthony Levatino is an obstetrician/gynecologist. He formerly served as a professor and Student and Residency program director at Albany Medical Center. At the time of his graduation from medical school, he was adamantly pro-choice and later performed over one thousand abortions. However, after his daughter Heather was struck and killed by a car in 1984, he changed his views on abortion to a pro-life position. Today, he is a staunch and vocal pro-life advocate who has testified before Congress several times about the brutal nature of abortion. On this episode, Dr. Levatino will tell the story of his transformation from killing babies to protecting them. Also, he will discuss the recent actions by the FDA to remove the in-person examination requirement to obtain a pill abortion. Now, pill abortions are available by mail. Please listen and share this podcast. The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Sa

  • Thriving in a Cutthroat Culture - Mark Harrington

    31/12/2021 Duración: 25min

    Christians need to be living with the end in mind. We need to be driven by purpose. We need to be people on a mission.   Years ago, God gave me a vision for my life. I wrote: “If, at the end of my life, I do not see a long line of young apologists I have equipped behind me, I will have failed.” I wasn’t raised a Christian. Instead, I was an evangelist for the dark side. I lived for myself, that is, until I got into trouble. At age 28, two things happened to me. I was radically rescued by Jesus. I was radically rescued for ministry by my wife. Early in my marriage, my wife, Paula, volunteered at a local PRC. Providentially, that was the first time I ever saw an abortion victim image. To this day, that moment is etched permanently in my mind. It changed my life forever.  I knew that fighting abortion would be my life’s mission. So, I set out to be a full-time pro-life activist. Soon after that, I quit my job and began to raise support as a missionary. And the rest, as they say, is history! On today’s pr

  • Whistleblower Part V: Fear, Panic, and the New Variant - What You Need to Know

    24/12/2021 Duración: 26min

    Whistleblower Part V: Fear, Panic, and the New Variant - What You Need to Know   Mark interviews the whistleblower who previously sat on the COVID 19 task force about her findings regarding the new Omicron variant. She also updates us on the adverse effects of the jab, and how the pandemic is being driven by politics not science. You will find this interview very practical.   Additionally, as we finish the year Mark looks at the scriptural admonitions to finish strong and provides some action points.   The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:7, “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”   Whether you are seasoned activist or newcomer to the battle, you must live intentionally and on purpose.   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio

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