In This Together With Dr. Josh + Christi



Becoming Families who Live, Love, and Lead Well


  • The Worry-Free Parent with Sissy Goff

    28/07/2023 Duración: 55min

    We're not in lack when it comes to what to worry about in today's world, especially as parents. With school approaching, we wanted to bring back one of our favorite humans and Famous at Home guests, our friend Sissy Goff, MEd, LPC-MHSP. Sissy is the director of child and adolescent counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee, and is here with us to talk about her new book, The Worry-Free Parent. This conversation is so rich with parenting nuggets and wisdom on raising confident, courageous kids. We talk about: Practical ways to hold space for both worry and peace in your homeThe power we have as parents over our kid's anxietyHow to model bravery and restore your kid's resourcefulnessManagement strategies to gain your warmth and joy back in the midst of shame and rage Show Notes: Order a copy of Sissy's new book, The Worry-Free Parent!Read more about Daystar Counseling MinistriesRead more about Raising Boys & Girls Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire

  • How Do We Practice Sabbath?

    20/07/2023 Duración: 46min

    There are many misconceptions about what practicing the Sabbath, or ceasing from work, really entails. People often view Sabbath as a day for lounging around the house, binging a show on Netflix, or just doing nothing. Those things can be fine, but do they really bring about "soul rest?" In this episode, Josh and Christi go in-depth about the purpose and meaning of Sabbath, and the unique ways they have learned to cultivate it in their home.  Josh and Christi talk about: Shabbat dinner as a fun, family-centric rhythm for your weekly Sabbath Why Sabbath rest is a gift from God and how you can make it work to fit your family dynamicHow to fight against the pull of Western culture away from the biblical gift of Sabbath Show Notes: Order a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and ChristiLeave our podcast a review to help others find out about itSend us podcast topic ideasWatch this episode on YouTube Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio

  • Raising Respectful Kids with Mark and Tina Seago

    13/07/2023 Duración: 58min

    Have you ever met a family and thought, "Wow, whatever you've done to raise your kids, I need some of that!?" Mark and Tina Seago are one of those couples. Together, they have seven kids, live on a farm, began a classical school together, and are just downright parenting ninja's. We get the privilege of doing life with them and wanted to introduce them to you since they influence our parenting in so many ways. This week, Mark and Tina give us an inside look at their unique family rhythms and the decisions they've made that shape their children's lives. Mark and Tina talk about: The key decisions they've made that have shaped their children's livesCultivating gratitude and perspective within their family Giving kids responsibility as a way of mutual respect and kindnessLiturgies within their household and how it's given their kids purpose and significance Show Notes: Order a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and ChristiLeave our podcast a review to help others find out about itSend us podcast topic ideasWatch

  • How Ancient Wisdom Can Heal the Modern Family with Jeremy and April Pryor

    07/07/2023 Duración: 55min

    Last week's conversation centered around how we're rethinking how we lead our family against the common western culture norms that might not be serving families in the way we think or hope they are. This week, we continue this conversation with some of the people who have mentored and taught us much of what we're learning about family right now, Jeremy and April Pryor, dear friends of ours and leaders of Family Teams. Jeremy and April talk about: Mindset shifts as the best way to start recovering the paradigm How they practically fill their home with purpose, vision, and stewardshipHow they have learned to bring people into their world without letting them interrupt their world as introvertsWays they continuously let go of hyper responsibility, entertainment, and emotion management when hosting Show Notes: Get a copy of Family Revision: How Ancient Wisdom Can Heal the Modern Family by Jeremy Pryor Learn more about Family Teams Listen to The Family Teams Podcast Find Jeremy's books on Amazon Watch this episode

  • Simplicity, Transitions, & What We're Learning About Family Growth

    29/06/2023 Duración: 40min

    In many ways, the western culture we live in wars against family growth. This episode is a conversation about how we're seeing the western cultural norms influence our own family and some of the steps we're taking to fight against it. In this episode, we share about how we are structuring our days that's most conducive to Kingdom expansion, is extremely simple (yet rich), and isn't beholden to anyone (except God and our family).  We talk about: Decisions we're making today that will impact our family ten years from nowA new kind of agency when stewarding our time and energy levelsWhy we are simplifying now more than ever beforeWho we are spending time with and the difference it's makingThe freedom we're experiencing after letting go of emotion management in social settings Show Notes: Order a copy of When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink Order a copy of Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend Order a copy of Walden by David Thoreau Order a copy of Jayber Crow: A Novel by

  • The Joy of Fatherhood with Dude Dad's Taylor Calmus

    22/06/2023 Duración: 43min

    Who doesn't feel incompetent in the areas of handiness, creativity, and childlike play when it comes to entering your child's world? Perhaps we don't need to make it as complicated as we think. In this episode, Taylor Calmus, video creator of Dude Dad and Super Dad, talks with Josh about what our kids really desire from us, and why he wrote his first children's book, Dad and the Recycling-Bin Roller Coaster. Yes, Taylor actually build a roller coaster in his backyard too!  Taylor shares about: How he's learned to channel his inner child in fatherhoodTime management and boundaries between content creation and family timePractical ways dads can challenge themselves to take on new projects that are out of their comfort zonesHow to integrate your kids into everything you do as a dad Show Notes: Order a copy of Dad and the Recycling-Bin Roller CoasterSubscribe to Dude Dad on YouTubeShop the Dude Dad collectionWatch Super Dad on the Magnolia NetworkWatch this episode on YouTubeOrder a copy of Famous at Home This po

  • On Fatherhood, Honor, and Vision

    15/06/2023 Duración: 35min

    A couple weeks ago Josh interviewed Christi about her experiences with motherhood, healing, and finding her voice. This week, roles reverse and Christi interviews Josh about his experiences with fatherhood, honor, and how he's learned to cast vision for his family. This conversation was unscripted and heartfelt, as Christi asks questions that get to the heart of how Josh sees his role as a father. Josh shares about: The reasons it's important to honor up to previous generations and pass blessing down to the next generationThe tension between living in denial and being honest about the holes that were left from your upbringingThe sense of vision that comes from viewing everything you do through the lens of being a father and husband Show Notes: Order a copy of Famous at HomeOrder a copy of Jon Tyson's book, The Intentional Father This podcast episode was sponsored by Epic Will:   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities

  • The Intentional Father with Jon Tyson

    08/06/2023 Duración: 47min

    After his first interview became one of our most listened to and talked about episodes in podcast history, Pastor Jon Tyson is back with us! He sits down with Josh to talk about intentional fathering, how he discipled his own kids, and the journey you can take your son on as a right of passage into manhood in a healthy and biblical way. Here are some takeaways: How to pay attention to your formation as a man and understand your de-formationAligning your thoughts, practices, and behaviors into who Jesus called you to be and out of your brokennessListening, observing, valuing, and encouraging as the definition of love as a fatherHow to not let your vision of the ideal stop you from doing what you can as a father Show Notes: Register now for the Primal Path Order a copy of Pastor Jon Tyson's book, The Intentional Father Watch this episode on YouTube Sign up for our free Famous at Home Starter Bundle Order a copy of Famous at Home This podcast episode was sponsored by Epic Will: D

  • On Motherhood, Healing, and Hearing God's Voice: Part 2

    01/06/2023 Duración: 40min

    Last week, we started a two-part mini-series where Josh interviewed Christi about her own experiences with motherhood, healing, and finding her voice. This week, we continue the conversation, as Christi goes more in-depth about her experiences with healing and how she has learned to discern God's voice to her throughout motherhood. Christi shares about: How her relationship with God has evolved and looked in different seasons of motherhoodHow she's learned to find and experience freedom in motherhoodHow choosing less has brought a more rich, peace-filled life Show Notes: This podcast episode was sponsored by Epic Will: this episode on YouTubeOrder a copy of the Famous at Home book Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

  • On Motherhood, Healing, and Finding Your Voice: Part 1

    25/05/2023 Duración: 40min

    We had a revelation together recently about how we converse on our podcast. It was a revealing conversation (of which we discuss in this week's episode) that ultimately led to a two-episode series where Josh interviews Christi. This conversation was completely unscripted, as Christi didn't know the questions ahead of time. What came from it was a beautiful, heartfelt two-part conversation about Christi's own experiences with motherhood, healing, and finding her voice.  Some highlights include: How Christi overcame difficult seasons in her life and what the gradual process of healing has looked like for herPractical ways Christi has reconnected back to herself and how it's helped her to be a calmer presence for her childrenThe importance of paying attention to what your body needs in small doses Show Notes: This podcast episode was sponsored by Epic Will: this episode on YouTubeRegister now for the MyKidsEQ Coaching Workshop (Summer 2023)Order a copy of the Famous at Home b

  • Raising Resilient Kids

    18/05/2023 Duración: 25min

    As parents, fostering an environment of resilience for our kids is arguably one of the most important ways we can set our kids up for healthy relationships and self-competence. Yet, with the state we find ourselves in as a culture, we ourselves need to build resilience as well. In this episode, Josh and Christi talk about practical ways of cultivating resilience in your home. Highlights include:  What it means to be safe for your kidsGiving our kids language for what they need from us and othersHow emotional intelligence is a byproduct of growing in the fruit of the Spirit Show Notes: This podcast episode was sponsored by Epic Will: this episode on YouTubeRegister now for the MyKidsEQ Coaching Workshop (Summer 2023)Order a copy of the Famous at Home book Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

  • Kids and Hurry Sickness

    11/05/2023 Duración: 34min

    We live in a constant state of hurry. Our culture even rewards it. Whether it's back-to-back work meetings, rushing kids to and from school activities, or getting dinner on the table, hurry influences our lives on the daily. In this week's episode, Josh and Christi talk about how hurry sickness influences our kid's emotional health.   Highlights include:  Deeper ways that hurry might be impacting your kidsPractical ways to create margin in your day for you and othersPractical strategies to give your kids in the middle of a hurried dayHow simple hugs and healthy physical touch can calm the body and slow us down Show Notes: This podcast episode was sponsored by Epic Will: this episode on YouTubeRegister now for the MyKidsEQ Coaching Workshop (Summer 2023)Order a copy of the Famous at Home bookTell us what topics you'd like to hear about on the podcast Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

  • 4 Pillars of Emotional Health for Kids

    04/05/2023 Duración: 29min

    How do we enter into our kid's world and build their emotional health and resilience? In this episode, we outline 4 pillars that help us lay a foundation for our kids to manage their emotions, connect with Jesus, and feel seen. With so much uncertainty, we talk about how we can parent from a place of love, not fear. Here are some highlights: How the posture from which we parent matters more than the techniques we use Why Bible reading should be a priority in your home and not an afterthought Why you can sum up all of parenting research into one primary conclusionHow to practically make your kids feel seen and loved Show Notes: Watch this episode on YouTubeRegister now for the MyKidsEQ Coaching Workshop (Summer 2023)Order a copy of the Famous at Home book Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

  • How to Reclaim Family Time Without Moving to a Flip Phone with Joey Odom

    27/04/2023 Duración: 51min

    Screen time is one of the biggest issues facing families today--and we're not just referring to our kids. We set alarms on our phones, await important calls, send urgent emails, and the list goes on. Yet, science has some fascinating new insights on what really matters as it relates to how to maximize our time on our phones and yet be present with people. Joey Odom, cofounder of Aro, a technology platform leveraging the science of habit formation to help you connect by disconnecting, is with us this week to talk about screen time and how to reclaim family time without moving to a flip phone. Joey talks with us about: Essential rules to have as a family in the context of screen timeWays we can leverage our screen time for goodThe value of time and how we can use it as motivation to spend more quality time as a familyThe mission behind Aro, how it works, and where the name came fromWhy it matters specifically as a dad to be on board with less time on the phone Show Notes: Watch this episode on YouTube here. Lea

  • Becoming Teammates in Marriage

    20/04/2023 Duración: 31min

    Would you describe your spouse as your greatest teammate? Probably depends on the day, right? We all have opponents that war against the connection in our marriage and cause conflict. But how do we fight? Do we see the opponent for what it is, or do we make our spouse out to be the opponent? In this episode, Josh and Christi talk about how to name the opponent, talk about your dance, and take responsibility for how to engage with your spouse. They talk about: The importance of finding out what's going on in your spouse's heart rather than what's going on between the two of youProtective mechanisms and how they hold us back from communicating the truth of what we want from our spouseWhy taking 100% responsibility for your role in the conflict disarms your spousePractical ways to show up differently for your spouse Show Notes: Watch this episode on YouTubeOrder a copy of the Famous at Home bookLearn more about coaching with Famous at Home Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about

  • Where Do I Find the Time?

    13/04/2023 Duración: 35min

    Does it feel like you just don't have the time? For what you ask? Well, anything really. Working out. Praying. Even a 5-minute shower. Anything that brings you life instead of draining it from you. The last few weeks Josh and Christi talked about rest and finding solitude in the midst of parenting and the busyness of everyday life. This week, they talk about how to use the time you're already given, more specifically, to press into the one thing that will bring you life and help you show up so much differently for your loved ones.  Josh and Christi talk about: A paradigm shift in how we view our dayPractical ways to make time for God throughout the dayHow to reestablish our identity and stop chasingHow to redefine the weight we put on the tasks of our dayA simple way for helping us to see Jesus in others and give more grace when interruptions come Show Notes: Watch this episode on YouTubeOrder a copy of the Famous at Home bookDownload The Pause app by John Eldredge Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeau

  • When Life Throws Too Much at You

    06/04/2023 Duración: 33min

    How do we lead our families and push through the daily grind when it feels as though life is just throwing too much at you? In this episode, Josh and Christi open up about their recent experiences, from grieving the loss of their dear friend Bill, to sudden changes happening around them unexpectedly, and all the while balancing work and family life. They explain what is helping them move forward and how you can practically do the same when it feels like life has just thrown too much at you. Josh and Christi talk about: Sitting in uncomfortable emotions and why it's easier than we fear it will beThe emotions of Holy Week and how the biblical characters' worlds were flipped upside downHow to experience God's presence in the chaos of the circumstancesWays to embrace the surprising amount of opportunities we all have in each day for solitude and experiencing God's love Show Notes: Watch this episode on YouTube hereSign up for our free Famous at Home Starter Bundle and receive the 7 Decisions to Put Your Family Ce

  • When You Can't Rest Part 2: Weekly Sabbath and Yearly Vacation

    31/03/2023 Duración: 30min

    Do you feel exhausted, yet can't seem to enter into rest? Don't worry, you're not alone, and it makes sense. Our nervous system has a built-in protective mechanism that constantly fights to keep us feeling safe. In this episode, we share practical ways to calm your nervous system so that you can be fully present when you enter Sabbath or go on a vacation! We talk about: The three main states of the nervous system: ventral vagal, sympathetic nervous system, and dorsal vagal Orientation and how to find your way back to the present when your body goes in fight, flight, or freezeHow to discern what you say yes and no toPractical ways to work for rest Show Notes: Order 10 Days of the Easter StoryCoaching with Josh and ChristiThe Famous at Home bookWatch this episode on Youtube Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

  • How to Love with Bill and Laurie Lokey

    24/03/2023 Duración: 29min

    Welcome to part two of our two-part special bonus episodes this week. This may very well be the most insightful, helpful episodes on marriage we’ve ever recorded.  Bill Lokey, a man who became a father figure to me (Josh), a dear friend, mentor, and who joined us at Famous at Home to lead Leader’s Heart, lost his battle with cancer and went to be with Jesus on March 17th, 2023.  In this episode, Bill and his beautiful wife Laurie, join us to talk about their marriage, especially in the midst of Bill’s cancer journey the past few years. Recorded 10 days before he went to be with Jesus, we get a firsthand look at how they’ve grieved, worshipped, laughed, and pressed into the journey together.  The marriage wisdom in this episode is simply beautiful. I think that’s what beautiful about the last days—it offers perspective we otherwise can’t see.  No matter where you’re at on your marriage journey right now, this episode will leave you desiring more, and may even inspire you to stop hiding parts of you that are sc

  • How to Be Loved with Bill and Laurie Lokey

    24/03/2023 Duración: 37min

    We have two special bonus episodes. These may very well be the most insightful, helpful episodes we’ve ever recorded.  The wisdom of Ecclesiastes says, “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting” (7:2, CSB).  Bill Lokey, a man who became a father figure to me (Josh), a dear friend, mentor, and who joined us at Famous at Home to lead Leader’s Heart, lost his battle with cancer and went to be with Jesus on March 17th, 2023.  As you’ll hear in these next two episodes, he wanted to live every moment of life he was given. A testament to this, we were able to sit down and record end of life wisdom just 10 days before he went to be with Jesus.  In this episode, Bill gives us, in many ways, his last words. If you or a loved one are facing an uphill battle with a terminal illness, or your marriage is falling apart, or you’re hurting because of a loss in your life, or maybe you put a dream on the shelf and haven’t been able to pick it back up, this episode will bring the encouragement

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