Ivy Creek Baptist Church Sermons

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Ivy Creek Baptist Church is located at 2500 Ivy Creek Road, Buford, GA 30519. We hope you enjoy hearing messages from our Senior Pastor Dr. Craig Dale and our Associate Pastor Ted Williams.


  • “Even Though” Faith and “Nevertheless” Joy


    Sermon #6 in the Series: Confidence in Confusing Times Scripture: Habakkuk 3:16-19. Sermon Titled: A Song of Remembrance, Faith, and Joy Sermon in a Sentence: “Even though” faith in an unfailing God produces a “nevertheless” joy.

  • A Song of Remembrance, Faith, and Joy


    Sermon #5 in the Series: Confidence in Confusing Times Scripture: Habakkuk 3:1-19. Sermon Titled: A Song of Remembrance, Faith, and Joy Sermon in a Sentence: Though we may face fearful and troubling circumstances, we can rejoice in renewed faith when we remember who our God is, the mercy He has shown us, and all that He has done to save us.

  • The Just Shall Live By Faith


    Sermon #4 in the Series: Confidence in Confusing Times Scripture: Habakkuk 2:2-20. Sermon Titled: The Just Shall Live By Faith Sermon in a Sentence: The message that prideful unbelief leads to death while faith in Christ leads to life must be clearly proclaimed because it is certain to come to pass and will be confirmed by God’s judgment upon those whose confidence is in themselves rather than in Jesus Christ whose glory will ultimately fill the earth.

  • Moving from Wrestling to Worshiping


    Sermon #3 in the Series: Confidence in Confusing Times Scripture: Habakkuk 2:1-4. Sermon Titled: Moving from Wrestling to Worshiping Sermon in a Sentence: In order to move from wrestling with God to worshiping Him, you must wait on Him, watch for Him and walk with Him.

  • A Hard Answer for Hard Questions


    Sermon #2 in the Series: Confidence in Confusing Times Scripture: Habakkuk 1:5-2:1. Sermon Titled: A Hard Answer for Hard Questions Sermon in a Sentence: The eternal, self-existent, holy, sovereign, faithful God has sent His infinitely righteous Son into the world to be devoured by the wicked so that our debt of sin might be paid in full and we might be set free and saved.

  • Hard Questions for Hard Times


    Sermon #1 in the Series: Confidence in Confusing Times Scripture: Habakkuk 1:1-4. Hard Questions for Hard Times Sermon In a Sentence: What God has done, is doing, and ultimately will do through Jesus is the ultimate answer to the questions “How long?” and “Why?”

  • Handwriting on the Wall


    Scripture: Daniel 5:13-31. Handwriting on the Wall Sermon In a Sentence: The handwriting on the wall of our hearts reveals God’s grace, mercy and love for each of us warning us that we should sober up and repent as we realize that God holds our breath and all our days in his hand and has provided a Savior to redeem and restore us.

  • The Birth of Jesus


    Christmas 2020 Series Sermon #4 Scripture: Luke 2:1-7. The Birth of Jesus Sermon In a Sentence: We will be ready for Christmas when we believe that in Christ, God has reversed our fortunes at His cost.

  • The Birth of John the Baptist and Zacharias’ Song of Praise


    Christmas 2020 Series Sermon #3 Scripture: Luke 1:57-80. The Birth of John the Baptist and Zacharias’ Song of Praise Sermon In a Sentence: Only after you cease doubting and believe that the light of God’s promised mercy has shone upon you, setting you free, giving you victory and forgiveness, will you truly be ready for Christmas.

  • Gabriel’s Second Birth Announcement and Mary’s Song of Praise


    Christmas 2020 Series Sermon #2 Scripture: Luke 1:25-56. Gabriel’s Second Birth Announcement and Mary’s Song of Praise Sermon In a Sentence: Getting ready for Christmas necessitates recognizing your humble and needy condition, trusting in the grace-giving God with whom there are no impossibilities, and rejoicing in the salvation that the God-man, Christ Jesus came to bring.

  • Gabriel’s First Birth Announcement


    Christmas 2020 Series Sermon #1 Scripture: Luke 1:5-25. Gabriel’s First Birth Announcement Sermon In a Sentence: Despite disappointments, delays, and the temptation to doubt, getting ready for Christmas necessitates that we trust God’s promises and place our faith in Jesus Christ who has come to remove our reproach.

  • Who May Enter?


    Sermon #16 from the Series: Psalms: Songs from the Heart Scripture: Psalm 24. Who May Enter? Sermon In a Sentence: The requirement of clean hands and a pure heart reminds us that our only hope is in Jesus who does for us what we could never do for ourselves and opens the way to enter into the presence of God.

  • The LORD Is My Shepherd, pt.4


    Sermon #15 from the Series: Psalms: Songs from the Heart Scripture: Psalm 23. The LORD Is My Shepherd, pt.4 Sermon In a Sentence: My Good Shepherd is also my benevolent Host who serves me from His table, vindicates me before my enemies, blesses me with unending satisfaction, pursues me with his unfailing love and kindness, and welcomes me into His home to dwell with Him forever, and ever, and ever.

  • The LORD Is My Shepherd, pt.3


    Sermon #14 from the Series: Psalms: Songs from the Heart Scripture: Psalm 23. The LORD Is My Shepherd, pt.3 Sermon In a Sentence: The right path to abundant life will inevitably take me through dark valleys, yet I need not fear because my Shepherd is with me to guide and defend me.

  • The LORD Is My Shepherd, pt.2


    Sermon #13 from the Series: Psalms: Songs from the Heart Scripture: Psalm 23. Sermon Title: The LORD Is My Shepherd, pt.2 Sermon In a Sentence: I will not lack anything when I trust the Lord Jesus as my Shepherd and follow Him on the right path to abundant life.

  • The LORD Is My Shepherd, pt.1


    Sermon #12 from the Series: Psalms: Songs from the Heart Scripture: Psalm 23. Sermon Title: The LORD Is My Shepherd, pt.1 Sermon In a Sentence: Because I am a sheep who on my own lacks everything, I need the Lord to be my Shepherd so that I will never lack anything.

  • An Amazing Psalm


    Sermon #11 from the Series: Psalms: Songs from the Heart Scripture: Psalm 22. Sermon Title: An Amazing Psalm Sermon In a Sentence: Because His God-forsaken death opens access to God for sinners like us who come to Him in faith, and because His victorious resurrection guarantees our victory, we must proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection to all people everywhere.

  • A Battle Prayer


    Sermon #10 from the Series: Psalms: Songs from the Heart Scripture: Psalm 20. Sermon Title: A Battle Prayer Sermon In a Sentence: In times of anxiety and adversity, God’s people must remember to look to our King Jesus who has triumphed over His foes and given us our victory in His name.

  • The Skies, the Scriptures, and the Savior


    Sermon #9 from the Series: Psalms: Songs from the Heart Scripture: Psalm 19. Sermon Title: The Skies, the Scriptures, and the Savior Sermon In a Sentence: Because God has revealed Himself generally through the skies and specifically through the Scriptures, we must submit to God’s revelation by facing our sin and trusting in Jesus Christ as our Savior.

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