Ivy Creek Baptist Church Sermons



Ivy Creek Baptist Church is located at 2500 Ivy Creek Road, Buford, GA 30519. We hope you enjoy hearing messages from our Senior Pastor Dr. Craig Dale and our Associate Pastor Ted Williams.


  • Dependence Demands a Decision


    Scripture: Joshua 22-24. Sermon Titled: Dependence Demands a Decision Sermon in a Sentence: Because of our total dependence upon God and all that He has done for us in Christ, we must decide to commit ourselves wholeheartedly to Him in faith and service.

  • Three Parables, One Message


    Scripture: Luke 15. Sermon Titled: Three Parables, One Message Sermon in a Sentence: Whenever a lost sinner trusts only in the finished work of Christ, repents of sin, and is restored to fellowship with God, there is cause for great joy and celebration.

  • The Story of a Father and Son that Will Take Your Breath Away


    Scripture: Luke 15:11-32. Sermon Titled: The Story of a Father and Son that Will Take Your Breath Away Sermon in a Sentence: The amazing grace of our Heavenly Father should take our breath away, drive us to repentance, and cause us to rejoice in His extravagant love and forgiveness.

  • Jesus, the Lawyer, and the Good Samaritan


    Scripture: Luke 10:25-37. Sermon Titled: Jesus, the Lawyer, and the Good Samaritan Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus Christ is the ultimate Good Neighbor who saves law-breaking sinners who are bad neighbors so that through His power we may become good neighbors who live our lives as witnesses for Him.

  • What We Do, Why We Do It, How We Do It


    Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 . Sermon Titled: What We Do, Why We Do It, How We Do It Sermon in a Sentence: As those whose darkness has been dispelled by the Light of Christ, we must make much of Jesus by telling others of that same good news from a heart of love and a life of service.

  • How to Enjoy this Life and the Life to Come


    Scripture: Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8. Sermon Titled: How to Enjoy this Life and the Life to Come Sermon in a Sentence: The way to enjoy both this life and the life to come is to remember the One who remembers you and gave His life that you might live eternally.

  • Where Are Your Heart, Eyes, and Service Focused?


    Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24. Sermon Titled: Where Are Your Heart, Eyes, and Service Focused? Sermon in a Sentence: The life of a true Christian is characterized treasuring, worshiping, and serving the Lord Jesus whole-heartedly and refusing to be ruled by money and possessions.

  • The Fundamental Nature of Forgiveness


    Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35. Sermon Titled: The Fundamental Nature of Forgiveness Sermon in a Sentence: The power of the cross frees us from the debt of our sin and our enslavement to sin, and it empowers us as forgiven people to forgive others.

  • Becoming Who You Need to Be


    Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6-11. Sermon Titled: Becoming Who You Need to Be Sermon in a Sentence: To be the person that you need to be God (and that God wants you to be), you must surrender your pride, your cares, and your heart to God.

  • John’s Epilogue Pt.2: Peter’s Restoration


    Sermon #10 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 21:15-25. Sermon Titled: John’s Epilogue Pt.2: Peter’s Restoration Sermon in a Sentence: There is hope for those who have failed to experience forgiveness and restoration, and to live their lives with a unique purpose in service of the Lord.

  • John’s Epilogue Pt.1: The Large Catch and Breakfast by the Sea


    Sermon #9 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 21:1-14. Sermon Titled: John’s Epilogue Pt.1: The Large Catch and Breakfast by the Sea Sermon in a Sentence: We will experience the blessings of the Lord that will far exceed our expectations and imaginations when we place our trust in the all-sufficient Savior, live our lives in obedience to Him, and pursue intimate fellowship with Him.

  • Jesus, the Disciples, and Thomas


    Sermon #8 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 20:19-31. Sermon Titled: Jesus, the Disciples, and Thomas Sermon in a Sentence: All of your hope for this life and the life to come rests upon your belief that Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose from the dead to be your Savior and Lord.

  • Jesus and Mary Magdalene


    Sermon #7 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 20:11-18. Sermon Titled: Jesus and Mary Magdalene Sermon in a Sentence: The victorious resurrection of Jesus changes our sorrow into everlasting joy and compels us to share that same good news with others.

  • Jesus and the Graveclothes He Left Behind


    Sermon #6 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 20:1-10. Sermon Titled: Jesus and the Graveclothes He Left Behind Sermon in a Sentence: The graveclothes that Jesus left behind give testimony that He is alive and should lead us to believe in Him as Savior and Lord.

  • Jesus, Crucified, Dead, and Buried


    Sermon #5 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 19:16-42. Sermon Titled: Jesus, Crucified, Dead, and Buried Sermon in a Sentence: Because God planned and provided fully for our salvation through Christ’s death on the cross, we are called to believe in Jesus and live boldly as His disciples.

  • Jesus, Tried, Rejected, and Sentenced


    Sermon #4 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 19:16-42. Sermon Titled: Jesus, Tried, Rejected, and Sentenced Sermon in a Sentence: Although He was rejected, beaten, scourged, crowned with thorns, mercilessly mocked, and unjustly crucified, Jesus Christ is the King of kings who died in the place of sinners, and His glory and majesty calls you to trust in Him as Savior and Lord.

  • Jesus, Denied and Tried


    Sermon #3 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 18:15-27. Sermon Titled: Jesus, Denied and Tried Sermon in a Sentence: As a disciple, even when you fail the Lord, there is still hope because Jesus Christ is the true High Priest who will never fail you.

  • Jesus, Betrayed and Arrested


    Sermon #2 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 18:1-14. Sermon Titled: Jesus, Betrayed and Arrested Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus surrendered Himself to be betrayed, arrested, and ultimately crucified in order to drink the cup of God’s wrath so that sinners like you and me can be saved.

  • Jesus Prays for Himself, His Disciples, and Us


    Sermon #1 in the Series: Looking to the Cross and the Empty Tomb Scripture: John 17. Sermon Titled: Jesus Prays for Himself, His Disciples, and Us. Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus’ prayer looks forward to the cross by which He is ultimately glorified and His church is protected, sanctified, commissioned, and unified in the hope of eternal life in His presence.

  • Living Boldly in the Land of Confusion


    Sermon #7 in the Series: Confidence in Confusing Times Scripture: Habakkuk 3:16-19. Sermon Titled: Living Boldly in the Land of Confusion Sermon in a Sentence: When living in such confusing times taking a stand for God allows us to see the excellence of God through our current circumstances.

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