Ivy Creek Baptist Church Sermons



Ivy Creek Baptist Church is located at 2500 Ivy Creek Road, Buford, GA 30519. We hope you enjoy hearing messages from our Senior Pastor Dr. Craig Dale and our Associate Pastor Ted Williams.


  • A Prophet without Honor


    Sermon #19 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 6:1-6): Title: A Prophet without Honor - To be amazed by and familiar with Jesus yet remain unchanged and unmoved to come to Him in humble faith will result in the loss of His grace, mercy and salvation.

  • A Desperate Father, a Desperate Woman, and Faith in Jesus


    Sermon #18 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 5:21-43): Title: A Desperate Father, a Desperate Woman, and Faith in Jesus - Because sin leaves us spiritually unclean and hopelessly desperate, we must exercise faith in Jesus who promises to pour out His mercy and grace, remove our uncleanness, and give us new life.

  • Jesus Calms the Chaotic Life of a Demoniac


    Sermon #17 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 5:1-20): Title: Jesus Calms the Chaotic Life of a Demoniac - Jesus can take a life that is broken and make it whole again, giving it new purpose and meaning.

  • The Storms of LIfe


    Sermon #16 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 4:35-41): Title: The Storms of LIfe -  The storms of life provide us with the opportunity to be awestruck at the identity, authority, and majesty of Jesus, and remind us of the faith that we must have in Him.

  • Shining Lights and Sowing Seeds


    Sermon #15 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 4:21-34): Title: The Parable of the Soils - Careful hearers of the Word will be faithful sowers of gospel seed and can be confident that God will build His kingdom through the light of Christ and His gospel.

  • The Parable of the Soils


    Sermon #14 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 4:1-20): Title: The Parable of the Soils - The only proper response to the message of the gospel is to believe it and receive it into our hearts and allow it to grow so that it produces fruit for the kingdom of heaven.

  • More, more, more…


    (Ephesians 3:14-21): Title: More, more, more... - God wants to give you more of what you need most, but you must want it, ask for it, and believe that He is able to do abundantly exceedingly above all that you can fathom.

  • False Accusations, Faulty Arguments, and Failed Attempts at Intervention


    Sermon #13 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 3:19b-35): Title: False Accusations, Faulty Arguments, and Failed Attempts at Intervention - By embracing Jesus as God’s Son, anointed by God’s Spirit, and by trusting Him as Savior and Lord, we receive forgiveness of our sins, and become members of His true family.

  • The Call of the Disciples


    Sermon #12 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 3:6-19 ): Title: The Call of the Disciples - In a world characterized by increased familiarity with Jesus, but also growing opposition to Him, He still calls ordinary people like you and me to walk in intimate relationship with Him and to proclaim His good news to the world.

  • Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath


    Sermon #11 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 2:23-3:6): The Sabbath is God’s gift of love that reminds us our work neither creates, saves, nor sanctifies us, but that all of these blessings are accomplished through faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath.

  • The Resurrection of Christ and the Defeat of Death


    Easter 2017 - Scripture Reference 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 14-26 Sermon in a Sentence Sin is destroyed and death is defeated through the death and resurrection of Christ.

  • Palm Sunday, Passover, and Passion: A Celebration of the Lord’s Supper


    Easter 2017 - Scripture Reference John 12:12-19; Luke 22:14-20 Sermon in a Sentence The Passion of Christ reminds us that it is only because of His love and it is only through His sacrifice that we may be saved from eternal death and set free from our sins.

  • Something Old and Something New


    Sermon #10 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 2:21-22): Something Old and Something New Sermon in a Sentence - The gospel of Jesus is not a patch to be added to our old self, nor can it be contained within old religious structures; rather, it is the good news that in Christ we are made new, wearing new robes of His righteousness and filled with the new wine of His Spirit.

  • Who Needs a Doctor?


    Sermon #9 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 2:15-17): Who Needs a Doctor? Sermon in a Sentence - No matter what lies in your past, if you will obediently follow Him through repentance and faith, Jesus will change your future and use you to impact the lives of others to the glory of God.

  • An Unlikely Disciple


    Sermon #8 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 2:13-14): An Unlikely Disciple Sermon in a Sentence - No matter what lies in your past, if you will obediently follow Him through repentance and faith, Jesus will change your future and use you to impact the lives of others to the glory of God.

  • Forgiveness: The Greatest Miracle of All


    Sermon #7 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 2:1-12): The foremost and greatest miracle that Jesus ever performs is the forgiveness of sins because it meets the greatest need, brings the greatest blessing, and costs the greatest price.

  • Jesus Touches and Trades Places with a Leper


    Sermon #6 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 1:40-45): Jesus touches and trades places with every untouchable and outcast sinner who will admit their unclean and hopeless condition, and in humility come to Him in faith.

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