Ivy Creek Baptist Church Sermons



Ivy Creek Baptist Church is located at 2500 Ivy Creek Road, Buford, GA 30519. We hope you enjoy hearing messages from our Senior Pastor Dr. Craig Dale and our Associate Pastor Ted Williams.


  • The First Christmas Message


    Sermon #1 from the Series An Old Testament Christmas (Genesis 3:15 ): Title: The First Christmas Message Sermon in a Sentence: The very first Christmas message announces the good news that the virgin-born Christ came to defeat Satan and set us free from the penalty of our sin through His death and resurrection.

  • Mistakes that Compromise Your Christian Witness


    Sermon #34 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 9:30-41): Title: Mistakes that Compromise Your Christian Witness? Sermon in a Sentence: To avoid mistakes that compromise our witness, we must focus on the cross and the sacrifice it demands, be willing to serve others and put ourselves last, and not criticize or tear down the work of fellow believers who seek to glorify Christ.

  • Why the Lord’s Supper?


    Sermon #33 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 9:1-13): Title: Why the Lord’s Supper? Sermon in a Sentence: By His death—at the hands of those He came to save—and His resurrection, Jesus grants pardon from sin and eternal, abundant life to all who trust in Him.

  • Faithlessness in the Valley


    Sermon #32 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 9:1-13): Title: Faithlessness in the Valley Sermon in a Sentence: Life in the valley, which is marked by evil, pain, and struggle, necessitates a faith in Jesus as Savior that prayerfully acknowledges our utter and complete dependence upon Him.

  • Look, Listen, and Learn!


    Sermon #31 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 9:1-13): Title: Look, Listen, and Learn! Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus encourages and enables His people to follow Him on the cross-bearing path of self-denial by granting a glimpse of the glory that Christ and His people will have in the coming kingdom, and by speaking to us through His Word, which tells us of His plan to redeem His people through the cross and empty tomb.

  • Mark’s Pinnacle Passage


    Sermon #30 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 8:27-9:1): Title: Mark’s Pinnacle Passage Sermon in a Sentence: Our hope for heaven depends upon our unashamed confession that Jesus is the crucified and resurrected Christ, which necessitates our commitment to follow Him all the way to the cross.

  • The Joy of Gospel Partnership


    Philippians 1:1-11 The Joy of Gospel Partnership - Sermon in a Sentence: We will experience joy when God works through us, and we partner with others to work for the sake of the gospel.

  • Jesus Heals a Blind Man


    Sermon #29 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 8:22-26): Title: A clear vision of Jesus sees Him as the Messiah who came to open blind eyes, and as the Savior who came to save you from your sins.

  • Mighty Man of Valor


    (Hebrews 11:32-35 & Judges 6-8): Title: Mighty Man of Valor - There is only one mighty man of valor and he is Jesus Christ, who came to save you and me from our enemies.

  • It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again


    Sermon #28 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 8:1-21): Title: It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again - The repeated demonstrations of our Lord’s compassion and grace call us away from the dangers of willful disbelief and dullness of heart to a life of faith and understanding that is fully satisfied in Him.

  • Everyone reach one, but why?


    Though the account of Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus is an incredible example of Christ’s saving power, we have the same power alive in us that saved us from the same destiny as Paul and should ignite a fire in us to always be ready to share the Gospel with others.

  • Opened Ears and Loosened Tongues


    Sermon #27 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 7:31-37): Title: Opened Ears and Loosened Tongues - Jesus is the promised Messiah, worthy of praise, whose death and resurrection have removed sin’s curse for those who place their faith in Him; He has opened deaf ears to hear and loosened mute tongues to proclaim this good news!

  • Crumbs for Dogs


    Sermon #26 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 7:24-30): Title: Crumbs for Dogs - Though we are unworthy, we may partake of the blessings and benefits of Jesus Christ by coming to Him with a desperate, persistent, and humble faith, appealing to Him for His mercy and grace.

  • External Solutions Cannot Solve Internal Problems


    Sermon #25 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 7:14-23): Title: External Solutions Cannot Solve Internal Problems - Since spiritual defilement stems from evil within our hearts, then it is only through the Holy Spirit’s renewal of our hearts, not from external acts or rituals, that we can receive salvation.

  • Clean Hands or Clean Heart?


    Sermon #24 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 7:1-3): Title: Clean Hands or Clean Heart? - In our pride we must never elevate adherence to external rituals, rules, or traditions above God’s Word, which clearly teaches us that in humility we are to come to God in repentance and faith in Jesus.

  • Jesus Walks on the Water


    Sermon #23 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 6:45-56): Title: Jesus Walks on the Water - Even though we encounter storms in our lives, we should be encouraged, and should worship Jesus and rejoice in His glory because He carries us through the storms.

  • Jesus Feeds the 5000


    Sermon #22 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 6:30-44): Title: Jesus Feeds the 5000 - The Lord Jesus reveals Himself to be the compassionate shepherd who satisfies the true hunger of our souls by providing us with what we need most – Him! .

  • The Death of John the Baptist


    Sermon #21 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 6:14-29): Title: The Death of John the Baptist - Because of who He is, His infinite worth, and the difference He makes, we must humble ourselves before Jesus, repent of our sins, and trust in Him to save us.

  • The Urgent Demands of the Gospel


    Sermon #20 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 6:6b-13): Title: The Urgent Demands of the Gospel - The urgency of the gospel necessitates that we be active disciples who live lives dependent upon God’s power and provision, focused on the mission of obediently proclaiming the straightforward message of faith and repentance.

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