Keys Of The Kingdom



"Keys of the Kingdom" is a 1 hour (now 2 hour) radio program produced by Brother Gregory of His Holy Church. This program is devoted to talking about the Kingdom of God - what it is, where it is, and how to get there. Christ said that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Which means you can reach out and touch it. He told the Pharisees he would take the Kingdom from them and give it to a nation who would bring forth the fruits thereof. He appointed unto his "little flock" (apostles) a Kingdom. He told us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This means now, not waiting until after we die. Does this sound good to you? Then listen further... "Keys of the Kingdom" is broadcast weekly (Saturday mornings - 10AM Central Time) on First Amendment Radio. First Amendment Radio retains exclusive rights to the program for 9 days from airing, then we can make it available to you.


  • 7/15/23: Ecclesiastes 9

    15/07/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    Quoting Ecclesiastes; Linking to New Testament; Acts 6; Paul quoting David; Doers of the word; Madness; Deut 28:28; Contiguous message through the bible; "Blindness"; Studying?; Believing in the Real Jesus Christ; Keeping the commandments; Saul's folly; Sacrifice of fools; Destroyers of liberty; Humility - willingness to see truth about self; 2 Pe 2:16; Loving your neighbor; Sharing these messages; Offering choice; Proposing reason; Spirit of love; Speaking truth; Ecc 9:1; Awakening to your foolishness; Loving truth; Stop taking oaths; vav+hey-vav-lamad-lamad-hey+vav+tav "madness"; Double letters; Imaging you're already saved; Choosing to see; Denying truth; Ability to see truth; Public schools; Your way vs their way; Social security; Bondage of Egypt; biet-gimel-dalet (treachery/deceit); More abundant life; Eating flesh of your neighbor; Family; Tribute systems; "Chance" (occurrence); Strengthening; Snaring; Wisdom; Creating righteous systems; Destroying cities in history; Rome; From gold to notes; Poor men

  • 7/8/23: Ecclesiastes 8

    08/07/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    Revealing what pastors should know; Attributed to Solomon; Confusing translation; Bible's common theme; "Gentiles"; "leaven"; Christ's weightier matters; Equity vs equality; Vanity; Intent and the law; Witchcraft; Choosing the tree of knowledge of good and evil; Fleeing the light; Government of, for and by the people; Cain and Abel; Playing "God"; Knowing truth; And providing for it; Sacrifice; Kidney?; Casting bread upon water?; Charity = love; Wages of unrighteousness; Keeping the king's commandments; Ecc 8:1; Wisdom; Offerings; Power corrupts; Taxing labor; Slaves?; Socialism; Seeking the tree of life; "Corban", drawing near; Ecc 8:1; Oaths; Social security; Rights and responsibilities; Being free; College; Not to exercise authority over men; Kingdom of God is in the moment; Fasting of the tree of knowledge; Aiding your neighbor; Abraham's altars; Listening to revealed warnings; Wicked - unrighteousness; Levites at Christ's time; Repentance; Davey Crockett article; Cursing the darkness?; Staying in the lig

  • 7/1/23: Ecclesiastes 7 - continued

    01/07/2023 Duración: 01h30min

    Bible study; Translations; Different testaments; The song of Moses and of the Lamb; John the Baptist; Corban; Social Insurance; Christian systems of social welfare; Sanhedrin; Dearths; Roman shipping; Keeping the populace happy; Military history; Ecc 7:22; Tree of Knowledge; Revealed truth; The bible solution; God hearing your cries; Saving yourself?; Overcoming error; Seeing your own foolishness; Ecc 7:25; Reason; Wickedness; resh-shen-ayin; Hoping in the foolish; vav+hey+sumac-kof-lamad-vav-tav; Spiritual madness; Double-lamad; Living in darkness; Force in the world; Julius Caesar and the Gauls; Overlooking crime; Corruption; Media in time of Rome; Hating Christians?; World starvation; Illness; Immunity; Perfect savages; Foolish virgins; Doing Christ's way; Daily sacrifice; Willingness to receive help; Need to give; Snare/Net; mem-tzedek-vav-dalet-yod-mem; vav-chet-resh-mem-yod-mem; Binding your allegiance; Income tax; Depression; Fervent charity; Inventions; Superfluous families; Ecc 8:1; Seeking His kingd

  • 7/1/23: Ecclesiasties 7

    01/07/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    Jeremiah; Bride of Christ?; Drawing near to God - Corban; Loquaciousness of Jeremiah; Teachings of Baal/Error of Balaam; Nicolaitan; No coveting allowed; John the Baptist's system of sharing (charity); World government treasuries; Capitalism; Vampires; Owning what you produce; God's gift of life to you; Rebelling against God?; Trees in the garden; Fasting; Sacrificing; Ecc 7:1; Sacrifice of fools; Slavery in Genesis; 20% Income tax?; Bondage of Egypt; Bondage of Canada; Sedition?; Foolish virgins; Parthenos; "name"; Property rights; House of mourning or mirth?; Saul's folly; Social welfare corrupting the house of mourning; Reparations for blacks?; Legal charity; The song of fools; Profiting from fellow man; Patient in spirit (debt?); vs Proud in spirit; Pure religion; What Jesus says; Entitlements; Slavery reality; Hearing the cries of your brother; Socialism; Provisions in the early church; Oppression; Weakening society; Finding the way of God; Mt 5:22; The fool; Anger; Idolatrous Christians; Free bread - co

  • 6/24/23: Ecclesiastes 6 + Networking - Listen closely, can you hear?

    24/06/2023 Duración: 02h15min

    What the kingdom of God looks like; Loving God; Existence of Moses; Ecclesiastes; Sacrifice of fools; Taking oaths; Pagan gods; Clinging to delusions; Vanity; Corban of the Pharisees; Shepherds; Getting out of the world systems; Well-read apostles; Idiotes; Bearing witness; Being diligent; Mt 22:17-21; Gurus?; Ecclesiastes 6:1; Charity; Snares and traps; Living in darkness; Prov 1:10; Identifying the spirit of God; Nimrod; Increasing vanity; Having life more abundant; Your need for repentance; Seeing your part in trauma; Networking; Legal charity; Your goal; Hearing the cries of others; Law of nature; Right to choose; Sparing "the rod"; Minister's job; Free assemblies; Seeking the Holy Spirit; Q and A; Knowing who you are?; Saving yourself?; Witness testimony; Being hurt by Gregory's teachings?; Value of fiat money?; Notes; Redeemability; Bank loans; Defrauding bankers; Being friends with the unrighteous mammon; Going back into bondage; Avoiding the light; Mark of the beast; Seeking the Kingdom; Learning to h

  • 6/24/23: Ecclesiasties 5-6

    24/06/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    Eusebius; Constantine's new church creation; Ecc 5 - sacrifice of fools; Snares, nets and bondage; Connecting the prophets; Handling the truth; Modern liberals; Desire for others to fail; How to get offerings to God; Confusion about the truth; Darkness; Paying to feel good; Taking responsibility; Forgiving trauma; Desiring vanity of vanities; Patterns of nature; Opening spiritual eyes; Testing forgiveness; Strengthening others; Narcissism; Seeking victimhood; Getting God to hear you; The song of the fool; Living in light; Seeing yourself; Ecc 5:1 - relating to your life; Loving your enemy; Who you trust to be your god?; Red sea example; First fruits; Yahweh Nissi?; Legal charity; Saul's foolish thing; Today's Constantines; Temptation to live in darkness; World creatures; Fasting from temptation; Reviewing Ecclesiastes so far; Humility; Filling YOU with holy spirit; Preparing for dawn; "Vexation"; Shepherds; History repeats itself; Hearing the cries of your brother; Voluntary charity; Laying down your life; Bi

  • 6/17/23: Ecclesiasties 3-4

    17/06/2023 Duración: 02h05min

    Roots with Solomon; Right after Proverbs; "The Teacher"; Vanities; hey-biet-lamad; vapor or breath; from empty/void; Ex 20:7 - in vain; Taking His name in vain; "His Holy Church"; 319AD - another church; Bishops; Same as "Abel"; Grabbing air?; Caring cycle; Tree of Life; "Shav" = emptiness/falsehood, vain; shin-vav-aleph; Hebrew letters have meaning; Ruining the Romans?; Sharing; Bondage of Egypt - don't return there; Sacrifice of fools; Social Security insolvency; "Reek" resh-yod-kuf = empty (out); Lev 26:20; Job 39:16; Women/churches; Church = caregiver of society; Freewill offerings only; Gen 37:24; resh-yod-kuf; Tohu = vain/vanity/confusion; Gen 1:2; soffa = shen-pei-hey - lip, bank, brim; 2 Kings 18:20; Isa 36:5; Belonging to God; Saving you; Jer 8:8; Leaven; Forced offerings; Repentance; Ps 41:6; Seeking government of God = love; Legal charity; Ecc 3:12; Doing good; Spiritual vs emotional experiences; Patience with other people; Forgiveness; God the capitalist; Child of God; God's rewards; Chosen people

  • 6/17/23: Ecclesiasties 1-3

    17/06/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    Written by Solomon?; kuf-heh-lamed-tav; Spiritual teacher; Consulting God; Making symbolism reality; Revealing God's word; Our divine spark; Subjecting ourselves; Solomon; "Sacrifice of fools"; = "Corban of Pharisees"; Solomon's corvee; Bondage of Egypt (Captivity); Ecc 1:1; Who is "the preacher"?; "Christ" = anointed; Altars of freewill offerings; Vanity = habel - hey-biet-lamad; Vapor or breath (invisible)?; Shedding light on the visible; Patterns of nature; Cause and effect; Historical insight; "Exercised"; God's healing; "Wisdom" and "Knowledge"; Beastly hearts; Repeating vanity; "Sorrow"; Labor/mischief; God the capitalist; Ecc 2:1; Vexation of the Spirit (Grasping for the wind); Ecc 2:12; Madness and folly; excelleth = profiteth = destroy?; Meditation; Corrupting power; Public religion; Rom 2:5; Importance of commandments; Substituting emotion for spirit; Sacrifice of fools; Seeking righteousness; Weakening your children; Legal charity; Knowing the whole truth; Redistributing wealth Christ's way; Honori

  • 6/10/23: Emotions and Gender - replay from 5/14/16

    10/06/2023 Duración: 03h00s

    "Emotions" defined; Origins of physical/chemical processes; Natural reproduction; No scientific consensus; Spiritual influences; Habits; Conscious experience; Phobias; Intensity of emotion; Arousal; Trauma; Abuse; Simplifying emotion; Mental state; Psychological expression; Natural gender differences; Passion; What is inside you?; Gal 5:1; Political circumcision?; Recognizing the Spirit behind ritual; Motivation and focus; Jeffrey Dahmer example; Worshipping form; Hating deeds, not people; Nicolaitans; Being manipulated by emotion; Addiction; Be still and know; Bondage forged in emotion; Psychosis; Re-mapping missing limbs?; Degrees of abuse; Passing on abusive spirit; The alternative reaction; Emotions moves you; Choice given by God; Where's the fruit?; Forgiving evil; Resisting evil; Stimulating emotions inside you; Abandonment; Patient love; Turning up the light; Evil's tactics; Who is making your choices?; Temptation; Bathroom debate; European cannibalism?; Restroom wars; Catering to "crazy"; Inability to

  • 6/3/23: Insurrection - replay from 1/9/21: "Remember Nineveh" + "A Kingdom Out of This World"

    03/06/2023 Duración: 02h40min

    [Remember Nineveh] Kingdom - someone ruling over somebody; Deciding good and evil for you; DC riots; "Walkaway" movement; Deplatforming; Rampant censoring; Build back better; George Floyd's death; Media regime; People want to be angry = playing into hands of evil; Fighting for power; Building what Christ commanded; Range sheep vs farm flock sheep; Defaming demonstrators; What Christ said to DO; Early Church history; Most common form of self-government; Viable republics in the heart of the world; Staying connected to each other; Maintaining your right to choose; Big tech censorship; Emotional vs rational; Judge not, hate not; Why evil is winning; Forgiveness the key to freedom; Jacobites; Are you listening to Christ's spirit? Or your emotions?; Still small (nonemotional) voice; Actual story of loaves and fishes; Creating bonds that connect you; Contracts, covenants and constitutions; Honesty is a kingdom policy; Why you're vulnerable; Remember Nineveh; "Their" government; Another king, one Jesus; Perfect law o

  • 6/3/23: John 5

    03/06/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    Propaganda and conspiracy theories; Rearranging truth; Tree of Knowledge; Sensory manipulation; Divine spark; Logic; "Intelligence"; God-given tools; Drawing near to God; "Corban"; Caring for parents; Jahovah-nissi?; Distinction of Christ's way; Choosing good and evil; Cultivating Holy Spirit; Evil cultivating evil; Freedom is the right to choose; Censorship; Repentance; Fasting from pride and vanity; Walking in the Holy Spirit; Possessing freedom to choose; Love requires sacrifice; Excuse making; Agreeing to go into bondage; Despising dominion; "idiotes" = "unregistered"; Waiving your rights; Forced offerings now allowed; Preferential treatment to Pharisees; Calling no man "father"; Lk 21:1; Jacob and altars of Bethel?; Gen 34; Strange fire; Sanhedrin; Right to freedom of religion; Amos 3:13; Getting closer to the Tree of Life; Sacrificing for neighbor; Daily ministration; John 5:1; Bethesda pool; 38-year infirmity; Will you be made whole?; On the sabbath?; v11 serious miracle; "Sin no more"; Sabbath not a

  • 5/27/23: Propaganda

    27/05/2023 Duración: 01h50min

    "Make America Clean Again"?; Humility to being wrong; Relearning Hebrew; Rebuilding the temple; Pure Religion; Propaganda Gospel?; New Testament "world"; "Propaganda" defined; Disinformation by government; Changing your thinking; Corban of the Pharisees; Teachings of John the Baptist; "Polis"; Baptism; Synagogues; Organizing in Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Propaganda of John the Baptist?; Political Jesus; Offices of August Caesar; Commander in chief; Setting people free; Redemption; Bondage of Egypt; Weakening Sodom; No exercising authority over your neighbor; Opposing Capitalism; Origin of the Federal Reserve; Propaganda regarding Social Security; Name-calling; Illegal propaganda; Charity alone; Cheating welfare; What made America great; Transfer propaganda; Taking care of the needy; Freedom of Speech; Testimonial propaganda; Bandwagon propaganda; Legality of Propaganda; Paying government to lie to you; Legal Charity; 10 USC 2241a = propaganda within US; Unconstitutional government officers; Oregon Article

  • 5/27/23: Unclean

    27/05/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    "Unclean"; Baptism - not about the water; Sacred names?; Turning you back on God; Adam and Eve fled; Unmoored rituals; Sabbath; Listening to Holy Spirit - Tree of Life; "unclean" = tet-mem-alef; Good becoming evil; God giving freewill choice to man; Basis of our choices; Cleaning up idolatry; Twisting sound doctrine; Moses' welfare system; Purposes of temples; How to become clean; Stinky Jacob?; Gen 34:30; Burying under Oak tree?; Altars; Accepting false ideas; Faith, hope and charity; Knowing who is in need; Jehovah-nisei?; gods of Sumer; Cities = terror; God of Jacob; Welfare by charity alone; Exercising love; alef-lamad-hey = god, swear, oath, oak; "hiding/hid"; Ps 9:15; Ps 31:4; Today's net/pit/trap; Ps 35:7-8; Seeking kingdom of God and His righteousness; Fasting from idolatrous benefits; Ps 64:5; Humbling ourselves; NT "Unclean" or "Foul"; Morality; Recognizing the way of Christ; Christian Conflict; Atonement confusion; The role of priests; Constantinian "christians"; Robbing widows and orphans; Uncoun

  • 5/20/23: Participating in Christ's Kingdom Today

    20/05/2023 Duración: 02h25min

    Confusing the message of Moses; Doves, turtledoves and young pigeons; Song of Moses and of the Lamb; Choosing to live apart from God; Examples of caring for locals; Members of Babylon; What The Church can do today; Hospital treatment of unnumbered; Taking caller's questions on this show; Network organization; Home churches; Liberty under God; Deluded "christians"; Government of, for and by the people; The "world's" care; Mark of the Beast; Thriving Christians; The strait gate; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Love and charity; Christ's "way"; How to participate; Perfect law of liberty; Managing justice; Locality of congregations; Catacombs; Laying down your life for your fellow man; Wise charity that strengthens; Righteousness; Your responsibility to seek the kingdom; Biblical "fire"; Where's your temple?; The greatness of the kingdom; Satan worshipers; Charity vs force; Peter's tax misstatement; Demanding loyalty; Faith and allegiance; Societal inflection points; Appointing 7 men to wait on tables?; Covetous pr

  • 5/20/23: Explaining Moses' Way

    20/05/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    New Testament sources; Old Testament complexities; Weeping elders; Losing sight of Moses' message; The life of the Israelites; Embracing your bondage; Nimrod mighty provider; Translations; Hebrew metaphor; Two trees; God's opinion; Out of Egypt?; Or Israel?; Song of Moses and of the Lamb; Knowing the difference; Knowing the truth; Nazi's in the bible?; Nissi - goddess of social welfare; Binding yourselves together; Independents vs gathering together; Independent (cement) story; Abraham's journey; Cities and social welfare; Care concerning "comfort"; Indus valley flooding; No right way to covet; Civil authority vs responsibility; Recognizing bondage; Gen 2:15; "garden"; Turtledove; Abraham's deep dream; Gen 15:9 "heifer" ayin-gimel-lamad-hey; Or cart/wagon; "Moses"; She-goat: Zayin-ayin = Strength; Olive oil example; Trade; Offerings; Ram: 0353 = strength or help; Doing as Christ said; alef-yod-lamad; Male (Zayin-kuf-resh) sheep?; Or "memorial"; Sincerely giving your best; Why use a priest?; Binding your neigh

  • 5/13/23: Leviticus 5

    13/05/2023 Duración: 02h25min

    Turtledoves; Just turtle? Tav-vav-resh; To seek (verb); Order; Claim to estate; Ox; Leaning on Holy Spirit; Succession?; Vav = connecting letter; Lacking knowledge; Sureties; Experiencing bondage; Law of nature; Recognizing Christ; Sharing podcasts; Nu 6:10; tav-resh-yod-mem?; Strengthening society; Sloth; Subsidizing homelessness in Oregon; Taking a stand; Comedy?; Christ's commands for Church organization; Penal systems; vs Recompense; Stoning?; Judeo-Christian values; Forgiveness; Red Sea crossing; Fervent charity; Reprobates; Portland riots; City-states and legal charity; Communicating with Holy Spirit; Learning from God; Humbling self; Reward requires effort - strive, seek, persevere; The way of the Lord; Weaning from welfare; Cops?; Filling butts?; Primitive skills; Creating Christ's network; Wages of unrighteousness; Lev 5:1; Unclean carcasses; Sacrificing to idols; Altars of stone; Whole truth?; Trespass offering; Sin offering; Recompense to priest; Charity = love; Dividing away from dove goddess?; Pr

  • 5/13/23: Turtledoves - expanded

    13/05/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    "Dove" has many meanings in Hebrew; Gen 15:9 "young pigeons"; Intent for chosen words/spellings; PETA'S bible rewrite; Interpretation confusion; Who will believe the truth?; Healing; Signs and wonders and witness; Strong delusion via modern religion; Burnt offerings; "Ox"; Muzzling the ox?; Look at context to gain understanding; Repeating history's mistakes; Steps in the desert?; Breeches and nakedness; Is your "church" anti-Christ?; Gen 15:9 "Land"; Brief history of Genesis; The flood; City-states; Altering "History"; 1954 Reece commission; Gregory history; Lies by omission; "Sumer"; Goddess of welfare; What happened to Sumer? Rome?; Jesus' teaching on welfare; Christian "doves"; Social safety nets; Bonds of freedom; Golden Calf; Gen 15:9 Abram's ritual; tav-vav-resh (turledove) vav-tav-resh; Protecting the carcasses; Measuring against Abraham's other experiences; Entitlements; Eating meat; God's refuge; Abram's "Deep sleep" = horror of great darkness; Encouraging today's scavenging; Gen 15:12; Bondage of Eg

  • 5/6/23: Turtledoves

    06/05/2023 Duración: 01h50min

    Finished Exodus; Most are clueless about the bible; Strong delusion; Today's bondage (of Egypt); Turtledoves?; Gen 15:9; 400 years of bondage; Livestock surveys; Pound of flesh; Sacrificing a dove?; tav-vav-resh (turtledove); *And* gimel-vav-lamad (young pigeon); Blind leading blind; Severity of covetousness; Following the taxation money; Seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Commands to be fruitful and multiply; Women vs girls; "I know where I'm going"; Burnt offerings; Leviticus "turtledove" yod-vav-nun-hey - from "wine/vine"; (Jonah?); Extra Hebrew letters; "Meat offering"; mem-nun-chet-hey; Temple granaries; Government subsidies; "Covenants of the gods" book; Grain reserves; Theocratic socialism; Bonds of love; Wealth in the kingdom; "Fair share?"; FDR's New Deal dictators; Balaam and Nicolaitans; Selling yourselves into bondage; Sons of God; Julius Caesar and the Gauls; Covetousness = idolatry; Col 3:5; Constantinian Christianity; "Leaven" of the Pharisees; Who will see this?; Mt 20:25; Mk 10:42; Lk 22:

  • 5/6/23: Exodus 40

    06/05/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    Exodus 40; What's missing from our understanding?; Charity; Strong delusion; Covetous practices; Benefits -> consequences; Perils of the shutdown; Sabbath; Social safety net; Votive offering; nun-dalet-resh (nadar); nun-dalet-biet = freewill offering; Oppression; Redemption; Moses' people; Wimpy economy; American example; "Cash"?; The society Moses created; Hierarchies of service; Constitutions and Deuteronomy; Ex 40; Setting up for business; Tiny tabernacle; Offerings burned by fire?; Social welfare through charity; Family priests; Bondage to God; Ex 40:1; Sacred symbols; Approaching the bible; Burnt offerings; Symbolism of incense; Following Moses and Christ; Cost-sharing programs; Garments; Waiving your rights; Feeling the pain of tribute; Garment coloring for high priests; Biblical practicality; Herod's temple defiled; Nu 11:16; Appointing 70; Luke 10:1; Law of nature; Are you hearing the voice of God?; Nu 12:3; Duties; Juries; Empowering individuals; Appetites for benefits; Sharing with neighbors; Nimrod

  • 4/29/23: Exodus 37-39

    29/04/2023 Duración: 01h25min

    Building the tabernacle - substantial, mobile structure; Badger hides?; Movers of the tabernacle; Courts; Moses' precedents; Non-vengeful God; "Put to death"; Misinterpretation; Reviewing Ex 36; aleph-yod-shen; Extra Hebrew letters; What were Levites doing?; Living altars; Voluntary society; Forming "community"; Having communion; Service through faith; Heave and Wave offerings; Worshipping from their own tent?; Herod's baptism; Function of temples; Herman the German; Forcing your neighbor to pay for your benefits; Constantine's church; Thieves of socialism; Following Christ; Rehashing Ex 37; Incense altar - very small; "Horns"; Killing bugs; Strengthening your nation; What bound the Israelites?; "Sweet" incense; Ex 38; Burnt offerings; Families are building blocks of the kingdom; Raising children; Carrying the altar; Connecting you to history; Tabernacle of testimony; Needing information from Holy Spirit; Ex 39; Color symbols; "Treachery"?; Tithing; Counterfeit temples; Follow Christ!

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