Destiny Church Edinburgh



Inspiring messages from our weekly gatherings at Destiny Church Edinburgh. Hear Peter Anderson and others unpack the great truths of the Bible.


  • The humility of God


    Jesus didn't do miracles to wow the crowd; he did them because he loves people. He did not draw glory or attention to himself, he just blessed people. He was not insecure and self-seeking, he served others. God became man. This message reveals the beauty of humility and the danger of pride and challenges us all us to look upon ourselves with sober judgement.

  • Does God save dogs?


    Here Pastor Peter tackles a particularly difficult passage of scripture. On first glance it seems Jesus appears to be insulting woman in need of compassion. As we delve deeper we see Jesus' transcendent goodness. This message tackles racism and oppression and shows how Jesus reaches out to everyone, no matter what their circumstance.

  • Learning wisdom


    Solomon who wrote Proverbs was described as the wisest man on earth. In the book of Proverbs Solomon teaches people to learn wisdom from observing God's creation. In Proverbs 30 we are specifically encouraged to learn wisdom from the ant, the rock badger, the locust and the lizard. This is a message for those who want to learn simple keys to a successful life.

  • Wisdom or folly


    In this message Peter looks at some of the dumb characters who appear throughout the book Proverbs, namely: the secret sinner, the loose woman, the stupid speaker, the unrestrained fool, and the presumptions fool. Here the Bible teaches us to learn from the mistakes of others: "A wise man learns by the experience of others. An ordinary man learns by his own experience. A fool learns by nobody's experience."

  • The Gospel we preach - a message for leaders


    Mark Driscoll is pastor in Marshill church in Seattle, one of America's fastest growing churches. Services Pastor Mark as part of his visit to Destiny Church Edinburgh spoke to pastors and leaders from around the United Kingdom. His message to leaders focused on the gospel message and he urged leaders to get right back to the essence of preaching the gospel in churches as he believes that preaching the gospel is one of the greatest key to growing a strong church in our contemporary culture.

  • Wisdom


    The Bible teaches us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, conversely in Psalm 14:1 we find that the ultimate definition of a fool is a person who disregards God. While some people may sound wise and learned if they don't have any respect for God then according to the Bible they haven't even begun to be wise. In this message Peter exposes the folly of atheism and encourages people to be truly wise.

  • What is going on inside?


    What appetites in your life do you feed "are they positive or negative?" The things that ruin you are the things that are actually in your heart, not the things going on around you. When you make moral compromises it affects the rest of you. Jesus said it's "what comes out of a man that makes him unclean." This is a powerful message challenging us to live a life of integrity in the inner recesses of our hearts.

  • Good tradition or bad tradition


    Tradition is part of so much of Christianity and our culture. Some are good and helpful, some aren't; every church has them. But tradition itself is not important; the important thing is the principals on which we are building. In this message Pastor Peter Anderson looks at some of the traditions that help and hinder the life of the church.

  • The fear of the Lord


    God is an awesome God. In the Bible we find that God is not only a loving Father, but He is also the One who will strongly judge and punish sinners. In this message you will learn why we should fear God and what the fear of God truly means.

  • Big vision for a great city


    As the church in Edinburgh continues to grow, Peter takes a moment to remind the whole congregation the vision of the church, where we are going and the impact we dream of making. This message will inspire you and challenge you to think big about what God can do through His church.

  • Hungry to learn


    Throughout the Bible we see that God responds to our spiritual hunger. People who are apathetic and indifferent rarely receive from God. In the book of Proverbs Solomon encourages us to be people who are humble enough to be life long learners; life long learners are highly successful people. Someone once said: "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" well you can be an old dog if you want, but personally, I'm hungry to learn.

  • Walking on water


    In this passage we find one of Jesus most famous miracles when He walked on water. We also see the courage of Jesus' disciple Peter, who was willing to get out of his comfort zone in the boat and start walking on water too. May this message inspire you to live the life of faith that God is calling you to.

  • The future of humanity


    In this the final chapter of the book of Daniel God reveals to Daniel some of the events that will take place leading up to judgement day and the end of the world. Peter takes time in this message to explain some of these events and to live life in the light of eternity.

  • Give God something to work with


    God has blessed us all with gifts, talents and abilities. As we offer our lives to Him and offer to use our talents and abilities we can have a massive impact on the world around us. This message will challenge you to make every moment count and to fulfil the purpose for which you were born.

  • God keeps His Word


    Andrew is the Apostle who oversees Destiny Ministries and he is also the senior pastor of Destiny Church in Glasgow. In this message Andrew reminds us that when God speaks we can base our lives on His word. This is a faith building and inspiring message.

  • A life of conviction


    John the Baptist is one of the heroes found in the gospels. He stands out as a man who lived a life of conviction in contrast to so many who are weak willed and spineless. This message will inspire you to live a life of conviction in the midst of a world of compromise.

  • Knowing God


    Daniel chapter 11 describes a vision that God gave Daniel about certain turbulent events that would take place in the near future, events which have now taken place and are now documented in our history. In the midst of this chapter God's makes it clear that during turbulent times the people who have an authentic relationship with God will be able to stand firm and achieve great things against all the odds. This message will encourage you to go deeper in your relationship.

  • Being part of the solution


    In this passage Jesus encourages His disciples to step out and go on mission. It is God's desire for His church not to be confined to the four walls of a building but rather to engage with the world around. Bringing the message of God's life and love to a world that so desperately needs it.

  • Why answers delay


    May people wonder why God seems to delay in answering their prayers; in reality such delays are often nothing to do with God, but there are many other spiritual factors at work. In Daniel chapter 10 we see a glimpse of the spiritual realm where unseen battles are taking place. In this message you will discover the power of prayer and will be encouraged to persevere in prayer even when it seems the answers delay.

  • Plugging into the power


    From this passage it is clear that God's desire to do miracles can be limited by our lack of willingness to believe. This principle expressed in this passage also appears in various other parts of the Bible. Come and be challenged and provoked to be people who have a genuine expectation for God to work the miraculous in our lives and in churches.

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