Destiny Church Edinburgh



Inspiring messages from our weekly gatherings at Destiny Church Edinburgh. Hear Peter Anderson and others unpack the great truths of the Bible.


  • The touch that changed everything


    This message was preached at a healing service where many visitors were at the service and people experienced, many for the first time, God's healing power in their lives. This message will build your faith and help you to receive from God His miracle for your life.

  • Faith - the atmosphere of miracles


    It is evident from the Bible that God desires to do great miracles and heal sick people. Often the reason miracles do not occur is not a result that God does not want to heal but rather because there is not an atmosphere of faith. In this message you will be provoked to believe in the God of the miraculous.

  • Jesus power over demons


    The good news is that there is no power, demon or force of darkness that is more powerful than Jesus Christ. In this message we are encouraged to completely trust in Jesus as the source of our deliverance and our place of safety in the midst of a spiritual world that is trying to touch our lives.

  • God always wins


    Many sceptical critics of the Bible have argued that Daniel couldn't have actually written the book of Daniel because how could someone write a book that predicts with such accuracy world events prior to the events happening, such critics argue that the book must have been written by someone else in retrospect. In this message from Daniel 8 Peter describes the historic fulfilment of the predictions made in the chapter. The overwhelming message from Daniel and history is

  • In the midst of a storm


    Being a Christian doesn't mean that life will be easy. There are constantly challenges and situations that we will face which will cause us to be fearful and loose our peace. In this message we look at how to keep your cool in the midst of the storms of life.

  • The dominion of God


    In this message from Daniel 7 we find Daniel having another vision in which certain future world events are described to him but also in this vision Daniel is given a unique glimpsing into heaven where he sees Jesus on His throne. In this message you will be encouraged to prepare yourself for the day when you will stand before this great throne.

  • From insignificant to significant


    The parable of the mustard seed is one of Jesus most famous parables. In it we discover that God's desire is for things to grow from small and insignificant to large and influential. It is our conviction that churches can grow big in order to positively impact cities, cultures and thousands of people.

  • Daniel in the lion's den


    In this message Peter motivates us to be people of true character who don't compromise when under pressure.

  • Listen carefully


    In this message we are challenged to be people who are eager to learn and are hungry for God. It always is the case that those who are hungry and passionate for God tend to grow faster than those who are apathetic.

  • When God steps in


    Gordon Macintosh is the pastor of Destiny Church in Sterling and he also oversees the network of Destiny Life Groups which meet in various locations around Scotland. Gordon is an outstanding church leader and an inspirational speaker. He has a close walk with God and is highly sensitive to the voice of God. We are sure this message will inspire you.

  • Faith without works is dead


    Peter and his wife Ann head up an aid organisation based in Africa where they feed, clothe and educate nearly a million children a day. They are also involved with large evangelistic crusades which since starting have seen over 9 million people come to faith in Jesus. In this message Peter powerfully describes the relationship that faith and works have. We know that you will be inspired by this message.

  • Prosper in alignment with God


    As a very wealthy and successful businessman, Ivan found himself in the place where he had everything life could offer but in his heart there was an emptiness and a longing for true happiness. On one particular evening Ivan met a man who told him about Jesus and about the hope that He offers. This was to be the turning point in Ivan's life. Today Ivan and his wife Daphne travel extensively around the world telling people the good news about God's love and also working extensively with the poor a

  • Gods growth strategy


    From this passage Peter describes how God often works with us in stages. Each person's life and each church goes through stages of development. In this message we are inspired to take positive steps forward as individuals and churches into the purpose that God has for our lives.

  • Brought to light


    From this passage we investigate the powerful truth that anything hidden in our lives will eventually be brought to light. Peter encourages us to pay close attention to our secret life before God.

  • The writings on the wall


    This message from Daniel chapter 5 teaches us that God is involved in world events and also that He's carefully watching the lives of people and weighing their motives (whether they acknowledge Him or not). You don't mess with God!

  • The parable of the sower


    From this famous parable of Jesus Peter explains that our progress in life has nothing to do ultimately with our outward situation in life but rather with our inward condition of heart. This message will help you deal with inner issues that have held you back for years.

  • Together on a mission


    Jesus considered as family those who were willing to do God's will for their lives. In this message we are challenged to serve God with our lives to work together for a mission. Realising together with God's help we can impact our generation.

  • God and the Devil


    In this message Peter discusses the reality of the spiritual world in which we live and how this spiritual world touches and affects our lives on a daily basis.

  • Imperfect people only


    In this passage Jesus hand picks His 12 disciples. The reality is that each one of these men had many character flaws and rough edges. In this message we discover that God rather than focusing on where we are at in life chooses us because He knows where we can go in life. Many people disqualify themselves from the life that God has for them because they see themselves as imperfect. The fact is that God only works with imperfect people.

  • Standing out from the crowd


    Daniel influenced the reign of five kings in a situation where he was a foreigner and a slave, he caused the worship of the true God to become law in a heathen land. Daniel was an influencer, in a hostile environment he spoke up for great things and changed the course of a nation. This message explores how important it is to make quality choices and live a life of character and resolve.

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