Destiny Church Edinburgh



Inspiring messages from our weekly gatherings at Destiny Church Edinburgh. Hear Peter Anderson and others unpack the great truths of the Bible.


  • Keep going


    There are times in life when things are tough. The Christian life is not a bed of roses. In this message, Graeme talks about specific examples of tough times that most people experience at some time in their lives, and the keys to keep going in spite of them.

  • Make or break - Jesus' advice on divorce


    Today many of the problems caused in society are directly steamed from the breakdown in the family unit. Divorce causes heartache, causes single parent families. It has a knock on negative effect often for generations. In Jesus' day the problem was bad if not worse. When Jesus was questioned about the subject of divorce He gave a very direct and wise answer. In this message Peter looks at Jesus' advice and advice from the rest of the Bible.

  • The significance of the resurrection


    To be a Christian means that you believe in the miraculous. Our Christian faith is based on the miraculous birth of Jesus as well as the miraculous resurrection from the dead. In this message Peter looks as what the resurrection of Jesus has accomplished and talks about the impact it can have in your life.

  • Why was the cross necessary?


    This message was shared by Peter on Easter Sunday morning in 2008. In this message Peter looks at how the cross was God's rescue plan for humanity making it possible for us to have a live connection with God. In this classic gospel message you will be reminded afresh of the core message of Christianity.

  • Foundations for a great marriage


    Every building needs a good foundation to enable it to stand the test of time. For a marriage to be successful for the long term it too needs good foundations. In this message Peter looks at some of the essential foundations that the Bible gives us for marriage.

  • Dealing ruthlessly with sin


    These are some of the strongest verses in Mark's Gospel where Jesus challenges us to deal with anything that causes sin in our lives and in the lives of others. In this message you will be encouraged to face the realities of sin in your lives and deal ruthlessly with them.

  • Flee immorality


    The book of Proverbs is full of warnings to avoid sexual activity outside of marriage. In this message Peter motivates people to run a mile from the sexual temptations around them and instead to enjoy great sex in the context of marriage.

  • You are not one of us


    Jesus was loved by the people but hated by the religious. However, unlike Jesus, in today world there are many Christians who are loved by their religious kind and hated by the unreligious population because of their bigoted views. In this passage from Mark chapter 9 Jesus challenges such attitudes in His disciples. This message will provoke you to think again about how you view people.

  • Redefining greatness


    In this passage from Mark's gospel Jesus completely redefines what true greatness is. Every human has a God given desire to be great and to achieve great things, however often we outwork this desire in an arrogant and destructive way. In this message you will discover God's way to be a truly great person.

  • The birds and the bees


    In a nutshell, this message is about sex. To the religious, sex has been seen as evil - or at best, taboo. In the world, sex has become perverse and debased. So what does God say about it "since it was His idea after all".

  • Going to a higher level


    In this message we discover that situations in life which seem impossible become possible as we walk closely with God. Humans are fundamentally spiritual beings who were designed to walk in relationship with a miracle working God.

  • Being the best me


    Someone once said: "A successful marriage isn't finding the right person, it's being the right person." In this message Peter encourages singles to get a grip of their lives and to work on themselves.

  • A glimpse of another reality


    In Mark 9 some of Jesus' closest disciples saw something what would change their lives forever. From this passage Peter explains to us that Jesus is none other than God and that whether we see Him or not His presence is a reality in our lives.

  • Faith and sexuality


    Simon Foster is the pastor of the Elim church in Glasgow. Simon as a former homosexual speaks very openly and honestly about his homosexual past and about how as coming to faith in Jesus as a homosexual had a massive impact on his life. Simon in his message answers a lot of questions and deals wit a lot of negative prejudices that are around in church circles about the whole subject of faith and sexuality.

  • The cross was God's plan


    The cross has become the most famous symbol on earth, and yet it represents on of the most painful and cruel deaths known to man. For many people the crucifixion of Jesus was a tragic and disastrous end to a great man's life. But in this message you will discover that the crucifixion was actually God's rescue plan for humanity.

  • Will the real Jesus please stand up?


    Was Jesus a passive hippy, a magician, an archangel, or merely a good teacher? In this message, Peter seeks to give an accurate New Testament account of who the real Jesus actually is.

  • Do not be so sure


    People find security in a wide range of things. Some find security in money or possessions while others find security in their philosophy in life. The bible challenges us to find security in God alone. By living this way we find that we truly won?t be disappointed. This message is designed to challenge people who have put their trust in the wrong things and to inspire them to put their trust in God.

  • Making positive progress


    Life is a journey, it comes in stages. God too works in stages. What we want is to be moving closer to God, to be positively progressing in our knowledge and relationship with God. Whether you don't know God, whether you are in a good place or a bad place, this is an encouraging message about keeping the future in mind, taking control of your life and giving your heart to God all over again, as you see what God can do with your life.

  • Avoiding negative religious and secular influences


    Here we look at the negative religious and secular influences in our world today. The dangerous ideas that salvation is by works, that legalism is the way to be right with God, are tackled here, along with the negative influences that challenge us in our culture every day. This message helps us to live in the world but not be of the world.

  • WARNING do not be true to yourself


    Humans are prone to self deception; we embrace thought patterns that are often far removed from the reality of things. In this message Peter exposes the emptiness of many of this world's philosophies and encourages us to be honest thinkers. Ultimately we are not called to be true to ourselves, but rather we're called to be true to God.

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