Minis Mayham



GM Brev, GM Teny, Zenduggie and now Darthewokfett talk all things Star Wars Miniatures. We talk pieces, rules, squad building and tactics. Its fun and funny so join us!


  • Minis Mayham 22 - Mapmaker, Mapmaker Make Me a Map!


    Here it is, Cantina Rats, Christopher West, the map maker whose work we know and love joins GM Teny and GM Brev for a few questions all about Maps, Minis, and even some RPG questions. It is one of the best and most inspirational shows we've done and we're very happy with how it turned out. Thank you, Chris! To everyone else...Enjoy!

  • Minis Mayham 21 - The Weapons Locker Part 3


    ARGGGGG!!!! (I hate Skype and Call Graph, let's get that out of the way first. Okay, the venting is over...for now.) Because it's STAR WARS, and we liked it so much, we decided to do a "Trilogy" of Podcasts instead of a Duology (Is that a word? Really? Meh...) This episode we talk about the Special Ability "Dead Eye", try out some new sound bytes, and discuss a certain Red Headed Imperial Spy-Emperor's Hand-Jedi Knight/Master and overall maybe the baddest Skywalker ever. (And she was married into the that saying something or what?) Any way, ENJOY!!!!

  • Minis Mayham 20 - The Weapons Locker Part 2


    SNEAK ATTACK!!! That's right, Cantina Rats, the Boys with the minis are back from the brink with another show. Can you DIG IT?!!?!?? This episode we dive into Opportunist, a certain Calrissian and ask the burning question of why no Bumpers for the show? Where's the Love? Anyway, we hope you all enjoy it!

  • Minis Mayham 19 - The Weapons Locker Part 1


    The incredible Teny and the amazing Brev have returned with the overly promised discussion on Cunning Attack! They also answer some questions, learn a little about Mace Windu, and teach Teny how the Kashyyyk Trooper can kick the ARC's arse! Listen up and you might learn a little how to read our Poker Face!

  • Minis Mayham 18 - A Neti Pot full of Mooks


    A little late, but worth it, in my opinion. Teny is back from out of town, Brev has his thoughts gathered and they've invited a special guest star; Zenduggie! We talk about cheaper pieces we gamers might have forgot about (10 point or less pieces), cheap squads and getting back to some serious basics. It might be a little n00b focused, but sometimes you gotta do it! Enjoy!

  • Minis Mayham 17 - Galaxy at War


    Saddle on up, Cantina Rats, and git yerself a steamin' helpin' of Galaxy at War minis! That's right, this session is all about the latest set from WotC, Galaxy at War!! It's the CIS v. the Republic in a fight to the death. We delve into the entire set, give our opinions, pick our favorites and have a jolly good time doing it. Take a listen and enjoy!

  • Minis Mayham 16 - The Dook Shoot


    So this week we find the Count in our midst. We take him apart (head and hands first, of course) and find out what makes him tick. We also lay the ground work for a special two-part episode we'll having starting next week! So, come on by and join us in the Cantina for the Minis Mayham 16 - The Dook Shoot!

  • Minis Mayham 15 - Prepared to get Mauled!


    That's right Cantina Rats, the Boys are Back in Town and we have a show for you this week! GMB and GMT are poking the examination stick at certain Sith Apprentice that can't seem to keep his bottoms on. Antics and ribbing ensue, so be ready for a rip roaring good time as we give you Minis 15 - Prepared to get Mauled!

  • Minis Mayham 14 - The Dork Knights Return


    Teny asks me a whole bunch of questions regarding the Ultimate Missions books and other fun stuff. We lament a certain Bouncer named Dalton and remember that nobody...NOBODY...puts Baby in a corner. God Bless!

  • Minis Mayham 13 - Store Wars


    Teny and Brev talk about storing your minis and cards in a safe, but effective manner. We also learn a little more about the nature of Brev and GM Chris' relationship, and we say a little prayer for Fiddleback. Alas poor Brian, we knew him well...

  • Minis Mayham 12 - Why Palpatine is like that chick at the bar you knew you shouldn't have taken home.


    Follow along as the GMs give you some updates on the Galaxy at War set (along with some previews!), talk all things Palps, and have some Savage Love Time (...uh, wait...). This week's episode is full of the "fun" you'd expect and some you're not. Join us for the hour or so of a good time. Be there or be cool.

  • Minis Mayham 11 - The Dark Lord Rises


    GMT and GMB awaken the Dark Lord Vader and feel his 10 pieces of wrath! (Much like 10 different herbs and spices.) And we do some happy stuff as well... we talk about our Squads and answer a few questions on the boards. We hope you all enjoy!

  • Minis Mayham 10 - A Boba By Any Other Name is Still a Fett


    His backpack does have jets, and he is Boba the Fett! That's right Cantina Rats this week we rock out to Boba Fett, our friend Robert tells us all about modding pieces, and we acquired a strange transmission. Tune in for this and more!

  • Minis Mayham 9 - The Chosen Ones


    GMT and GMB are back...again...with a fairly focused (Heaven forbid!) show we think you all will enjoy. We haven't fixed all the audio issues yet, so you'll have to deal, and Brev plays around with music so watch out on the volume. Lastly, we take apart the Anakin minis and dig down to our favorite! We hope you all enjoy!

  • Minis Mayham 8 - Little Green Men


    Okay, Cantina Rats, here is the official "Lost Episode" of Minis Mayham; the Yoda Tell All. Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here as you delve into some really horrible sound problems, but there is some quality stuff least I think there is! Enjoy!

  • Minis Mayham 7 - Kenobi's Killaz


    Gangstas, we bak wit anutter sho'! Seriously, this installment finds our heroes (T & B) in not so rare form as they talk about the greatest Jedi of all time; Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi. Join the fellas and have some fun!

  • Minis Mayham 6 - Counterparts and Counter Punches!


    GM Teny and GM Brev have returned with everyone's favorite Droids, a lack of A/C and some fairly acceptable Skype issues, buy we do it all for you, Gamer Nation! Our boys are having some fun, reading fan mail, and basically getting off track per usual. Come join us for an hour or so and try to have a good time!

  • Minis Mayham 5 - Sterling Skywalker


    It is the fifth installment of Minis Mayham and we find our renegade heroes on the road with a certain Freelance writer from WotC! Follow the boys and their new friend through fun filled excitement and all the 16 variations of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and Friend of Captain Solo.

  • Minis Mayham 4 - Brevbacca the Rantie and Teny Solo Strike Back!


    This time around, Cantina Rats, we are looking at Movement Rules, Squads from the Old Republic and the Separatists, the Desert Skiff (yay.) and everyone's favorite co-pilot/walking carpet/fuzzball - CHEWBACCA!!! So sit back, open your favorite b(r)everage and listen to us drone on and on and on and on and on... You get the point. Minis Mayham Returns!

  • Minis Mayham 3 - Entangled Up in Blue


    DON'T CALL IT A COME BACK! Oh yeah, the boys with minis on the mind have returned with a helping of Entangled thoughts and loads of fun. Enjoy a punchy GM Brev and GM Teny as they talk about WotC's newest installment of the SWMinis: Imperial Entanglements. Tune in, you Cantina Rat!

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