Aletheia Sermon Audio



This is the sermon podcast of Aletheia Church and Pastor Adam Mabry. Aletheia exists to bring the truth, grace, and changing power of the gospel for the glory of God and the good of all people. For more information, visit


  • The Gospel of John (John 8:12-32)


    In this sermon, Pastor Adam unpacked Jesus' statement, "I am the Light of the World." As we'll see, the good news of Jesus as the light of the world involves the bad news that we are in darkness. But graciously, God doesn't leave us in darkness.

  • The Gospel of John (John 6)


    In this familiar story, Jesus feeds the 5,000. But, what is this story really about? Is there more to be learned here than simply that Jesus gives us our "daily bread?"

  • The Gospel of John (John 5:16-5:47)


    Authority is a concept that we're all familiar with but few of us are excited about. In this sermon, Pastor Adam unpacked the scope and source of Jesus' authority. Why is it good news that Jesus has all authority? As we'll see, it's because only Jesus wields his authority with the heart of a servant.

  • The Gospel of John (John 4:43-5:17)


    In this passage of the Scriptures, Pastor Adam unpacks a tale of two very different but very important miracles. As Jesus reveals himself further in these stories, we find him to be more than a miracle worker, but the Son of God, the giver of sovereign grace.

  • The Gospel of John (John 4:1-45)


    As we continue in the book of John, we come to the story of the woman at the well. This woman represents the picture of someone who seems least likely to qualify for the love of Jesus. And yet, Jesus love comes to least of us. It's been said Christians are spiritual beggars telling other beggars where to find bread. In this text, we find bread.

  • The Gospel of John (John 3)


    In this sermon, guest speaker Nick Nowalk takes us through one of the most famous (and most misunderstood) part of the Bible, the third chapter of John. The phrase "born again," has gotten a lot of mileage, but do we really understand what it means? Nick helps us understand that more than simply a personal choice, the new birth is about being completely remade by God's grace in Jesus Christ for a whole new world that Jesus is bringing.

  • The Gospel of John (John 2:1-12)


    In this sermon, special guest Dr. Stephen Mansfield taught us from John 13-25. In this familiar story, we find not a safe, gentle Jesus, but a dangerous, passionate Jesus. What was the object of his passion? The pure worship of God, the destruction of racist hatred, and the acceptance of the gentile nations into the family of God.

  • The Gospel of John (John 2:1-12)


    This miracle — one of the most familiar in Jesus's ministry — is among the most misunderstood, as well. Why did Jesus transform the water into wine? What was the point of the miracle? As we explore John 2, we discover that the wine of God's grace in Jesus is better than religious observance or irreligious disobedience.

  • The Gospel of John (John 1:35-51)


    In this sermon, Pastor Adam continues to walk us through the Gospel of John as we turn our attention to what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ — one who delights in dwelling with Jesus and one who desires to declare him to others.

  • The Gospel of John (John 1:19-28)


    As the Apostle John introduces us to John the Baptist, we discover a humble man whose identity, activity, and story all centered on Jesus.

  • The Gospel of John (John 1:1-18)


    In this sermon, we begin our new teaching series called, "That You May Believe," a journey through the Gospel of John. Pastor Adam Mabry explores the prologue of John's gospel, 1:1-18. In this passage we discover that the good news of the gospel is that our Maker became a man, so that men and women could be reconciled to their Maker.

  • "The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting, amen."


    In this final sermon in the teaching series, Pastor Adam explores the significance of the doctrine of "the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting." What difference does this make? As it turns out, what you believe about the future deeply affects how you live in the present.

  • "I believe in the Holy Spirit..."


    Who is the Holy Spirit? Furthermore, what does he do? In this sermon, Pastor Adam unpacks the person and work of the Holy Spirit as the one who enables us to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and the one who empowers us to make them.

  • "He descended into Hell, the third day He rose..."


    Many of us have said something like, "This is hell on earth," when describing a great trial or tragedy. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores the phrase in the Creed, "He descended into hell," and the ensuing victory of the resurrection. What we discover is that because Jesus went to hell for sinners, sinners can enjoy Heaven with Jesus.

  • "And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord..."


    As we continue in our teaching series, Credo, Pastor Adam explores what the creed means when it tells us, that Jesus Christ is God's "only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried..." We discover that Jesus is the chief cornerstone of the great foundation which holds the church up. And, that faith in him means standing upon who he is as our most stable foundation and footing.

  • "The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of the Saints..."


    In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores the meaning of church. Why is the church good news for the world, and why does the creed make such a big deal of it?

  • "I believe in God the Father..."


    In this new teaching series, Pastor Adam explores the Apostle's Creed as a foundational statement of Christian belief. This first week, we unpack the statement, "I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth..."

  • Ask Anything, part 5


    In this sermon, Pastor Donny explores the question, "Just how much can I get away with and still be a Christian?" Often this question (or a version of it) is raised. The answer, is surprising, and powerful for life change.

  • Ask Anything, part 4


    In our culture, few topics generate as much passion and friction as the topic of sexuality. Magazines, movies, books, and politics are converging at the moment to bring us into a new sexual "normal." In the face of such a dramatic shift, how does the church respond? Often, we're expected to choose between two options: (1) Accept homosexual practice as normal and celebrate it as good, or (2) be considered a backward, regressive, hate-filled bigot. That's not much of a choice. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores the meaning of sex and sexuality.

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