Aletheia Sermon Audio



This is the sermon podcast of Aletheia Church and Pastor Adam Mabry. Aletheia exists to bring the truth, grace, and changing power of the gospel for the glory of God and the good of all people. For more information, visit


  • What is the Filling of the Holy Spirit?


    Few issues have caused as much controversy in the modern church than the concept of being filled with the Spirit, and what that means. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explains what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and the gifts that flow from that filling.

  • What is Spiritual Warfare?


    The Bible presumes a world in which what we see with our eyes is not the only reality. In fact, we are told that the battle that confronts us day by day is one that is spiritual in nature. If that is true, how does the Holy Spirit help us to fight spiritual battles?

  • The Gifts of the Spirit


    One of the more controversial topics in the church is that of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explains the first part of Paul's listing of gifts in 1 Corinthians 12.

  • The Fruit of the Spirit


    So often we Christians attempt to bear fruit for God by growing out of our own efforts. In this sermon, Pastor Donny explains why the deep "root stock" of our souls must be transformed to bear fruit in our character for God.

  • Friendship with the Holy Spirit


    In this sermon, Pastor Adam unpacked the nature of friendship with God the Holy Spirit. Far from sappy religiosity, we learn in this teaching that friendship with God is critical both to our fruitfulness in the world and happiness in God.

  • Who is the Holy Spirit?


    In this sermon we begin our teaching series called, "The Holy Who?" by asking, "Who is the Holy Spirit?"

  • The Gospel of John (John 21)


    In our final sermon in this teaching series we examine what kind of life the resurrection creates. Now that Jesus is raised, what does it look like in real flesh and bone to live a life that believes this good news?

  • The Gospel of John (John 20)


    On this Resurrection Sunday Pastor Adam helps us understand the resurrection of Jesus and its implications from the perspective of four different characters in John 20. We discover that because Jesus is alive, everything can change.

  • The Gospel of John (John 19)


    In this chapter of John's gospel, the Apostle shares with us his retelling of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This event, central to the Christian story, is laden with the deepest possible significance for the Christian. In this sermon, Pastor Adam invites us to look at the cross and consider its centrality freshly.

  • The Gospel of John (John 18)


    One of the most common ways we dismiss others is by saying to them, "You don't know what it's like to be me." The eighteenth chapter of John does away with our ability to say that to Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores all the ways Jesus has entered into our suffering and experience so that, when we look to him, we know that he knows.

  • The Gospel of John (John 17)


    As we explore Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, we find that Jesus seems to be preoccupied with the glory of God. Journeying through this prayer, this turns out to be the greatest news possible.

  • The Gospel of John (John 16:16-33)


    How do you journey from sorrow to joy? In this sermon, Pastor Adam Mabry explores the warning that Jesus gave to his disciples about the sorrow they would experience and the promise of joy that would follow. What we discover is that Jesus knows our sorrows better than we think, and promises joy greater than we've dreamed.

  • The Gospel of John (John 14:15 - 16:8)


    As Jesus guides his disciples through his impending departure, we hear from him some of his most intense teaching yet. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores the implications of Jesus' promise to send the Holy Spirit. Who is He? What does He do?

  • The Gospel of John (John 14:1-14)


    This passage of Scripture contains some of the most controversial statements that Jesus ever said. Here, Jesus explains that he and he alone is God the Son, and the exclusive way to the Father. In this message, Pastor Adam unpacks the nature of this message as good news and how it changes our lives.

  • The Gospel of John (John 13)


    In this sermon, Pastor Donny Fisher explores the implications of Jesus washing the disciples' feet from John 13.

  • The Gospel of John (John 12:8-50)


    As we watch Jesus come into Jerusalem in his triumphal entry, we see that the way King Jesus obtains his crown is through a completely unexpected way. We see his upside down victory.

  • The Gospel of John (John 11:45-12:19)


    Control. We all want it, and many of us will do anything to get it and keep it. But what do we do when Jesus demands it? In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores the implications of a Jesus who demands control from us, and demonstrates he's good enough for us to trust him with it.

  • The Gospel of John (John 11)


    This familiar story — the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead — displays the love of Jesus to us. But how does Jesus love us? In what way is his love expressed? In this sermon Pastor Adam unpacks the sovereign, suffering, and victorious love of Jesus for his people.

  • The Gospel of John (John 10:22-40)


    Jesus is the shepherd, so who are his sheep? In John 10:22-40, Jesus gives us two hard truths — that God chooses his sheep, and that he does so in Christ his Son.

  • The Gospel of John (John 10:1-21)


    In this sermon, Pastor Adam unpacks John 10:1-21, where Jesus tells us that he is The Good Shepherd. By drawing out a contrast between himself as The Good Shepherd, he points out what a bad shepherd looks like, and how his sheep can avoid them.

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