Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen



A fun and informative show that talks to entrepreneurial couples that live and work together 24/7. We have it all - the pitfalls, the joys, the inspiration, and the wild and crazy ride business and relationships can take you on. Learn tips and tricks to help you succeed in love and business. Hosts Barry and Catherine Cohen are successful award-winning entrepreneurs, crazy in love, and together all the time.


  • 36: Rich & Michelle Saylor of Purple Pepper Designs

    21/12/2015 Duración: 51s

    A little about our guests. Both Rich and Michelle were born in South Dakota. Rich then grew up in Texas and Arizona while Michelle spent many cold winters growing up in South Dakota. Rich and Michelle have been together for 26 years, married for 23 and they have a teenage son. They are both outdoors people and they have a competitive spirit. They push themselves to always be better. Rich and Michelle are friendly, helpful people that just enjoy each other and those around them. A little about their business. Purple Pepper is a graphic design company and a jewelry company. Both Rich and Michelle had careers that gave them the confidence and experience to go into business for themselves. Michelle started the company as a graphic designer. Rich joined her company several years later and created an apparel division. They got an idea from Michelle’s aunt who made silverware jewelry out of a family heirloom. You can find them on Sundays at the Ahwatukee Farmer’s Market and on Facebook at Polished Pepper. One piece

  • 35: Star Wars and Working Together

    17/12/2015 Duración: 31s

    About today’s show oday we stretch really far and compare Star Wars to working together. No spoilers here, just some fun. We see how being an entrepreneur is like being a Rebel and why you shouldn’t tell your plans to leave the evil Empire around the water cooler. We will also get into things to look at before starting your own business or coming into your sweethearts already established business. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Hang around people who support your idea and your plans. Viewing Material The Star Wars Trilogy DVD, Episodes 4, 5 and 6 (Get it at Amazon). You can watch 1 and 2, but you can do other things at the same time. You may want to pay attention to episode 3. ( Get in Touch with Our Guests

  • 34: Larry & Isabel Cohen of Laurence M Cohen, CPA

    14/12/2015 Duración: 42s

    A little about our guests. Larry and Isabel have been married since 1959. They have 4 children, Mitchie, Barry (yup, our very own), Scott and Helene. They also have numerous grandchildren (Together 24/7 note – while they are our nieces and nephews, honestly, we lost count). There are no great-grandchildren as yet. Eldest and married grandson, Evan, is constantly reminded of this fact. Larry and Isabel are world travelers who meet someone they know on every trip and make friends wherever they go. Larry is a former Navy Sailor having served on the USS Alstede. Both Larry and Isabel work on the semi-annual Alstede Reunion open to anyone who served on the ship and their spouses. A little about their business. Larry started as an accountant out of Pace University where he achieved Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and went on to get his CPA While working for the accounting firm that had the Woodstock Aquarian Exposition as one of its clients, he also started to develop his own accounting practice. Over the years he

  • 33: Jay and Heather Bode of hcophotos

    10/12/2015 Duración: 39s

    A little about our guests. Heather is a professional photographer living in Pensacola, Florida. Jay is active duty in the Navy, is putting together a podcast that launches in January and works with his wife, Heather, in their photography business. They have been together for 4 years, are married for 2 years and have worked together since they got married. Jay and Heather moved to Pensacola from Seattle, Washington. Heather, while an avid movie fan, does not have her tickets for Star Wars as of the recording of this episode. A little about their business. Heather realized that photography was her passion while in college pursuing her BA in Communications. She started hcophotos in 2010 after she shot her first wedding. Heather has a passion for art and does most of the hands-on work and editing. Jay is an entrepreneur who has run his own business in the past. After moving from Seattle to Pensacola, Heather realized she needed a second shooter and Jay is a natural. In addition, Jay is a CPA and handles the busin

  • 32: Nurse Amy and Dr. Joseph Alton of Doom and Bloom LLC

    07/12/2015 Duración: 50s

    A little about our guests. Amy has a BSN and Master’s degrees in nursing. She is mom to 2 girls, ages 22 and 27. Joe is a retired medical doctor, member of Mensa and a collector of old medical text books. Both are master gardeners, growing herbs, vegetables and they have fruit trees. They also raise backyard tilapia. Yum. Amy began working for Joe and a romance blossomed. They have been working together for 20 years, married for 18 years and started their most recent business together in in 2010. A little about their business. After Hurricane Katrina and the flu pandemic in 2009, Joe and Amy realized there was a lack of medical preparedness training. Medical doctors could easily become overwhelmed by the number of sick and injured. And if you couldn’t get to a doctor, how could you help yourself or your family? They have written four books and are working on number 5 teaching medical preparedness. Amy creates very unique medical kits she designs and packs. They have a weekly podcast, semi-monthly live videoca

  • 31: Lori & Alan Isenstadt of All About Breastfeeding

    03/12/2015 Duración: 46s

    A little about our guests. Lori and Alan are married 35 years. They have 3 adult children, 2 married living nearby and 1 in Medical school. They are originally from Massapequa, Long Island, NY and moved to the warmer weather of Phoenix when their kids were teens. Lori enjoys knitting, scrapbooking and cooking while Alan likes to read, meditate and go to the movies. They are (im)patiently awaiting a grandchild from one of their married children. A little about their business. Lori was the original entrepreneur of the couple. In NY she was a Childbirth Educator and a Birth Doula practice. After moving to Arizona, she became a lactation consultant and worked in private clinics and at hospitals before going out on her own. Alan is new to entrepreneurship. He was the District Executive for the Boy Scouts of America and worked in a family business on Long Island before moving to Arizona. As a certified computer tech, he has worked in the field for the last 12 years. Alan has been working with Lori as the CTO of All

  • 30: Justin & Tara Williams of The 8 Minute Millionaire and House Flipping HQ

    30/11/2015 Duración: 33s

    A little about our guests. Justin and Tara have been married for 11 1/5 years and started in business as they started their lives together. They have 3 children who have become little entrepreneurs. A little about their business. They started out in business right from the beginning of their marriage. Neither had been an entrepreneur, although Justin had aspirations and started a few small ventures as a child. 8 Minute Millionaire is a podcast that teaches entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs “life lessons” for business. House Flipping HQ came as a result of hearing others say the real estate is the way to make money. So after taking a course, they started flipping houses. To date, they have flipped over 500 houses. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Take responsibility for your own unhappiness. Reading Material The 10X Rule: the Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone Get in Touch with Our Guests www.8MinuteMillionaire.comwww.HouseFlippingHQ.com

  • 29: Kirk & Kathy Buscho of North Valley Mechanical

    26/11/2015 Duración: 38s

    A little about our guests. Kirk and Kathy have been married for 35 years. They have lived around the country and before moving to the Phoenix area, they lived in Colorado. On a vacation to Phoenix, Kirk looked around and said “We’re moving.” Just a few months later, they moved. Kirk and Kathy have 3 children, Kendra, Kyle and Konner. Kendra and Konner both work with their parents at North Valley Mechanical. The newest family member hanging out at the office is Charlie the puppy. A little about their business. After working for an HVAC company and having a few clients on the side, Kirk decided to venture out on his own. In 1982 he started his heating and cooling company in Colorado. In 1985, Kathy decided she wanted to stay home with her children, so she informed Kirk she was taking over operations and bringing the kids to work. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Don’t go into business with your spouse when your spouse is a work-a-holic. (Editor’s note – they still work together and they still love eac

  • 28: Geoff & Michelle Nedry of Viking Premium Postcards

    23/11/2015 Duración: 35s

    A little about our guests. As the name suggests, Geoff and Michelle are huge Minnesota Vikings football fans. Geoff hails from Minnesota and Michelle grew up in Arizona. They’ve been together for 20 years, married for 15 and in business for almost 5 years. They have 2 children who help out in the business. Both are dedicated to serving others and believe in random acts of kindness. A little about their business. Geoff started Viking Postcards in 2011 and started the business part-time and worked his full-time job until he grew the company enough to go full-time. Michelle came into the business with Geoff and is the face and networker for Viking Premium Postcards. In the process of doing due diligence for a friend buying a printer, Geoff learned about being a printer. Michelle was working for an existing direct mail company that was failing. Geoff created a turn-around plan for the business and when they didn’t use the plan, Geoff and Michelle took the plan, changed it to become a startup and began their busin

  • 27: Luis Congdon & Kamala Chambers of Podcaster’s Secret Weapon

    19/11/2015 Duración: 39s

    A little about our guests. Luis and Kamala are a worldly couple. Luis was born in Medellin, Columbia and has travelled around the world several times. He launched his podcast this year while in Bali. Kamala is also a world traveler. Soon after they met, they went on a whirl-wind, world travel adventure. While on their adventure they both launched their podcasts. A little about their business. Less than 6 months into their relationship, Luis and Kamala decided to go into business together. Luis is great at building an audience, landing interviews with famous people and doing amazing interviews to get the best from his guests. Kamala is a copy-writing and online nuts and bolts genius (she’s been at it since 2010.) She is a launch strategist and knows how to get people intrigued and buying. Currently they are a work in progress bringing all their products under one brand umbrella. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Find your sacred places where you don’t talk about business at all. Just a place for the t

  • 25: Richard and Bryn Huntpalmer of The Birth Hour Podcast

    12/11/2015 Duración: 38s

    A little about our guests. Bryn and Richard consider themselves nomads. In the last several years they have had 12 addresses including selling everything and living in an RV for a while. This is their third time living in Austin, their current home base. Bryn and Richard are married, together 8 years and have 2 children – a son and daughter. A little about their business. Bryn set out to create The Birth Hour after researching and reading everything she could about giving birth when she was pregnant with her first child. Each podcast is the birth story of one woman, sharing her experiences and what it was like for her. Richard is the producer and the “back of the house” guy for the podcast. He helps Bryn put it all together and get the podcast out. These beautiful and different stories are empowering for the women who share them and for the listeners as new moms or moms to be. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Make small, achievable goals and build momentum. If you’re in the dreaming or starting stag

  • 24: Casey & Natasha Grey of Casey + Natasha Conscious Living

    09/11/2015 Duración: 38s

    A little about our guests. Natasha has her Master’s Degree in psychology with an expertise in child and family therapy. Casey has a background in residential home building, as a licensed carpenter.They have a passion for truly green living. Casey’s pet peeve is people who print things unnecessarily. No more waste! They enjoy creating raw dishes with help from Natasha’s extensive training in nutrition. They’ve been together 10 years, and have a 2-year-old son. A little about their business. Casey + Natasha Conscious Living is born out of separate passions coming together. Natasha made the conscious choice to transition her work from the treatment of illness to the prevention of illness. Casey’s background in residential home improvements and construction showed him first-hand how we are dumping too much into landfills. Now, as president of Cornelius Grey Construction, he has put systems in place to reduce waste and build greener. Together they have created a podcast dedicated to living consciously. One piece o

  • Bonus 7: Have Some Hobbies Together

    07/11/2015 Duración: 07s

    A little about our guests.It’s us, Barry and Catherine, your Together 24/7 hosts. Today’s TopicHave Hobbies Together Today’s Sage AdviceThis is all about down time. Continue to cultivate hobbies you had, either together or separately. And, find new hobbies and interests. Try gardening, or maybe something a little more adventurous like skiing. Whatever it is, create interests outside of work. Learning new things helps your brain stay sharp. And doing things together helps the relationship. Get in Touch with Our Sign up for our newsletter and get the e-book version of The Science of Getting - you can subscribe, rate and review our podcast. If you leave a review, take a screen shot and email it to You’ll be entered to win a monthly prize. To be guests on our show602-399-7430 or to be guests on our show.

  • 23: Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo of One Extraordinary Marriage

    05/11/2015 Duración: 47s

    A little about our guests.Tony and Alisa are married, have 2 children and host a successful podcast. The podcast, One Extraordinary Marriage, is based on the joys and heartbreaks of their own lives. In their 18 plus years together they come through storms including the loss of a child.Tony and Alisa juggle several businesses and the 24/7 job of being parents to two near-teenagers. A little about their business.One Extraordinary Marriage is more than a podcast. On the show Tony and Alisa talk about sex, love and commitment and how to make marriage a priority. They also coach couples on how to create their own extraordinary marriage and how to raise strong, independent children. One piece of advice (the nutshell version)Be intentional – whether in regard to your business or your personal life, when you know your end goal you line things up that are in alignment with that goal. When you lay out intentions, you line up the things in your life with your intention. Reading MaterialThe 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven

  • 22: Peter & Lydia Mehit of Custom Business Planning and Solutions

    02/11/2015 Duración: 48s

    A little about our guests. Peter and Lydia have been together for 19 years and in business together 11 years. They have 2 adult daughters ages 35 and 26. Peter & Lydia’s oldest daughter is a part of their business. They are married but still shacking up (listen to the show if you want to know what that means). They are still passionately in love and working together just adds to the fun. A little about their business.Peter has been involved in the startup of a number of companies as a member of the launch team or an owner/team leader. But he travelled too much. Lydia’s background is in computer operations, software development, and in the management of software projects. She then became the co-founder and managing partner of her own consulting firm with clients such as Ford Motor Company and General Motors. One piece of advice (the nutshell version)Always fight fair. Words like “never,” “always,” and starting a sentence with “you are” is not fighting fair. If you can’t fight fair, step away until you can.

  • Bonus 6: Me Time

    31/10/2015 Duración: 07s

    A little about our guests.It’s us, Barry and Catherine, your Together 24/7 hosts. Today’s TopicMe Time Today’s Sage AdviceYou don’t really have to be together 24/7. In fact, you shouldn’t. You probably have “couples” friends that you both hang out with. Why not each create an event to meet new friends. Don’t neglect yourself or your interests. Go to a guy’s only social networking group. Join a book club. Plan to set aside alone time Get in Touch with Our Sign up for our newsletter and get the e-book version of The Science of Getting Rich. - you can subscribe, rate and review our podcast. If you leave a review, take a screen shot and email it to You’ll be entered to win a monthly prize. 602-399-7430 or to be guests on our show.

  • 21: Jay & Marie Yates of Crossing Over Paranormal Society. The “COPS” Crew

    29/10/2015 Duración: 41s

    A little about our guests.Jay and Marie have been married just over 13 years and started their business together 10 years ago. They have 4 boys, 14, 19 and 22 years old. They started their company because one of their sons was being haunted. A little about their business. Jay and Marie are paranormal researchers or ghost hunters who have appeared on The Travel Channel and Biography Channel. The COPS Crew is a team of experienced paranormal investigators that respond to only the worst claims of hauntings and paranormal activity. Their passion is personal because of their son and they themselves being haunted. Jay and Marie lead tours around Arizona’s best haunts, speak at large scale venues including ComiCon and FearCon. They lecture and have been featured on several shows including Ghost Adventures and My Ghost Stories and in in talks. One piece of advice (the nutshell version)Listen to each other. A lot of couples don’t listen to each other. Listen intently and completely. Reading MaterialBooks on Tarot  Get

  • 20: Hawk & Caitlin Mikado of InVert Strategies

    26/10/2015 Duración: 53s

    A little about our guests.As of September 14 when we recorded this episode, Hawk and Caitlin were married just a few days. They have been together for 2 years and in business together just 1 ½ years. Newly wed and somewhat newly together 24/7.Hawk is an adventurer and family guy who enjoys spending time with Caitlin, going to the zoo and Disneyland and just having fun every day. Caitlin is a graduate of Cal State San Marcos with a degree in Arts and technology and Video Production. She too loves the zoo, Disneyland and all things fun. Caitlin also volunteers with Ocean Sanctuaries where she sits on the board. A little about their business.InVert Strategies is a strategic marketing company. Caitlin is the video production half of the team. She is a genius behind the camera and makes everyone look good. One piece of advice (the nutshell version)Being a 24/7 couple is NOT for everyone. Be open to the fact that you could be in business if you currently aren’t. But be open to change the situation if the relationsh

  • Bonus 5: Be Spontaneous


    A little about our guests.It’s us, Barry and Catherine, your Together 24/7 hosts. Today’s TopicBe Spontaneous Today’s Sage AdviceWhen you are Together 24/7, sometimes the monotony can kill a relationship. So do something different. From a simple kiss in the middle of the day, to a card hidden in a drawer to a “day of play” when you can take of the day or just a few hours. That one might need planning. But still, keep a little crazy going. Just because you’re at work, doesn’t mean you can’t do something silly and unexpected. Or maybe do something crazy on the weekend, like an unplanned road trip. Get In Touch With Sign up for our newsletter and get the e-book version of The Science of Getting Rich. - you can subscribe, rate and review our podcast. If you leave a review, take a screen shot and email it to You’ll be entered to win a monthly prize. Now we're on Instagram, too! Be sure to follow RealTogether247 to see what we're up to. 602-399-

  • 19: Chris & Barbara Taylor of Allan Taylor & Co.

    22/10/2015 Duración: 49s

    A little about our guests.Chris and Barbara live in Northwest Arkansas with their two boys. Chris is from Castle Rock, Colorado while Barbara hails from Seattle, WA. They’ve been married since 2003 and met when they worked together in corporate America from 2000 – 2002. Chris was born and raised in the entrepreneurial life, growing up in his family’s business. His sense of adventure made him a serial entrepreneur and a professional motocross racer. Barbara was a corporate career person and tended toward marketing roles. She is a writer and contributor to the New York Times blog and A little about their businessAllan Taylor is a boutique mergers & acquisitions company. They are focused on helping business owners sell their business to the right people at the right time for the right price. Barbara and Chris take your life’s work as seriously as you do. They give careful thought and consideration to each engagement they take, and make sure that their strengths are a good match for their clients

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