Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

27: Luis Congdon & Kamala Chambers of Podcaster’s Secret Weapon



A little about our guests. Luis and Kamala are a worldly couple. Luis was born in Medellin, Columbia and has travelled around the world several times. He launched his podcast this year while in Bali. Kamala is also a world traveler. Soon after they met, they went on a whirl-wind, world travel adventure. While on their adventure they both launched their podcasts. A little about their business. Less than 6 months into their relationship, Luis and Kamala decided to go into business together. Luis is great at building an audience, landing interviews with famous people and doing amazing interviews to get the best from his guests. Kamala is a copy-writing and online nuts and bolts genius (she’s been at it since 2010.) She is a launch strategist and knows how to get people intrigued and buying. Currently they are a work in progress bringing all their products under one brand umbrella. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Find your sacred places where you don’t talk about business at all. Just a place for the t