The Entrepreneur's Solution: Business Tips | Wealth | Lifestyle | Entrepreneur | Success

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 191:29:40
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Mel Abraham from The Entrepreneur's Solution reveals all of his business and entrepreneur building strategies. Discover how to design, create and build your business so it gives you the life and lifestyle you want. Mel believes that businesses are started to create community, support society and live your dreams. It is all about creating a life of freedom and peace of mind. Mel is a CPA by education but an entrepreneur by exhilaration and a true believer in the entrepreneurial way of life. It is through entrepreneurship that we create community, support society and live our dreams. It is where possibility meets reality again and we can bring our dreams out of the darkness and breath life into them again. Mel has built, bought and sold successful businesses for decades and is currently a strategic mentor and board member for many businesses. As Founder of Business Breakthrough Academy he’s a committed advocate for the entrepreneurial way and provides real education, to real entrepreneurs for creating a real life! Actionable strategies for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and other businesses.


  • TES 046 - Where Does Your Greatness Lie

    02/12/2015 Duración: 24min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham answers a question about how to figure out what your gifts are and what you should be doing. So today, we deal with The Greatness Framework that helps you pin-point where your greatness actually lies and the things that you should be focusing your energy on to have the greatest impact and fulfillment.The Greatness FrameworkUnderstand what your talents and skills are. To really find your greatness, discover the level of uniqueness that you can take to the marketplace. You might have accumulated your talents or the things that you are good at from school, with education, by reading and researching, or from your life experiences and mistakes. The things that you are good at can be in areas like design, technology or just anything else. These are the skills that even other people know that you are good at and they come looking for you when they need that specific talent. This is what you are going to moneti

  • TES 045 - Bringing Gratitude Into Your Life

    24/11/2015 Duración: 24min

    In this special episode released on Thanksgiving week, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham talks about bringing gratitude into your life. Being thankful impacts more than just your personal life as it reflects in your business and society.The framework is about how to make the habit of being grateful a part of your life, business and everything.The Gratitude GridInternalNotice: We are able to notice the good and bad things in life, but it is a matter of what we pay our attention to. Without ignoring the bad, intentionally notice the good that comes in our path.Humility: It is imperative to be modest and respectful while putting away your ego. Your modesty attracts many towards you, and the respect you have for others will make you humble which in turn will help you become grateful towards the things in life.Commit: Really commit to showing gratitude, and stop perpetuating the negativity that might exist around your life. Instead of complaining, criticizin

  • TES 044 - 5 Steps to Become Wealthy

    17/11/2015 Duración: 31min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham tackles a question that gets asked all the time which is about what it takes to become wealthy from a money standpoint. First, we need to understand that the concept of wealth building is less about the money and more about the discipline that you have in the process.We also should take a look at how the wealthy deal with their money versus others. Most people spend their income on items that they want and they invest the remainder. The wealthy first invest and the remaining is what they use on their living. So, prioritize investments.Understand that wealth creation is not something that happens overnight. It takes a lot of work and discipline. Here is the 5 step framework to become wealthy:Wealth Creation FunnelComfort: At first, create a comfort fund of around 2000 dollars. It will be your cushion. Get it right and you'll have a little more relaxation but if you don't get it right, you will

  • TES 043 - Knowing What to Delegate

    10/11/2015 Duración: 21min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham talks about deciding at what point we delegate and the things to delegate.The CORES of BusinessTo grow, scale and build something that is meaningful we need to let go of control. Here's how you decide on the things and whether they are something that you delegate or hold on to:Critical: If it is critical to the operations of your business and drives profit, then be the one in control of it. Others will not be as effective as you. Even if it is something that you do not like or are not proficient in, you need to responsibly monitor it. Have a system in place that drives things and you are on the monitoring end.Original: Keep in control of those elements that is your differentiating point. Stay close to the key characteristics that set you apart in the marketplace. For example: Your image, culture and branding. These things are your market differentiators so keep tabs on it at a great level.Revenue:

  • TES 042 - How to Motivate People

    03/11/2015 Duración: 23min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham looks at how we can motivate people.PROUDPositive Impact: Having a positive impactnot just on the team member but on those that are around them so that they are magnetized and attracted.Recognition: People want to be appreciated and recognized. When you care personally about them, they produce at great levels.Outside: As much as they want a paycheck, people want to know that what they are doing is affecting others in a positive way.Unifying: Ask yourself what you unifying cry is which can attract people in an inspirational way to mutually drive the mission and purpose that is there.Developing: To inspire people, they need to know that they are developing. You need to give them a place to feel safe, grow and develop their skills.The Pride CycleAnticipation: A nervous anticipation is there when there is something new coming about.Energy: Anticipation brings with it an electrified energy of excitement whic

  • TES 041 - How to Have a Difficult Conversation

    27/10/2015 Duración: 21min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham digs into the 9 elements of a conversation which is about how we can have a meaningful discussion. This episode is the second part of a two part series on communication. This one covers The Resolution Roadmap and it helps us understand how we can have a difficult conversation with others.The Resolution RoadmapIt is about learning, clarifying and understanding the opening, conversation and completion of a dialogue.OpeningIssue: At first, you need to learn what the issue is. Share or discover the challenges by asking or telling explicitly.Example: Seek to clarify by giving a specific situation or example. Instead of being generic, you will have to specifically mention the challenges and the issues.Concern: Share your concern without accusing the other party. Make sure that they understand what the concerns are.ConversationImportance: They should understand why it is important for us to have a good resolut

  • TES 040 - How to Prepare for a Difficult Conversation

    20/10/2015 Duración: 24min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham talks about communication. Your ability to communicate serves you across all aspects of your life. This first part of a two part series will show you how you can prepare for a difficult conversation.3 Stages of Conversation PlannerThe three stages are: before, during and after a conversation. Each stage has three elements to it.BeforeClarity: First, have clarity about the issues and challenges. Whoever it may be that you are communicating to, you need to become clear on the real issues and remove any judgment or bias before you know the facts.Objective: You need a direction or a defined outcome of a conversation. Have an objective so you are not swayed away from your ultimate goal.Environment: Choose the best environment to have a dialogue that is meaningful and you can take it towards an objective where everyone wins.DuringOpenness: The spirit of openness is required in a conversation. For others to be

  • TES 039 - Getting More Leads, Customers, and Cash

    13/10/2015 Duración: 27min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham talks about the life's blood or the oxygen that keeps a business alive and that is cash flow. This is about how you get cash into your business.Path to Cash BlueprintIt deals with three elements: Marketing, Sales and Path. There are three aspects of each of these: Purpose, Process and Payoff. The blueprint is all about how you can manage the upstream to generate traffic and create engagement effectively in order to make sure that you have buyer-ready prospects. You want to convert that into the sales process which builds ecstatic customers with whom you create a transformative relationship. Give them a strategic journey along the path and your cash isn't going to be a problem.The Path to Cash Blueprint in detail:MarketingPurpose: The idea behind marketing is literally to create traffic. It is about attracting and enrolling people in the process so that you can create a flow.Process: The proces

  • TES 038 - What Does It Mean to Be a Leader

    06/10/2015 Duración: 25min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham shares what it means to be a leader, and the differences between effective and ineffective leadership. The job of a leader is not to manage, it's to lead and develop more leaders and in doing so, productivity and results become the by-product.The Funnel of LeadershipAccording to this framework, the roles of a leader are as follows:Enroll: To enroll qualified candidates into a vision, mission and purpose.Engage: To get them to a point where they are truly engaged with what they do.Empower: To empower them at a level where they feel they have meaning, importance and appreciation for the things they do.Educate: To lead the people by educating them which allow them to grow their skills.Elevate: To elevate them to a higher level in terms of value, meaning and purpose.Effective vs. Ineffective LeadershipThis funnel of leadership can be divided into two sides—effective and ineffective. The stuff on the in

  • TES 037 - Choosing The Best Business Idea

    29/09/2015 Duración: 25min

    In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham addresses a frequent question that is, “How do we know which is the right opportunity to go after?” When multiple opportunities come your way, you cannot serve each and every one of them. While filtering them, we need to make sure that we don't lack focus and resources to make the greatest impact.For that, we need to think about three key principles:Follow Core Strengths: To operate in the most effective and efficient way.Follow Profitability: Follow the opportunity that makes profit.Bet on Probability: Bet on the opportunities with greatest probabilities.Once you understand these three elements, we have the foundation to say which opportunities and ideas deserve further attention. During the initial analysis we create a quadrant model with our core strengths in the vertical axis and profitability in the horizontal axis. We rate and place opportunities (0 – 10) on one of the four quadrants based on

  • TES 036 - Self Leadership Trumps Self Development

    22/09/2015 Duración: 22min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham shares the importance of self-leadership and how it relates to entrepreneurship and your success. Before we start with personal development, we need to start with our "self" first. We have to be aware of the things that we are doing.Funnel of Self LeadershipThe funnel of self leadership allows you to shift your life and the things that you are doing. You create a path that moves you from being accidental to intentional.There are 6 stages:Awareness: Everything begins with awareness. We cannot shift things if we are not aware. So, the first stage is being self-aware about what you know, don't know and where you want to go. When we consciously work on self-awareness, we not only become aware of our surroundings but we also start focusing on building our ability.Ability: When you become aware, you now have the ability to start building core skills, knowledge and tactics to elevate the things t

  • TES 035 - Systematize Your Business Systems for Accelerated Success

    15/09/2015 Duración: 27min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham goes in-depth about Business Systems. He talks about the characteristics of a good business system and the keys for its success. A good business system leverages your time so you can focus only on the core elements.The Anatomy of a Good Business SystemsCustomer Focused: Everything we do needs to be focused on customer experience. The system is no good if it creates friction. So we need to create a system that transcends customer experience.Best Practices: We should make it world class while avoiding the perfectionist syndrome which gets nothing done. Get the best practices that exist. Be flexible to improve on it regularly and build a system that grows with time.Single Outcome: The system should be focused on a single outcome because then we can measure it. Make sure it typically has a specific outcome focused on it.Single Ownership: It should have singular ownership where one person is responsible. At t

  • TES 034 - Shifting Your Habits for Faster Success

    08/09/2015 Duración: 27min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham talks about habits, how they are created and how we can change our habits.Habit LoopIn his book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg talks about the concept of a habit loop. There are three factors in it:Cue: It is the initiator or driver of the habit. It is something that triggers a pattern for you without a lot of conscious thought.Routine: After the cue is triggered, what follows next is your habit or routine. It is the things that you repeatedly or automatically do when the hook is hooked.Reward: The benefit that we get when we run a pattern is called reward. It can be positive or negative.There is a critical point where we can shift things. It could be a slight or a lengthy moment. So, a fourth component can be added to the habit loop and it is:Reflect: The moment where we have the opportunity to reflect and ask ourselves whether the habits serves us. If it doesn't serve us, we can replace it wi

  • TES 033 - 7 Keys to an Online Business

    01/09/2015 Duración: 23min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham continues answering a question sent in by Marie from St. Lucia. Shifting focus from the outline of general business plans, he talks about the specific elements necessary for online businesses.Here are the 7 elements to consider in the planning process of online businesses:Content Creation: We need to create content or products on a regular basis to get to our consumers. Develop a content creation strategy that can be used to put products online on a regular basis.Traffic Cultivation: You can set up the best website or online system but it doesn't mean anything without traffic. People must view it, and interact with it. So, how are you going to bring in people?Conversion Optimization: Even before running traffic through it, we need to optimize the conversions first. Put a strategy in place to get your conversions as high as possible and then run the throughput.After Sale Magnification: After selling,

  • TES 032 - What to Have in a Business Plan

    25/08/2015 Duración: 30min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham reveals about the outline of business plans. The process of getting a business plan in place is the most important, not the ultimate document. Depending on the industry or business, you can always tweak it.What's in a Typical Business PlanExecutive: Executive summary is a high level summary and its idea is to arouse interest. It is your pitch to frame the problem, solution, market, competition, team, financials and milestones.Company: It is about what you are and the things you do. Share an emotionally compelling and aspirational vision to drive movement. Talk about the nuts and bolts of the business along with its structure, elements, backstory and history.Offering: This section is about what you do, and the details of products or services that you will offer. Describe who the product will serve and their uniqueness. Share proof of concepts, the benefits that customers will get and what its perceiv

  • TES 031 - Build a Profitable Business Model

    18/08/2015 Duración: 18min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham reveals  in-depth about what is needed to build a profitable business model. There are different elements of it and the things that need to be considered. He talks about one that is used to come up with an optimal business model.Sign up to join me on a private Zoom call and accelerate your way to financial freedom at Join me for a 3-part, free live training where I teach you the blueprint to becoming financially liberated so you can experience the freedom you deserve!Register at

  • TES 030 - What Is Your Business Model

    11/08/2015 Duración: 25min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham reveals in-depth about one of the most critical elements of business which is your business model. He talks about what business models are and their ingredients, where you might be in the business model ladder, the importance of having the right model and the indicators to tell if you are in the wrong place. Business successes and failures are directly related to business models.Business Model LadderBased upon where you are in this framework, it gives you an idea of what you need to focus on.No Model: Most starting entrepreneurs do not have any business model. Value is also not created. It simply is an idea and there is no cash flow. A decision is required to begin the transition and start making money.A Model: You have elevated the idea to a hobby. Now you know how to get your products out there to serve consumers. We need to define the things in our business model to cross the money line.Workable Model

  • TES 029 - How to Build a Team

    04/08/2015 Duración: 21min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham reveals in-depth about hiring and building a team, and their talents. The different things to consider in attracting talent, building a team and developing it are talked about. When it comes to scaling a business, an entrepreneur cannot do it alone. A skilled group is required to provide assistance to leverage a business.These are the things that we need to look for when building a team:Skills: Skillset is the minimum price of entry. It enables them to get the work done. It tells whether or not people have the proficiency to tackle the daily work and challenges. So, do they have the skillset?Values: It impacts the integrity and ethics of a business. There should be an alignment of values and it will allow you to keep the team members with the necessary skillset. If you have people with different values, it will destroy a business. So, figure out your as well as the individual values of team members and u

  • TES 028 - How to Get the Right Mentor

    21/07/2015 Duración: 28min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham reveals talk in-depth about the concept of mentorship, what to look for in a mentor, their types and whether all of them are equal. There are no self-made men or women. There are people around them that helped and believed in them. All success is a team work. With mentorship, you allow someone who has already experienced the journey and understood the perspective to shrink your learning curve and avoid the mistakes they made.What to look for in mentors?Vision: Do they understand your vision, your passion for it and its importance to you? They should be willing to travel the journey while providing the support when you are lost or confused.Values and Ideals: Mentors should have the same values as you and focus on the same things. So when your values are getting fulfilled they are getting rewarded as well. They fight for it with great passion, energy and commitment because at the same time, their values ar

  • TES 027 - Getting Your Business Name Right

    13/07/2015 Duración: 27min

    In this episode #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham reveals the considerations for getting your business name.Today I answer a frequent question—"Is the name of your business really that important?"The short answer is YES. Your name is the first piece of branding that you are going to do. It is your first message to the world.Here' are the 5 things that come about from your name:Precept: It creates a legal identity and introduces the company to the marketplace.Position: The business name can portray your position in an industry or marketplace. It creates a visual impression.Personality: Your name can signify the kind of personality traits or reputation the business portrays.Product: Your name can also be something that you offer as a product. Be careful and think broader to have a name that will not limit you down the road.Preferences: The name can be driven from the market that you are specifically focusing on. It can be influenced by the

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