Ambassadors Of Joy



Founders, entrepreneurs, and leaders across the country ask the important questions: How do we uplift humanity? How do we truly find joy in everything we do? How can we deploy capital that values human interest over profit?  Priya and Amy take us on a journey as they bridge the narratives of spirituality, conscious living, and business through illuminating, accessible, and contagious conversations. Join the high vibes as they dig deep into the essence of popular business theories, and bring guests to share their wisdom through spiritual journeys leading them to a life full of abundance, clarity, well-being, and purpose. To further expand your mind and heart, join us on IG @ambassadorsofjoy and check out our peace projects at


  • Does humanity really need religion? - S2, Episode 6 - With Yoga Fusion Founder Greg Riley

    18/10/2020 Duración: 01h08min

    We invite you to pursue clarity and embrace the evolution of your own spirit. How can we keep our consciousness and understanding fresh? Together in this episode, we reflect on spirituality, religion, and what it takes to unleash pure love.When you know what you don’t want, you know what you do want. Life is an amazing adventure, and we are all here to discover our purpose and calling to achieve true fulfillment. No one has an easy journey, and a lot of us have to hit rock bottom before finding peace and true joy. It is up to us then to transform pain and suffering into gold and pure love. Today’s episode is very special, as we are joined by Yoga Fusion’s founder Greg Riley to have an enlightened conversation around religion, spirituality, and clarity. Humans evolve and change, and so do our beliefs, so how can we keep our consciousness fresh? How can we keep updating and upgrading our own softwares to keep growing? Our intention for today is to achieve clarity and a higher level of consciousness to be able t

  • Without Death, There Is No Birth: The Dualistic Nature of the Physical World - S2, Episode 5 (The Birthing of a New Consciousness Series)

    13/07/2020 Duración: 01h01min

    In this episode, we talk about the opposing yet balanced forces that rule our world. Our intention for today is to allow ourselves to take time and sit with our emotions and thoughts, as we practice responding instead of reacting. Join us as we share our thoughts on the dualities of life and how our species has been given unique opportunities to transform and evolve for the best.Take inspired action:- Remember that we are spiritual beings in a physical experience; acknowledge the physical laws that rule our dualistic world.- In the darkness, have faith and keep pushing. Believe in yourself, your fellow humans, and our planet.- Allow the older narratives to completely dismantle in front of us; open up to the possibilities of transformation. Today’s Key Takeaways: (04:27) - How to feel the energy fields surrounding our bodies.(08:33) - Beyond the physical world: the dualistic nature of our dimension.(16:12) - Taoism in the western societies: the importance of science embracing spirituality.(21:28) - On Amy’s la

  • Embracing Transformation - S2, Episode 4 (The Birthing of a New Consciousness Series)

    06/07/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    We can never step in the same river twice. Like a river or any body of water, the universe is always in flux, and change and transformation are the only constant in life. We hit the ground running in today’s conversation with several lightbulb moments as we reflect on this universal truth, inviting ourselves to surrender and flow with the currents of the Universe, living in harmony with the Tao and the natural laws of creation.Join us as we distinguish between “going with the flow” to thrive amidst transformation versus completely letting go, doing nothing, and stagnating. Sometimes, our best growth happens during times of change and discomfort. Our intention for today is to bring more peace into our space and lean into our transformation, and explore different ways we can welcome love and acceptance in order to flow with difficult times.Take inspired action:- Allow yourself to lean into transformational experiences every single day, no matter how uncomfortable. This is the essence of flowing with the univers

  • Status-Quo & The Collective Consciousness - S2, Episode 2 (The Birthing of a New Consciousness Series)

    22/06/2020 Duración: 01h13min

    In this episode, we continue our Season 2 journey of reflecting on the parallels between pregnancy and pandemic and discuss the evolution of consciousness that humanity is experiencing on a collective level.We dive head-first into a hearty discussion about what life looks like before transformation... On a societal level, we refer to this as collective consciousness, which may not be all that "collective" after all.  Join our thought-provoking discussion about the status quo of humanity, and how our systems operate around a lack-based model that fuels fear, stress, anxiety, separation, doubt, and competition.  How can we be a driving force that transforms us from a state of competitive consciousness to one of cooperative consciousness? Our intention today: To appreciate what we have around us, right here, right now.Take inspired action:- Recognize that you are a whole, living ecosystem. - Be an active, driving force to transition humanity from a competitive consciousness to a cooperative one.- Critically ques

  • Season 2 Trailer: The Birthing of a New Consciousness

    15/06/2020 Duración: 51s

    Founders, entrepreneurs, and leaders across the country ask the important questions: How do we uplift humanity? How do we truly find joy in everything we do? How can we deploy capital that values human interest over profit?  Priya and Amy take us on a journey as they bridge the narratives of spirituality, conscious living, and business through illuminating, accessible, and contagious conversations. Join the high vibes as they dig deep into the essence of popular business theories, and bring guests to share their wisdom through spiritual journeys leading them to a life full of abundance, clarity, well-being, and purpose. To further expand your mind and heart, join us on Instagram @ambassadorsofjoy and check out our peace projects at

  • The Birthing of a New Consciousness - S2, Episode 1 - Pregnancy & Pandemic

    15/06/2020 Duración: 01h07min

    We are back for season 2 of Ambassadors of Joy! Our intention for today is to welcome stillness, particularly in the midst of chaos. We chat about what our first season was like, and the life events that inspired this second season. Realizing a striking similarity between the process of giving birth and the transition to a new consciousness, we begin a 5-episode journey to explore how what we’re seeing in our world today reflects the natural cycle of life, evolution, and awakening.Stages in the natural cycle of birth / transition (discussed in depth over the next 4 episodes):- (Pre-conception) Seeing life as is - status quo & the collective consciousness- (Conception) Conceiving the seeds of awareness- (Pregnancy) Embracing transformation + cultivating trust & patience in the gestation process- (Childbirth) Without death, there is no birth: accepting the dualistic nature of manifesting in our physical worldTake inspired action:- Welcome stillness into your life, and learn how to respond, not react  (t

  • Aloha Mini-Series - Part 2 - Living the Spirit of Aloha at Work

    08/06/2020 Duración: 01h12min

    In this second episode of our Aloha Mini-Series, we draw inspiration from an article that we discovered in the Southwest Magazine on our flight to Maui. In “Work with an Aloha Attitude”, Rosa Say teaches us how to apply the Hawaiian value of Aloha to our life’s work, inspiring us to live authentically from the inside out and to make management more human. By practicing self-love and love for other people, we can cultivate a positive workplace that nourishes us rather than stresses us out. We also chat about engaging in purposeful work - work that sparks true joy, and is uniquely aligned with what each of us can offer the world.Take inspired action:- Welcome heaven on earth and practice being a friend to yourself (Tool: Every morning, list 3 things that you appreciate or are grateful for).- Give yourself permission to let go (Tool: Set an intention, meditate, or journal). - Bring the attributes of ‘Aloha’ to the workplace, even in times of conflict (Tool: Approach experiences with a clear mindset and with pati

  • Aloha Mini-Series - Part 1 - Diving Into the Spirit of Aloha

    01/06/2020 Duración: 01h17min

    In this first part of our Aloha Mini-Series, we recall our trip to Maui, where we celebrated 1,000+ downloads for Season 1. Maui was filled with magical moments that inspired us to our core. Our intention for today is to celebrate life and dive deep into understanding the meaning of Aloha. It’s time to embrace the present moment and live with unity, humility, and patient perseverance! Take inspired action:- Celebrate all that you are in your own truth (tool: ask yourself, “Who am I?”).- Practice humility even when it is difficult (tool: write down 3 similarities between you and someone who has caused you frustration).- Bring presence into any activity that you do (tool: practice mindfulness during a simple, short daily activity, such as brushing your teeth).Today’s key takeaways: (09:35) - What is the Aloha Spirit? Treat life and the universe with patience.(15:40) - The deeper significance of “Aloha” as an acronym, and how it resembles our values as Ambassadors of Joy.(18:30) - Ala, or watchful alertness: Amy

  • The Maharishi Effect - Episode 10 - A Story of Food and Love, With Paddy Iyer

    19/12/2018 Duración: 46min

    Have you ever heard of the Maharishi Effect? It is a principle that says an individual’s consciousness can have a profound effect on the local environment and community. In this episode, we chat with our dear friend, Paddy Iyer, whose passion for the Bay Area community has uplifted thousands of families across the cities. Together, we witness first-hand how Paddy chooses to embrace the beauty in every moment and how his view on living life without regrets has enabled him to carry out large-scale projects driving meaningful impact. Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Google Play | Spotify | Soundcloud | Stitcher | Podchaser | Acast |

  • Life Happens FOR You - Episode 9 - With WeWork Senior Product Manager Christie Tang

    19/12/2018 Duración: 56min

    We often believe that life is happening TO us. In this episode, Christie Tang, a seasoned product manager in the Silicon Valley, takes us through her journey of exploring the flip side of that statement - life is not happening TO us, it’s happening FOR us. With product management being an incredibly popular but demanding and stressful career, Christie talks to us about how she’s expanded her consciousness and spirituality to thrive and live life exactly the way she’s creating it for herself. We delve into important topics, such as transforming negative self-talk, building confidence, setting intentions, and celebrating the wins. Our Toolkit for this Episode: Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Masaru Emoto and his water crystal experiment Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Google Play |

  • Infectious Energy - Episode 8 - Uplifting Yourself and Others to Success, With Lucky Sandhu

    19/12/2018 Duración: 57min

    As we set out to accomplish great things, there may come moments in our journey where we feel stuck or in pain or come across some seemingly large obstacles. How do we transform ourselves at these inevitable crossroads in life? In this heartfelt and enlightening episode, our special guest, Lucky Sandhu, shares practical tips, frameworks, and tools that have led him through his MBA from UC Berkeley Haas School of Business to his term as President of San Ramon Rotary to founding and expanding his business, RelFin Mortgage, to fund a billion dollars in residential mortgages, all while raising his incredible daughter Chaya. In our conversation, we explore how opening our hearts and surrendering in challenging moments, embracing our true essence, and believing in others’ success can manifest growth, joy, success, and well-being. Our Toolkit for this Episode: The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Law of Attr

  • Doors Slam Open - Episode 7 - With Michael and Janet Mendonca of LN-4

    19/12/2018 Duración: 51min

    When we’re aligned with our purpose, pure in our intention, and trusting of the universe, unbelievable opportunities start popping up everywhere to help us achieve our goals in ways we never imagined possible. Meet Michael and Janet Mendonça, a heartful and enterprising couple, who have produced and distributed over 30,000 prosthetic hands in 80 Countries, with their acclaimed prosthetic hand design represented in the Smithsonian Museum. From their remarkable stories, we learn the hidden lessons of the universe on how to channel the power of creation, trust frequency, and joy to unlock and manifest our fullest potential. Our Toolkit for this Episode: The Flywheel Effect from Good to Great, by Jim Collins Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Google Play | Spotify | Soundcloud |

  • Practical Spirituality - Episode 6 - Featuring Bita Rad

    19/12/2018 Duración: 45min

    Who says that spirituality isn’t practical? When you’re fully connected to your inner being, your entire world can blossom in unimaginable ways. In this episode, we learn from entrepreneur and fashion design professor Bita Rad, who shares special examples of how the alignment of expanded consciousness and her skills and desires has manifested wonderful accomplishments in various parts of her life. From crafting products to teaching at Otis, Bita’s manifestations and wisdom show how our inward journey, natural curiosity, and celebration of every moment can come together and lead to unprecedented growth and success. Our Toolkit for this Episode: Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks Inspiration from Alan Watts Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Google Play | Spotify | Soundcloud | https:

  • Good to Great - Episode 5 - The Power of Building Intentional Momentum

    10/11/2018 Duración: 48min

    Why do some companies make the leap and others don’t? Jim Collins' Good to Great continues to fuel our conversations in regards to energy, momentum, and manifestations of seemingly lofty goals and achievements. There is no silver bullet, but our practice of patience, allowance and trust can lead us to clarity; and in clarity we can invoke laser-focused intentions to create something much bigger than ourselves. Our Toolkit for this Episode: Good to Great by Jim Collins Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Spotify | Soundcloud | Stitcher |

  • A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink - Episode 4 - Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future

    09/11/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Society has been developing in favor for the left-brain, the logical side of our reality. We are joined together by Daniel Pink’s book, A Whole New Mind, to discuss what happens when we activate the right-brain to bring forth a super power brain. We explore the human experience in duality, abundance, and the integration of a holistic life leading to balance. Our Toolkit for this Episode: A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink Be Here Now by Ram Dass Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Spotify | Soundcloud | Stitcher |

  • The Tipping Point - Episode 3 - Real Life Law of Attraction Examples

    09/11/2018 Duración: 46min

    We often look for that one thing which caused a disruption, a breakthrough, or an overnight success. In this episode, we discuss real life Law of Attraction examples, illustrating how we are all constantly creating our reality with the energies of momentum, intentions, and emotions via Malcolm Gladwell’s most celebrated book, The Tipping Point. Our Toolkit for this Episode: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Spotify | Soundcloud | Stitcher |

  • The Culture Code Decoded - Episode 2 - Why Consciousness is the Key

    09/11/2018 Duración: 31min

    What builds a great culture? We are joined together in this episode to decode the stories presented by Daniel Coyle in his book The Culture Code. Listen to how the San Antonio Spurs’ success in teamwork has a direct correlation to the service paradigm. As well as why taking care of yourself is a prerequisite of helping others, and how living with an open heart and mind can become the key in creating a great life and culture in any context. Our Toolkit for this Episode: The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Spotify | Soundcloud | Stitcher |

  • Oprah and A New Earth - Episode 1 - Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

    09/11/2018 Duración: 49min

    Why did Oprah give Stanford’s entire graduating class of 2008 a book called A New Earth? Was she trying to share the secrets of her success and we totally missed the point? After a decade, Amy and Priya are joined together on this first episode to uncover Oprah’s messages. We discuss the nature of our ego, where the rise of individualism and diversity further promote separation and how we might move beyond the labels to awaken to our life’s true purpose. Our Toolkit for this Episode: Oprah’s 2008 Stanford Commencement Speech | A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks Connect with Amy & Priya: Website | Instagram | Subscribe to the Ambassadors of Joy Podcast: iTunes | Spotify | Soundcloud | Stitcher |

  • Ambasssadors of Joy Trailer

    30/10/2018 Duración: 02min

    Founders, entrepreneurs, and leaders across the country ask the important questions: How do we uplift humanity? How do we truly find joy in everything we do? How can we deploy capital that values human interest over profit?  Priya and Amy take us on a journey as they bridge the narratives of spirituality, conscious living, and business through illuminating, accessible, and contagious conversations. Join the high vibes as they dig deep into the essence of popular business theories, and bring guests to share their wisdom through spiritual journeys leading them to a life full of abundance, clarity, well-being, and purpose. To further expand your mind and heart, join us on IG @ambassadorsofjoy and check out our peace projects at .