Ambassadors Of Joy

Infectious Energy - Episode 8 - Uplifting Yourself and Others to Success, With Lucky Sandhu



As we set out to accomplish great things, there may come moments in our journey where we feel stuck or in pain or come across some seemingly large obstacles. How do we transform ourselves at these inevitable crossroads in life? In this heartfelt and enlightening episode, our special guest, Lucky Sandhu, shares practical tips, frameworks, and tools that have led him through his MBA from UC Berkeley Haas School of Business to his term as President of San Ramon Rotary to founding and expanding his business, RelFin Mortgage, to fund a billion dollars in residential mortgages, all while raising his incredible daughter Chaya. In our conversation, we explore how opening our hearts and surrendering in challenging moments, embracing our true essence, and believing in others’ success can manifest growth, joy, success, and well-being. Our Toolkit for this Episode: The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Law of Attr